Photographing photographs

September 9th, 2010
I am wanting to compile a photobook for a christmas gift ( there are a couple of companies here who print them) however I need to start using some of my old wet film prints. Any techniques or tips on how to get the best results ( nope , I dont have the negatives- so will have to photograph them ? )
September 9th, 2010
Did you check to see if there are any places in your area that can scan the print for you?
September 9th, 2010
Scan them, for sure. You can get a good quality scanner at Incredible Connection for under R400... I had an HP one in highschool which wasn't even R500

Post Net should theoretically be able to scan them for you but they're kinda overpriced, from what I remember.
September 9th, 2010
Someone asked me for copies of some very old photographs to use in his book recently. They all date from the 1930s. After pricing the cost of scanning, I tried photographing them using the macro setting. They were perfect! In fact they are better than the originals. Give it a try, anyway, and see how they go.
September 9th, 2010
I've scanned most of my old photos onto disc or zip drive...although photographing them sounds like it worked well for Robin.
September 10th, 2010
I scanned all my old photos before I moved to Australia and that has worked for me, I have also used some of them in a photobook and the quality was good although not as good as newer digital photos but as they were from "the old days" it worked well to have the aged appearance.
I have never tried photographing them so cannot offer any comparison.
The only downside for me is the time it took to do them all!
September 11th, 2010
I have just recently started photographing all of my old photos. I set up a tripod using a macro lens. I also use natural light only. In my case its our sunroom. Be prepared to set up some shading options to avoid glares. I found this was quicker than scanning and it gave me a larger image. My scanner isn't that great. Good luck!
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