Just Because... by bjywamer

Just Because...

Still pulling photos from my archives while my knee has me temporarily out of commission for walking. Don't believe I ever posted this one, taken back in May. I like the light in it!

Many thanks for your visits, comments, and favs. All are very much appreciated!
August 19th, 2024  
Like the colours.
August 19th, 2024  
Yes, the light is lovely, Barb! I also like how the tree branches are reaching past the mountains and up into the sky! Fav
August 19th, 2024  
Lovely light and clouds. You are really suffering at the moment with your knee aren't you. Must be so frustrating. Hope it is better soon.
August 19th, 2024  
Pretty golden light!
August 20th, 2024  
Beautifully composed
August 20th, 2024  
Lovely light and shot. I'm sorry to hear about your knee problem. I have knee problems too. Actually, it's not me who has the problem, but the doctors. I wanted to get a referral for physiotherapy, but first the orthopedist told me to have an X-ray of my knees and hips. The result was terrible. I have a tibial subluxation in the knee joint and according to medical knowledge I shouldn't be walking. Well, I'm walking, swiming, biking and since I heard the diagnosis, even my knees have stopped hurting. I'm a little afraid that I might miss an important moment. But I don't trust doctors and I think it's too early for surgery.
August 20th, 2024  
@haskar Great testimony! Yes, we are to the point of not trusting doctors much at all! Professionals have told me that I don't need an MRI. That it wouldn't tell them anything they don't already know. Baloney! I know that the x-rays I've had don't reveal everything. Anyone can learn that by Googling! LOL They told me that I am a long way from needing surgery, which is fine with me, if true. But there has been an ongoing instability in that knee since March 1st and none of the doctors have given me a definitive answer as to why the knee goes out! Maybe that's why they say doctors are "practicing" medicine...

Trusting God to simply give me a brand new knee! He is more than able! Glad to hear that you are doing so well with yours! Thanks for sharing your story!
August 20th, 2024  
@onewing Thank you, Babs!
August 20th, 2024  
@bjywamer Thanks Barb! I turned to physical therapy. I had one meeting with a specialist but I use very simple exercises that can be found on YouTube. There are a lot of them there, most of them are for athletes, but there are also some for seniors. Now (while waiting for a doctor's appointment) I exercise and it seems to be better.
August 21st, 2024  
@haskar I, too, am in physical therapy and have been given a number of quite simple exercises to help with my low back, hip, and knee strength. With the recent setback it is difficult to do those; but I will persevere and hope they make a difference. Glad yours are helping! :-)
August 21st, 2024  
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