'am new and i feel lonely...:(

August 26th, 2013
i'm relatively new on this project- need some followers:)
August 26th, 2013
Welcome to 365! I like your style, looking forward to your photos!
August 26th, 2013
Follow others, and comment on their pics and in turn you will have followers too. :-)
August 26th, 2013
Welcome! Get involved, follow others, and you'll get followers in return :)
August 26th, 2013
Welcome to 365 :D Don't feel lonely, I'll follow you.
August 26th, 2013
Hello Buen and Welcome to 365! If you like others above have suggested get involved you'll soon no longer be feeling lonely, 365 is a wonderful community and I hope you enjoy it here. :D
August 26th, 2013
Welcome. Get involved. People will come.
August 26th, 2013
Welcome.. jump on in. I am new too (joined last month) and I started following all the people I think I can learn something from, or who's photos I enjoy. I now have 60 followers myself (I follow over 100) and I am loving the project! Have learnt so much already. Everyone's happy to help and give any advice. :D
August 26th, 2013
Love your 2 Strangers photo.
August 26th, 2013
Welcome to 365 ... individual is great! I look forward to seeing your work.
August 26th, 2013
Good advice from all the above comments. You will be surprised how quickly people will follow you once you start commenting on their photos too.
August 26th, 2013
Yep, what most everyone else said. Start following and commenting on others' work and you'll get followers and comments in return :)
August 26th, 2013
I will usually follow anyone that post a comment in one of my pictures (and anyone who follows me). I should be more active commenting, though...
August 26th, 2013
Welcome to 365. It's a great and friendly project. Not nice that you feel lonely, but I see that you are not following anybody. The best suggestion is to start following people and commenting in their projects.
August 26th, 2013
If you want to be followed, it helps to follow others - it's sort of a fifty-fifty, you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours thing. That way you get to see what others are producing on your homepage / live feed.
August 26th, 2013
welcome to 365,photography is art and you do what you see is right for you, it is not about followers alone, follow others and learn from them and you can only improve, best of luck.
August 26th, 2013
Thank you all so much for this wonderful welcome,really appreciate those who favs. and follows me.I'll do the same thing and try my best to comment and follow back.!:)
August 28th, 2013
Hello, I'm new too, but so far it's been great. Lots of cool pics and very warm people willing to go that extra mile to lend a hand
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