photography course

January 20th, 2014
hi folks i seen this course which start next month, please check it out....
then look at his photos and let me know what you think? the link below

thanks jim
January 20th, 2014
Hi Jim, I would suggest that you look at the Michael Freedman(think that is how you spell it) first to see if that will help you. Or organise a local 365 meet and I bet someone will be able to help you. Hope this helps
January 20th, 2014
Creative Live is having a free show of the Basics of Digital Photography which I think starts today. While they are live, it is free. Usually the courses can be bought for about a hundred dollars so good to watch it live. They usually repeat the shows in the evening of the same day. You can go to creative to see their calendar. I have watched some really good programs on there and learned about it in here.
January 20th, 2014
I always recommend Kelby Training. That is how I learnt. I subscribed for a year and sucked up so much info. They cover camera basics to specific photo shoots to advanced post processing. So long as you put in the time to watch the videos. You will learn.

Just my 2 cents.
January 20th, 2014
There some free photography courses on
January 20th, 2014
hi all, noone give me feed back what you think of the photos of the guy who doing the course?
January 20th, 2014
Hello Jim, most people on this site are not critical of others work but are very supportive, so it is hard to get a clear response to your question. Personally I see nothing special in the photos. The idea of working with themes is good and interesting, however those themes don't do it for me. This does not mean that you will not benefit from the course if you think there are things there that you want to learn.
I would identify what you want to achieve with your pictures (style, theme etc) and then find Artworks to replicate. There is a vast amount of information online for free. Experiment and get feedback.
January 20th, 2014
like @jbucovetsky, I subscribe to You can access the videos anytime via ipone/ipad/website.
I find it really good and often spend an hour in the evenings watching a video and then practicing what I have learnt.
Join a local camera club too, that way you can get people to 'critique' your shots and also meet people who may be ' professional photographers' or experienced amateurs. i have learnt loads that way also.
January 20th, 2014
@spanner I agree with Spanner. I did not see anything special about those images online.
January 20th, 2014
Feedback on the guys photos for you Jim.......I think they are possibly amongst the least inspiring images I've seen. Yes plenty of folk will no doubt think the same of mine but then I don't purport to be a pro.
And 10 till 3 is a day? For £150? Which you'll share with at least five others, giving you what, an hour of his time tops?
Just my two pennorth :)
January 20th, 2014
Just had a quick look at that site Jim. I reckon your photos are already about as good as the guy who runs the course. I wouldn't waste your money if I were you. Have you thought about joining a camera club?
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