Running of the Bulls American Style?

August 8th, 2013
Pamplona, Spain's Running of the Bulls on your bucket list, but you don't have the time or resources to travel abroad?!?!? Well, here's your opportunity to capture a similar event on this side of the pond!

My son-in-law has completed his application- including a waiver of liability in the event an injury or death may occur- to participate in the first American Running of the Bulls! I will be joining him and my daughter... with rosary beads in hand... on August 24th in Richmond, VA. As a member of 365, I will do my best to stay calm and click on! I hope others will join me!
August 8th, 2013
Sounds like fun! You should let Al Perry, @hollandcrew know about it. He doesn't live to far from there either.
August 8th, 2013
My uncle has a brahma bull named Rocky. He's $1,000 USD a stud service as I recall. Anyway for years I've been offering anyone who wanted a chance to do this a shot of running through the pasture with Rocky but no one has ever taken me up on it.
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