Realy cheap and reasonably good quality DSLR

January 26th, 2011
I am interested in upgrading from a Fujifilm S1800 in a few months to a SLR i have a budget of £250-350 and would like to save up and get a "decent camera that will see me through the next 4-5 years i am mainy looking at functionality but would also like a very reliable camera!

January 26th, 2011
I have the Canon 1000d which for when I started with DSLR was a great learning tool and I still think it is.. One day I will upgrade my body but for now she gets me great shots.... I think in the UK they are going for around 325 pounds give or take
January 26th, 2011
Hi, also just bought (last week) a Canon 1000D, it's my first DSLR and am blown away by the difference compared to my previous camera (a Panasonic Lumix bridge type). Mine was about £340 including an 18-55mm lens.
January 26th, 2011
in that price range it would have to be the 1000d, as others have already suggested.
January 26th, 2011
@silverhorn @theavoid @vikdaddy thank you all for your input i am seriuosly considering getting this camera but I am still open to other suggestions!
January 26th, 2011
Why not wait a little longer and get something better? Just a suggestion.
January 26th, 2011
as a nikkon person, you can guess what i'm going to suggest... keep checking amazon/ebay and maybe buy a couple of mags - amataur photographer is good - as they do tons of reviews and advertise many places that sell cheap and decent gear
January 26th, 2011
@jackcaulfield if you're on a tight budget, maybe consider waiting a little longer to buy? Also, be sure to check all the camera stores in your area, many of them will have used pieces or even a store display model that may be marked down. I'd go with a store over ebay just because you can have a good look at what you're buying before you buy.
January 27th, 2011
I started on a Nikon D60 and felt like I outgrew it really quickly. When I look back now, I think it's probably more of an annoyance that I can't change all the settings with one button and a dial. Also, the performance is really poor with high ISO. The D90 does quite a bit better in both of those areas, but I'm looking to upgrade to a D700 with the tax return this year.

If you can afford a D90, it's leaps and bounds above a D60.
January 27th, 2011
If you can afford the Nikon D5000 its the camera before D90 but its pretty much got the same stuff :)
its prob around 450 pound though but take a look at some of my pictures if you want to see if you like the quality or not.
But this camera is beast, iv rolled down over 45 feet hills into trees and all sorts while adventuring through forest and gotten it drenched in the snow and it holds up like a champ
January 29th, 2011
I have been taking pics with my phone about 3 megs. I want t get a camera. my wife has a kodack p850 she likes it I want some thing with canable lense canon or nikon. or any other brand i can get cheaper with zoom an good speed. used anyone got a good idea or used camera they will let go of im on fixed income not a lot to spend live in Texas U.s.a willing to trad for comresor nail gun and compound mitter chop saw on Liver trans plant list construction days are over! make as well follow my high school dream photo.
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