Update on Molly

December 5th, 2013
For those of you who gave me such lovely supportive comments when my niece Ruth had her baby girl, Molly who was born Downs Syndrome, I thought you might like an update.

Thankfully they both came out of hospital on Monday as Molly is now off the oxygen and is feeding really well from a bottle. I thought you might like to read the message Ruth put up on FB - such lovely words.

Hola my lovely friends : ) I would just like to take a minute out of my crazy 'Can't manage to get out of my PJ's.... it's 4pm and I STILL haven't got around to brushing my teeth/hair...... Oop's is that baby sick in my hair...What was my name again?....WHAT day did you say it was?.... Nappy changes/feeds/winding/nappy changes/feeds winding/HICCUPS AGAIN!' schedule, to say a HUGE thank you to you ALL for the lovely messages, cards, gifts, visits, lifts, offers of help and support.
It has been the best and the worst of times. A crazy rollercoaster of good hours/bad hours. I have had my faith in humanity completely restored by the amazing 'beyond the call of duty' work that everyone I encountered at the hospital provided....I was blown away by the kindness of everyone, from the lady who brought me a cup of tea when I was at my lowest ebb and offered me a hug too, to the amazing work that the midwives, maternity care assistants ,consultants and AWESOME Special Care/Intensive Care baby nurses who looked after our little Moll, do. I will never be able to repay them and will never forget them.
Our little girl is doing brilliantly. She is utterly gorgeous and a total joy. I feel like she is my reward for trying to be the best Mum I could possibly be to my other girls. She has an extra chromosome that they call Trisomy 21...otherwise known as Downs Syndrome....but to my mind she also has an extra happiness chromosome. She will love life and be without cynicism. She will approach it all with an open heart.....and what more could you want for your child than for them to be happy? And we will do all we can to give her all the opportunities that our other girls will have....to experience life and be cherished and loved without limit.
So thank you to you all....and thanks to the universe for trusting me with being Mummy to such a special little soul. We are completely loved up

Thank you again my 365 friends!!

December 5th, 2013
*wipes away a tear*. Lovely words. Wishing you all the best of luck.
December 5th, 2013
What lovely words, Molly has obviously been born to the right Mum! Hope we see some photos on your project in due course.
December 5th, 2013
What wonderful words!! :) You, Ruth and Molly and your whole family are in my thoughts!
December 5th, 2013
God bless
December 5th, 2013
Oh, tears of joy. Just lovely. Thanks so much for this update.
December 5th, 2013
That's beautiful. God bless both of them.
December 5th, 2013
So pleased little Molly is doing well and hope she continues to do so.A precious gift to be loved and nurtured by family and friends.
December 5th, 2013
That is so wonderful ! I am so happy the family is doing well. I happen to think clean hair is overrated ! : ) I hope to see some pictures of little Molly.
December 5th, 2013
Thank you for sharing. Hope we get to see pictures of Molly soon!
December 5th, 2013
What wonderful news. Hope she is enjoying the newborn snuggles.
December 5th, 2013
A tear or two from me too.......Molly is going to have a wonderful life with a family so full of love for her
December 5th, 2013
What a lovely family. I have the great privilege of supporting a little girl with Downs Syndrome at the mainstream school I work at. She is an absolute joy and so full of happiness. It has been the most rewarding job I have ever done.
December 6th, 2013
What beautiful words and look on life your niece has. Molly sounds precious. Best wishes to them .
December 6th, 2013
Congratulations to Molly who landed in the perfect arms. What a wonderful, sweet, loving story. My best wishes to them all and their journey in raising sweet Molly.
December 6th, 2013
How beautiful. Molly and her family are clearly a match made in heaven. Thank you for sharing, Pam.
December 6th, 2013
wow, so touching, all the best to them
December 8th, 2013
Thanks for the update. Fingers crossed that things settle down for them from now on.
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