How hard are you on yourself?

January 6th, 2011
I take at least 50-100 photos every single day before I find one that i think is 'good enough'. Im very critical of my photos and what I post for my 365.

So my question, fellow 365ers is, How hard are you on yourself with your photos?

January 6th, 2011
Equally as hard. I take at least 100, and sometimes 200 photos depending on what I'm trying to shoot. If it's a bird and my shot is limited, then it's less. I spend SO much time going through and deleting photos!! I will never be a good photographer.
January 6th, 2011
You're not alone, I take soooo many pictures when i'm trying to get just one.. Its best that way, because you wont be like "oh shoot, i wish i would have gotten the picture at this angle" later on too. I'm very critical on myself too though.
January 6th, 2011
I think it depends on what I'm shooting. I'm EXTREMELY critical of myself when I'm shooting people. If I'm shooting still life - I'll shoot a bunch, but probably am not as critical for whatever reason.

I agree with Kayla though - at least with a lot of shots you have a lot to choose from so that's helpful!
January 6th, 2011
I think I fret more over what I'm GOING to shoot (I want it to be good!) than over what I've already shot. But yes, I put too much pressure on myself. Though, I don't mind taking zillions of shots and weeding them out. I guess I think that's part of the learning process.
January 6th, 2011
@jinximages man I once knew a guy who took 100k shots a year and I have never seen a good one from him ?!?!? :)

nah.... personally I think it depends on what you are doing... I take 10k digital a year, 750 35mm, and 100 - 120... What I print... maybe a couple of each. Now when you look at my habits when i shoot MF-120 film... very slow... i have everything perfect, one click one photo... 35mm less so(made 7 or 8 in 36) and digital... why have 9 fps if you don't use it...

A Adams said to have 3 or 4 powerful images in a year was a great year... and I think he took lots of photos...

Digital is great... try and wear out that mirror... but don't be afraid if every photo is not a winner...
January 6th, 2011
Depends. Somedays I can take 50-100. Sometimes I get the perfect shot in as little as 2 snaps of the shutter.
January 6th, 2011
Bwahaha, the HDR hole.

I'm fairly self-critical, but, since I've defined this project as about practicing photography, I just take a bunch of shots and pick the one that I liked the most. I give myself room for error because I know I'm still learning and practicing, and I just apply my self-criticism to my next picture. I have a list of what I could improve for every picture that I post.
January 6th, 2011
Not hard at all
January 6th, 2011
Depends. If I am just shooting for me, I am not critical, I might notice flaws but I can live with most things. But for my 365, see so many amazing photos, I feel like I can never take any photos as gorgeous as some of the ones I see here. So I just do this for me. I like it, I post it. I just choose whichever I like the most of the ones taken in that day.

Now if I am taking them for other people, that is a whole other ball game.
January 6th, 2011
VERY. I spend WAY too much time on this project and still never seem to get it right. = /
January 6th, 2011
@jinximages that is hilarious! - Seems about right too.
January 6th, 2011
Very hard, and never really happy. I don't think I'm a pessimist in life, but photography is my cup half empty.
I generally lean towards photoshop and don't have the guts not to, I see each picture and what needs changing, and even then I may not be happy.
I did this for several years and then my wife got her first camera. She can take photo's a just stick them straight up on flickR, no worries, and you know what; a lot of them look ace. That's confidence for you.
January 6th, 2011
@petersonsheri I think you are in the wrong thread. You should be over in the "How Hard are you on Yourself?" discussion :-P
January 6th, 2011
I am almost never happy with what I post, I frequently take 100 images of the same thing :p
January 6th, 2011
Very hard on myself, however there are days when I can take a good 50 shots and then automatically know the one I like the best is in there... then there are days like today where I have been so busy that I have only taken 5 shots all day and yeah not thrilled with my daily one ....
January 6th, 2011
Rather hard on myself, but I've made the resolution this year to upload something every day, even if I am not 100% on it's perfectness. My perfectionism has been so bad lately that it has been holding me back x_x y'know, not bothering to even try and all that, so I need to get out of that circle now.
January 6th, 2011
Actually ,I'm not a photographer. I'm here for the fun!
Kisses to all.
January 6th, 2011
Not very hard.
I started my project on Jan 1 to carve out some time for myself. With two young children and a job it's already a challenge to find the time to take some shots and upload them. I donĀ“t need additional pressure at this moment ;-)
January 6th, 2011
@jinximages - hahahahahahahaha, excellent! Thanks for that. I particularly like the "HDR Hole."
January 6th, 2011
@jinximages yup that seems pretty accurate :)
January 6th, 2011
I'm not hard on myself, I try and find 1/2 and hour every day to take a few photo's. I'm doing this more to document my life a bit and to go with my new years resolution which was 'to take more photos'. My photo's are just of the small things in every day life :)
January 6th, 2011
Not hard ... if I like it .... that's all that matters! Of course I could do better ... but life's too short to get all knotted up over something that really doesn't matter! I just enjoy the process!
January 6th, 2011
Not hard at all at the moment but I'm only 6 days in!
January 6th, 2011
I'm probably only really pleased with about 5% of all the photos I've posted here - if that...
January 6th, 2011
Normally,I take between 20 and 60 shots,a day,and around 10-15 "survive".
But in the last week or so,it`s been just one shot per day,for this project :(
I`m not feeling that inspired nowadays.Not when it`s -15 degrees outside,during the day...
Oh,and I`m never really satisfied with any of my photos.
January 6th, 2011
I kind of echo Jordan's sentiments. Digital enables people to snap images like they are spending found money. I included. As he said, "go ahead, wear the mirror out".

In the spirit of what he said, do a throwback. Try shooting some film, where you are limited. It will force you to take the time to compose an image, versus just pushing buttons and moving on.

With Medium format, like Jordan said, you really have to slow down. Look through a viewfinder of a 6x7, and you'll know why.

College students have to get a camera like that, or even a Large Format to be in the classes. They are taught the hard way. And I agree with it.

Best wishes.

January 6th, 2011
@jinximages "Gearfaggotry"? Hahahahahaha
January 6th, 2011
he he he he, i took a shot less than 50 maybe, I'm a very detailed person, i try to analyze first the angle so it wont give me a lot of shots. or sometimes i don't shoot at all in a day, but whenever i walk around i look things i could possibly take a shot so when i come back or pass by that view again i know how would i take it from there.
The reason is sometimes i got disappointed having too many shots but i couldn't get the right capture of the subject, since I'm an amateur i mostly having a trial and error shot. he he he.
January 6th, 2011
i don't always take photos at the moment as my mac can be a bit of a pain with my camera. So i sometimes use google pics.
January 7th, 2011
Judging from the crap I uploaded last night... I'm very hard on myself. Sometimes it's frustration and not feeling inspired. Sometimes it's just overall frustration. I expect every shot to be beautiful in my eyes and on days when I don't feel like I've achieved that... it REALLY bums me out.
January 7th, 2011
My husband and I just talked about this today. we were watching an artist on tv paint. I said I like her work but she is so in love with herself I cant stand to listen to her. I asked him am I that cocky about my work? I also make greeting cards and various other crafts. And he said No if nothing else you are too unsure of your self. I also will take a ton of pics and then only choose 1 or 2 that i actually like
January 8th, 2011
yes, I like to take pics that I can use with minimum photoshopping. so if i am not happy i'll wait even if it takes till near midnight before i get the right shot. difficult at the mo cos' it is raining every day so going out is difficult, home shots are becoming tedious as I am not good at it
January 8th, 2011
I'm my own worst critic. I take only a few dozen photos a day, but more if I'm trying to photograph wildlife. I just don't have the time...I wish I did! And the midwest winter is a set-back, too. I usually save only one or two of the photos. Days later, those may also get deleted. I'm hoping to dedicate more time to it this year because I really want to improve my skills. And like some of you, I dislike having to tweak my photos before posting them here and usually opt for one that needs little or no adjustments. I've discovered that I see all the flaws in my photos immediately and am never quite satisfied, just like the drawings I used to do. Being a bit of a perfectionist does not help matters!
January 8th, 2011
I'm not so harsh with myself. But I'm an amateur and use a digital camera. Not a pro one. But I learn a lot from you all and learning to se images in everything and in a different way. It's most important for me. I know I can be better and hopefully in the end of 365s I'm better.
January 9th, 2011
The 365 I'm doing for myself, so I'm not as worried about these as I am any other time. If I'm shooting a session, then yes I'm very hard on myself.
January 9th, 2011
I am not stressed about this project, doing it for fun and learning opportunity. I am also an extreme amateur and only 2 days into project :-) Already have learned some important things. I enjoy seeing a lot of your great images. Only downer is I can be swept up in this site for quite some time, which I don't always have. I know I have a long way to go with project and my skills, but I won't be too hard on myself .... it actually is a form of stress relief :-)
January 9th, 2011
I usually take like 5-15 pictures of the one object/subject for each day... I spend ALOT of time planning it out though... I usually will narrow it down to like 3 pictures and go ahead and edit them, then choose a favorite...
January 10th, 2011
I am my worst critique.
January 11th, 2011
I used to be okay and not as picky, but now...... I choose 2 pictures out of 50 atleast lol.
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