From the BBC - "Photography Today"

June 4th, 2014
I saw this article on the BBC website and had a look. Perhaps it is just me but if this article includes "ten important photographic works from the book" then I must be a master photographer because I think that even I could take a photograph of someone sticking their head in a bucket!

See what you think and write something nice about the pictures here.


June 4th, 2014
@creampuff Mmmmm not my cup of tea and I certainly don't have the same interpretation of the photos as Phil does! My original post said something about pretentious crap but I deleted so I wouldn't offend anyone ;-)
June 4th, 2014
Well, after reading what is written there, I think that we have to finally accept that photography has reached acceptance as a very definite art form and not just a craft. If it weren't 'art' would someone waste spend so much time writing such clap trap about it?

Which is not to say that some of the images aren't interesting. I did like the idea of the photographer who got people to write down what they were thinking on a sign and then photographed them. I would have preferred to see more of her shots rather than reading about how the guy in the bucket "reconfigures relationships between people and things" bwahaha!
June 4th, 2014
@wearing0 Ooh! Sorry. Did I repost a topic that has already been done?
June 4th, 2014
@gardencat Thank Joanne. Yes, I thought that the sign holding one was interesting. Is it something that we could do as a "one off" theme here do you think?
June 4th, 2014
I think my old mucker and sparring parter steampowered could do better than that. He had a way of spotting unusual things like buckets and white squares!!!
June 4th, 2014
not my cup of tea...although I did quite like the pumpkins shot and the signs...the rest I could take or leave. If that is considered "great photography" then I'm giving up now!
June 4th, 2014
@creampuff no not at all I mean I'd written a long ramble about what I thought then I'd deleted most of it as I didn't want to offend anyone :-)
June 4th, 2014
@sparkle no just show them some of your landscape shots!! They just havent seen true talent yet
June 4th, 2014
Sorry I can't find anything good to say about them. I'm obviously not intellectual enough to appreciate them.
June 4th, 2014
@wearing0 I totally agree with you
June 4th, 2014
@dh me too.... And here I was thinking small children hadn't rotten my brain....
June 4th, 2014
Nothing inspirational there!!
June 4th, 2014
Makes me feel like a much better photographer than I thought I was.
June 4th, 2014
Frankly my 9 year old has a better eye than that.........pretentious load of twaddle! Not that I have an opinion!! Glad my 365 buddies all take "proper" photos!!
June 4th, 2014
Well, there may be hope for my photography after all if those are considered important photos!!!
June 5th, 2014
When I saw these shots and read the commentary to go with them I thought it must be April Fool's Day. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I can see nothing in them at all!!
June 5th, 2014
The photos are okay taken just as photo's, but I think what spoils them for me is the commentary. It reminds me of people in an art gallery looking at a massively expensive artwork of one black line on a red background and saying big words like "existentialism" which I don't understand, and don't even know if I have spelt it right. Why does the girl in the tutu have to be "Trapped" why can't it just be a photo of her in her new tutu!
June 5th, 2014
@sparkle I am so with you on that.

On a minute by minute basis more stunning shots pass through the 'latest' page.

Someone needs to get a grip somewhere!!

@padlock How is Paul, is he coming to London on the 28th?
June 5th, 2014
Ok, I'm shaking my head at the 'everyday icons'. Really? Really??????
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