Worldwide Photo Walk-Hertford 5th Oct

August 20th, 2013
Not sure if the Herts 365'ers are aware of this but I found it by accident. I have joined up for the walk and it would be great to meet other people there. Just go to the worldwide walk site and it easy to register, there were about 45 places left after I had registered.

Hope fully see you there.
August 20th, 2013
ah good link - I signed up for the ST Albans one last year but got sick and couldn't go. I'll maybe try again this year!
August 20th, 2013
Ooh you will have to post a link to your pics Padlock. I used to live in a little house on the riverbank on Folly Island in the middle of Hertford about 20 years ago - happy days!
August 20th, 2013
That sounds really good fun - I've just checked out the site and registered for the Bath Photo Walk!
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