Fascinating 365 project by UK photographer

February 27th, 2014
I saw this link on Facebook and had a look. What an amazing idea for a 365 project, that I just had to share it with this community.

"UK-based photographer Andrew Whyte has documented the adventures of a brave lone LEGO photographer in his “The Legographer” photo series. The process behind Whyte’s photos is so simple that almost anyone could do it. He carries the Legographer with him wherever he goes and, when he finds a good location, snaps a picture of him in action with his Iphone 4S. The Legographer has traveled all around the UK and the world in Whyte’s pocket." http://www.boredpanda.com/legographer-lego-photography-andrew-whyte/

What struck me most about the pictures is the vantage point used. It really gives a completely different perspective on everyday things, using just a smartphone. In fact, I think it works because of the smartphone!

The other feature is the humour in the shots. I love the one where the Lego figure has a rain coat on!

Anyway, I loved it, it made me laugh and smile. His web site has more photos for those who like me were fascinated and inspired! http://www.longexposures.co.uk/legography
February 27th, 2014
The link wasn't working, but I googled him. I can't wait to try this! I just got one! :)
February 27th, 2014
Yes, Debs, your link wasn't working. Thanks Laurie. Thanks for posting @dibzgreasley - lovely images, and as you say the pov from the legographer works so well too.
February 27th, 2014
Fabulous work thanks for sharing.
February 27th, 2014
@luvmynynix Sorry about the link, will fix it. I thought I would try it last night as I was inspired! It was harder than I thought!
February 27th, 2014
Very good...
February 27th, 2014
Yes I saw this too :) great idea! Will definitely give out a go.
February 27th, 2014
Wow that is awesome ! Has given me some ideas for my own personal theme
February 27th, 2014
That is just brilliant! 365 from the POV of a lego man, love it!
February 27th, 2014
this is great, very creative
February 27th, 2014
ha! yes i got this on FB also -very very cool
February 27th, 2014
Really want a little Lego man now!
February 28th, 2014
That's fantastic. Makes you wish you had thought of it yourself. I will certainly be looking for something pocket sized that I can use in the same way, just for fun.
February 28th, 2014
Wow! Brilliant idea! thanks for sharing.
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