Photographer Gets in a Tussle with an Elk, Fortunately Escapes Unharmed

November 14th, 2013
This is why the wildest thing I photograph [that isn't behind bars] is the grandkids :-) ... amazed the guy keeps snapping away
November 14th, 2013
Not sure what to say but bet the photographer had a headache, and lucky to escape with just that.
November 14th, 2013
incredible and crazy. thanks for sharing.
November 14th, 2013
I can't believe that continued for so long before someone intervened. Crazy fool. Hope he got a good shot for all that.
November 14th, 2013
I made a trip to Yellowstone in early June, 1997. I was driving towards Yellowstone Canyon when the car in front of me pulled over to photograph a herd of bull elk grazing in this grassy open area. (The elk tend to segregate by gender in spring, so this was large group of about two dozen male elk with full racks.) The driver got out of his car and handed his camera to his wife. He then proceeded to walk out to the herd, not to get a photo OF the herd but rather, to get a photo WITH the herd. He walked up to this large bull, threw his arm around it and smiled for the camera. I don't know what photo his wife got, but *I* got a great shot of him sprinting down the road while being chased by a dozen elk. It's in one of my photo albums someplace. One of these days, I'll scan it and post it for everyone to enjoy.
November 14th, 2013
@kannafoot I would love to see that one Ron. that video was crazy,I can not let my husband see it because after our encounter with moose in Canada he is not that keen on me being a wildlife photographer anytime soon :)
November 15th, 2013
Wow, that is quite an encounter!
November 18th, 2013
November 18th, 2013
@alisonp i know right!!!
January 12th, 2014
He's photographing snakes next time...
January 13th, 2014
Eek, interesting to see!
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