Aerial shots of forests

August 6th, 2013
Amazing point of view! Thanks for sharing, Paul.
August 6th, 2013
Wow, this is amazing! Thanks for sharing!
August 6th, 2013
Incredible shots. Thanks for sharing!
August 6th, 2013
Thanks for sharing, Paul. Eastenders is in the cultural consciousnes as I don't even watch it but duf,duf,//duf, duf, duf went in my head when I saw number 5 (bad attempt to write sound of theme tune)
August 6th, 2013
Wow... those are incredible!
August 6th, 2013
Those are just magnificent! Thanks a lot for sharing Paul!
August 6th, 2013
All those shots are incredible!
August 9th, 2013

Etonnantes, tes photos-Astonishing!
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