WOW! This is beautiful! It is so interesting seeing your shots of palm trees and beach shots when I am posting pumpkins and changing leaves. It's nice to share these opposing surroundings.
Thank you, friends, for all your nice comments. It's a crazy time working at Innocean, and I currently have very little time for 365, let alone for sleep. I'm hoping this short-term assignment turns in to a longer-term relationship. I will visit and comment as often as I can carve out the time.
It's soooo pretty! Has everything I love - sunset, silhouette and palm trees. Fav :)
SOOP is a variation of the term 'SOiP' that I lifted from William V. Johnson - @wmvjohnson , who shoots wonderful images with his iPhone 4, as well as with a grown-up camera. :).
This shot came out of my iPhone without going through any apps...just point, shoot and output.
Thanks again, @reevesangie @suelbiz47 @robv @forgetmenot @christifitz @ellen @arlyah365 @blightygal @melissapike @chevymom @cheetah1713 @artistmichelle @mrssmith @taleweaver @dmortega @samantherzz @indiannie_jones @hellcat @cirasj @rudit @clarissajohal @fysmith
And @glyn - hahahaha