Two articles of photographic interest.

June 11th, 2013
The career of peeping tom photographer and his cardboard camera. Interesting article on Miroslav Tichý and his camera. Some of the photographs are NSFW.

European floods:


June 11th, 2013
Whilst I'm sure we won't all agree with his methods, you've got to admit his homemade cameras are pretty cool :)
June 12th, 2013
Wow, some of the flood pictures are amazing, the one near the end of the swimming pool is very surreal
June 12th, 2013
Thanks Paul, that guy is borderline genius, the images are stunning. A very frustrated artist
June 12th, 2013
All very cool interesting what photos he could get with his makeshift us no excuse with our fancy ones!
June 12th, 2013
Amazed at that homemade camera, certainly understand why no thought he was actually taking photos. Genius.
@steampowered thanks for posting both articles, especially the flooding shots - puts my minor leak issue into perspective.
June 12th, 2013
@steampowered Thanks for posting. I'm often checking the Big Picture but when someone posts them again, I always take a second look. There's always something you missed the first time.

Also, that first article was great, hadn't heard of that before.
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