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I started a project in 2013, and it's hard to shake the urge to post here. This will be my testing ground for a new venture.

It's 2024, and I'm working on making a website for my latest project, which is a very deep dive into my family's history. I've been doing research for a year now, and it's time to get my project written up for family, and for the possibility of making something out of it that goes beyond family. I will take time in July and the majority of August to "research in residence" in Savannah, GA and in counties below Savannah where many of my ancestors spent most of their lives. I have been the unofficial keeper of all the family relics, passed down to me over the years, and I'm pulling them all out for the inquiries I remember having from childhood and into adulthood. I have three main focuses for my research. First, I'm mapping out my great-great-grandfather's memoir he wrote. I'm curious about the items he decides to relate and the things he omitted. My second focus has been to "Follow the Women." The women of my family usually outlived their male counterparts, and while they are harder to track, the relationships, drive, and endurance intrigue me. The final focus of my work, not really a focus, but a way of operating, is to engage in the work where White generational guilt intersects with Black generational trauma.

For anyone who follows me, these are the parameters I operate under:
I post when I can. I comment when I can, and I promise to answer any questions.

For general information about my photography work:

Flickr account: https://www.flickr.com/photos/130415259@N03/albums
Instagram: @daryloharephotography
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doharephotography

Main Camera: Sony a7RII, 35mm Zeiss lens

My other Cameras: Canon 7DMII, Canon Rebel EOS T2i, Canon waterproof camera, Samsung Phone, Nikon point and shoot

Here is my one article I wrote that gives 10 reasons to start a 365 project. I think it sums up my feelings about this place:


Thanks to Alexis Birkill for providing a link to photos that have made the popular page: http://alexisbirkill.com/365project/popularpage/getuserdetails.php?username=darylo

If you need to take 10 minutes out of your day (minimum), then watch this slideshow of my year two (My Year One ended on a very sad trip to Mexico, so I waited until the end of Year two to collect all the types of photography I engaged in): http://365project.org/darylo/365/2015-01-21