Non-profit - Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep - May be Interested?

April 4th, 2014
Saw this on Yahoo News - a non-profit organization that takes pics of babies born that will not live long for their grieving parents.
April 4th, 2014
@lifepause My wife did this for a short period, but it was too intense for her.
April 4th, 2014
This organization will come in and take pictures at the hospital where I work. The social worker contacts them directly. I do chart reviews and my heart just breaks when I see in the chart that this request was made.
April 4th, 2014
I love that there are photographers that do this, but oh my goodness, I am not sure if my heart could handle it. I don't think I could keep myself composed
April 4th, 2014
@aprilmaejune It certainly would be tough. I can tell you, it is OK to cry with others who are experiencing grief. You are human. And if you are genuine and not intrusive, your showing of emotions will not be taken the wrong way. There are such wonderful people on this 365 site, I wouldn't be surprised if someone with the talent and desire could do this for others in need and be exceptionally helpful!
April 4th, 2014
I have prayed and prayed about this. I was asked to do it if I could. I just think Id fall apart.
April 4th, 2014
There is also the Tiny Sparrow Foundation.
April 5th, 2014
If you area looking for non-profit work, but this, understandably is too much to handle, check with your local state adoption agencies. Typically agencies need good photos of the kids for their adoption packets. Better photos increase their chance of being adopted. I did that for several years and it was very rewording. There are also Heart Galleries in just about every State in the US.
April 5th, 2014
@blissfulmondays ooh great idea!
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