Surfer and dolphin sharing waves

September 17th, 2013
September 17th, 2013
Cool photos. What really made me laugh were the comments. Hardly anyone talks about the photos. They are all ranting about Obama and Vegans! People are weird.
September 17th, 2013
Terrific pictures but the comments I didn't even finish reading. what've they to do with the surfers and dolphins?
September 17th, 2013
They are beautiful photos, thanks for sharing them :D
September 17th, 2013
When we were at the beach there were some dolphins near my husband when he was out surfing.

I thought that meant there were no sharks around but I think that's a myth. A myth I'm all for buying so no one tell me otherwise.
September 18th, 2013
That is quite amazing :)
September 18th, 2013
@rcornish Wowy pics. Thanks for sharing!
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