
January 3rd, 2011
how might i go about taking a picture of a water drop so it gives it that "globe" or "mushroom cloud" effect after it hits another liquid?? im sorry if i did a poor job or describing what im looking for. thanks for the help...

January 3rd, 2011
What type of camera? The two most important things for a shot like this will be good lighting and a relatively fast shutter. Ideally, you'd have a remote shutter release so your in a better position to drop the water precisely. Then, if your camera has a continuous shooting mode you could fire off about 3-5 shots when you make the drop so that hopefully one of them captured the effect you're looking for. If that isn't an option you can still do it, but it will require a lot of trial and error to get the timing down perfectly.

Here's a water shot I did a few weeks ago. I know it isn't the same effect you're talking about, but in terms of being able to stop the water's motion this will give you a good idea. This was a 1/200 shutter speed and with the testing I did, that's about as slow as I could go without getting a little blur with the water.

January 3rd, 2011
i have a rebel XT. and a pretty good macro lense. do u recommend i use that lense? and ok i will try that
January 3rd, 2011
Sorry, I edited my post before you replied. But check that link out for an example. And macro will be fine, especially if you're trying to isolate the composition so it's more or less just the drop and surrounding ripples/effects in the liquid below. You'll just need to make sure yo have enough light on the subject to allow you to use a fast shutter speed, otherwise you'd have to resort to a high ISO and introduce noise in the photo.
January 3rd, 2011
Here is a video tutorial that I found very useful! Good luck to you :)

January 3rd, 2011
i saw that picture. thats pretty good by the way and ok. tomorrow ill do some trial and error. hopefully i get what im looking for. thanks for the help.
January 3rd, 2011
rebbecca Castillo: can i use the built in flash on my camera? i dont have a flash like in the video?
January 3rd, 2011
@rebeccacastillo Guess I'll be trying that one soon :)
January 7th, 2011
@rebcastillo77 ive tried that one.... put some colored paper on the background... hihihihi here's what i got

it's not as perfect as it should be.... and the pic is kind of a lil naughty... am sooooo sorry about that... at least am pretty happy with the droplet i've got for a fist timer of shooting water...

January 7th, 2011
you can see actually the blue square on the globe like droplet.. that's the paper... SORRRRRRRRY! hihihi
January 7th, 2011
@colem77 sorry I haven't responded sooner, I didn't realize you had asked me a question, but I don't have an off camera flash yet either and I just use the build in flash and a lamp for extra lighting.
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