A Photo A Day

April 26th, 2013
Having been with 365 Project since January 1st 2013 I have enjoyed it greatly, my photographs have I think improved and the views together with comments from fellow 365'ers have been fantastic.

The biggest problem I am encountering is my lifestyle just does not see me taking

' A Photo A Day '

Yes, I know its sounds a poor excuse but my camera doesn't accompany me everywhere I go and even if it did the chance to take a some good shots aren't always there because of where I am e.g at work or travelling to and from work.

The Word a Day here has helped greatly because it really does take me out of my comfort zone to get a shot which represents that word. Although increasingly I find myself taking a batch of photos on random days when I get the time or maybe when I am off out somewhere armed with my camera bag when I'm on my days off.

It certainly is a struggle to keep up and this is not my way of saying I am quitting or as previously written here 'throwing in the towel'.

Instead rather than aiming to get that photo every single day I am going to carry on uploading photos when I feel I have a reasonable photo or two in the bag so to speak.

The only issue then is I want to be careful not to upload a huge wad of photos occasionally because I feel this wouldn't sit good if fellow 365'ers go to the Home Page and see a long line of one persons photos. There have been times when I have literally been siting here with my camera in my hand thinking to myself " Now then its late I haven't taken a photo today and I need to take one but what an earth can I photo and upload?" It kind of takes the 'fun' out of taking pictures in the first place.

Anyway, I have waffled on for far too long now and I hope my post here expresses how maybe some other 365ers feel from time to time.

Thank-You for Reading .
April 26th, 2013
Make this project yours, however you need to do it! I try for one a day, but sometimes it doesn't work out. Sometimes I take two or three one day. Sometimes I do mass uploads. I don't think it will bother anyone else if you do a mass upload. We all know that sometimes life gets in the way! But whatever you, just make sure its for your own pleasure! Do what works for you ;)
April 26th, 2013
I am now into my third year and am endeavouring to stick to a photo a day this year. The past two years I've used fillers but labelled them as such within the title (for my own benefit really so I can tot up at the end of the year) I can remember the first time I used a filler. I felt distraught, that somehow I'd failed, but this is your project with your rules so don't beat yourself up.
So far this year I have managed to only post shots on the day I've taken them but this is down to a personal challenge and not because I fear the 365 police will be on to me if I don't ;o) The thing to remember is to enjoy the process and when it stops being fun take a break and I can guarantee you'll soon be back :o)
April 26th, 2013
I think we all have days like you are describing but the project has to work for you. The inclement uk weather has meant that many posts have been indoors . But if I have a days shoot I pick out the most usable put to one side process on a gloomy or busy day process then post I don't class these as fillers : as for mass uploads personally not sure they work that well one person I follow uploaded 30 in one day and whilst there were some amazing pics I simply hit to the point where I started to skip them : but it's your project and it depends what you want from it high profile trying to hit the PP page or low profile and upload and look at others work ! I write this because today I had a wholly uninspired day took an image and uploaded thinking same old same old : tomorrow may be different who knows but I shall post either a processed or on the day image : hope that helps
April 26th, 2013
I upload a photo a day - photos taken recently, not on the day. Works for me :)
April 26th, 2013
I am only on day 90 and agree it is sometimes very challenging to find that 1 shot everyday, but no matter how mundane I give it a go because this project is teaching me to look where I haven't previously even thought a worthy picture can be taken. And some are duds but it is still the effort you make ... And I have had to use a couple of fillers when the time gets away from me and realize I haven't taken a shot. It is a personal journey and it is wonderful to go on it with so many other like minded people, learning heaps and loving it. Just make it your own.
April 26th, 2013
It is a challenge to get photos each day. This is my second year and unlike the first year when I need to use a photo not from that day, I prefer to use one from that week, if that is not possible then that month. It is your project, no one complains when you post a picture not from that day. Some of the competitions here require a certian time frame. Even the word of day is not strict about the day you use a word, I think they prefer you keep in that month.
April 27th, 2013
I think it depends on why you are doing the project. I only started partway through January 2013 and already it has changed for me. Originally I wanted to take a photo everyday but sometimes it's been too busy or I have too many awesome photos from the weekend. Recently though I'm going back over past photos and editing and uploading them because I feel I have do many 'lost' photos and I want to improve my editing skills :) the best thing though is that I've become more confident in photography and I'm willing to push my boundaries (ie waking up to catch a sunrise :)) good luck and enjoy!
April 27th, 2013
I started at the beginning of the year too, and have a crazy hectic life - (don't we all - haha!) so finding that while rarely does a day go by that I don't take a pic, there are times I don't feel I have one worthy to put up. When I go out to run errands at weekend I take my camera and load up. That way, if I miss a day or to, I usually have something to fall back on. At first I felt I was cheating somehow but then 'lightbulb moment' - it's my project.......and now I am OK with using fillers when I need to.
April 27th, 2013
It's definitely challenging to get a photo a day. I am so OCD with it and it absolutely has to be a photo that I took ON the day, and sometimes it makes me grumble, especially since I am doing TWO projects side by side (self portraits and random photos). I find it's important to always have a camera with me. When I'm home I use my DSLR, otherwise I use either my mobile phone or my point and shoot.

This project is yours though, so it's yours to do what you want with it! :) Like others have said, the most important thing is that you have fun with it!
April 27th, 2013
I go out on the weekend and take a bunch of photos and download one a day or i do a word challenge it works for me,
April 27th, 2013
I tried to do a photo a day and mostly have, but hate the days like you where you sit as the clock ticks by thinking what do I do today! I always have a camera in the car now as I am at work every day just in case there is something on the way to/from work. I stopped worrying about a new photo everyday and try to focus more on improving my photography. I think I am when I get chance to get out and about. Bottom line, it's your project, no one I follow, or who follows me ever seem to mind a filler as we all have busy lives. Enjoy, relax, do your thing !! ;))
April 27th, 2013
I think the whole rationale of this site is to challenge oneself to take a photo a day and upload it. In that way you begin to become much more observant, to notice new perspectives on familiar things and thus to improve your technique. Of course, sometimes life gets in the way, and it's not possible. I don't think it's really about showcasing your most impressive or awesome shots, though of course many photos on this site are just that. I like to have lots of positive comments of course, and the occasional PP appearance (haven't made the TT yet and don't really expect to do so!), but I know I've got lots of shots on my computer that I took pre-365 that are better than many I've uploaded here. I do try as far as possible though to posting a shot on the day I've taken it. I've definitely noticed that if someone uploads lots of shots at once, they get fewer comments on each, so I'd say that if you want people to engage with your photos, mass uploads are not the way to go.
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