Flickr News

May 21st, 2013
A terabyte of storage, a new look, I like it I like it a lot. but my pro status has gone??
May 21st, 2013
I see, i could not see my Pro Stat too...
I will check this tomorrow.
May 21st, 2013
Turns out your still pro you have unlimited storage and its add free,
May 21st, 2013
Yes, add free, thats right.
Thank you.
May 21st, 2013
I love the new look, but I can't find how to FAV or see EFIX data. I'll keep looking, but if anyone knows can you let us know? Thanks!
May 21st, 2013
What an absolutely horrendous change to what used to be a great service. Fortunately, I'm not alone. They are closing in on 5000 comments on their official feedback thread, and the comments are at least 99% negative. Follow the flames here:

Without an option to change the view, I'll be deleting my Flickr Pro account.
May 21st, 2013
@catwhiskers yeah... took me a while to find the exif... on bottom right there are three little circles and that takes you there... not intuitive... not sure yet how to fav... other than that, can't say i'm unhappy with the look... my eyes aren't great and i'm appreciating the bigger crisper look to images...
May 21st, 2013
@northy Thanks Northy
May 21st, 2013
Looks awesome, have no idea what people are whining about. Displaying photo's how they should be seen, 365 could learn from that

@catwhiskers @northy Just click on the star icon below a photo to fav it
May 21st, 2013
@jase_again Thanks
May 21st, 2013
@jase_again Aye, looks better to me n'all. Though the scrapping of Pro accounts is gonna cause a kerfuffle, wonder if there'll be a refund scheme now that the dumb 100 (or whatever) photo limit is toast.
May 21st, 2013
Arrrgh what have they done! I have been a member for years and they have done some bad things in the past but this is just the worst!!!
Everyone go to the help forum. There are some threads there to vote - not that it will make any difference. :(
May 21st, 2013
I have just checked and it has made my private family photos public!
May 21st, 2013
I love the new viewing format, especially the main page. It really highlights the photos others are posting so much nicer. Fortunately, all my pics are public so that won't be an issue for me.
May 21st, 2013
@dandolo I don't think this has happened to me, but I can't tell right now cos I can't get on to the site!
May 21st, 2013
@dandolo Really? All mine appear to have exactly the same permissions as they used to.

Hmmm, indeed log out and search and everything is in order - exactly as I left it. :shrug:
May 21st, 2013
I hate the new viewing format. It tells me nothing about the photos and takes ages to load. I'm going to be looking for a new home for my pictures - any suggestions?
May 21st, 2013
@mercuria That's the same issue I have with it, Ariel. All the details I post with a photo are now buried several clicks behind it. I'm looking for a new home as well, so if anyone knows of a solution please let us know. I'll continue to use Smugmug for my main photo site - I love it - but I'd really like to find another photo-centric hosting site to replace the new Flickr.
May 21st, 2013
Oh noes, oh noes! Change! Run away! Run away!

Srsly? lol :D
May 21st, 2013
@intymalcolm it would have been nice to have been be warned, as a paying customer. :-)
May 22nd, 2013
@intymalcolm change is difficult... lots of people don't do well with it... a good change management strategy is always wise, and it doesn't look like they really had one
May 22nd, 2013
@intymalcolm There's change and there's change. When browsers can't display a changed site properly, when it's more difficult to navigate and much slower, it's not a good change.

And I can't find how to delete any of my photos.
May 22nd, 2013
I think I will be dropping flickr too. The old site was unstructured and difficult to navigate; the new one is just horrible. I'll probably go back to just using PBase

In PBase, everything is organised around "galleries" and you can customise the look of your galleries.

Here are my "365 Leftovers" galleries on Pbase:
May 22nd, 2013
Linky thing to an online petition to get the new version of Flickr scrapped:

May 22nd, 2013
@northy Not convinced - what's the old adage, "it's better to ask forgiveness than permission". Change is fundamental to the nature of the universe. And it is certainly essential in software (indeed my biggest gripe about Photoshop is the pandering to the installed user base's resistance to change that means it's stuck with that Dog awful counter-intuitive UI.

Change is inevitable, embrace it. Resistance is futile.

@danette :lol: That's hilarious! Not only is the blogger barely literate ("I drug it" :rofl:), but he has a fundamental misunderstand of how the web works. There is nothing - absolutely nothing - that can be done to stop someone taking a copy of an image on the web; it's downloaded to your local machine as soon as you load the webpage, else you'd not be able to see it. That the exif is 'missing' is an optimisation of the resize process, to make viewing faster (a quick grep of his flickr stream shows the exif is still there associated with the image)

Never upload at wider than 600px? Really? That's barely a sixth the area of a standard, low end monitor - why would you upload a photo and deliberately make it look crap? And as for registering, at ~£40 a go, that's not really viable (and I though film was expensive!).

If you're really, really bothered about the possibility of someone stealing an image then the ONLY way to stop it is not to put it online.

Anyhow. Rant over. As you were :D
May 22nd, 2013
@intymalcolm begging forgiveness is a strategy... If that's the one they chose, fine... Presumably this means they have a plan in place to deal w negative reaction... Or they are prepared to deal w a mass exodus or at least the threat of one... I don't spend enough time on Flickr at the mo to have a rational viewpoint, but so far I am on balance happier w the new look and functionality than not... Sure there's a learning curve... But as you say (more or less) deal w it!

My original comment on change mgmt is more from my experience in managing change which isn't in marketing robin dealing w this kind if customer base... So really, what do I know ;)

May 22nd, 2013
@intymalcolm ok - auto correct made a garbled mess of that last bit and I no longer recall exactly what I intended to say... ;p
May 22nd, 2013
@intymalcolm You are most certainly entitled to your opinion and perspective. However, please don't discredit Daniel J. Cox. He is well respected in the industry and has substantial credits. Professionals who rely on selling their work don't want it taken without permission. While he doesn't use Flikr, he was warning others to be aware.
May 23rd, 2013
@northy Aye, reckon they must have. My guess is that it's broadly the same as Faceache's, ie "get over it" :)

@danette I make no comment about his work; he's clearly pro (who else could afford to register copyright with the appropriate agencies!) and I'm very, very much not. However, he is no Internet technology expert - and, as it goes, I am - and as such his apparent belief that some website are somehow able to prevent someone 'stealing' an image is wrong. They cannot. It's not possible. Further his concerns about exif are, I believe, misplaced; it's a 2 second job to strip that data even if it was included in the (now bloated) displayed image and do you think, really, that in the event that someone plans to steal an image the presence of exif is really going to stop them?
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