Just a little fun - photoshop mistakes

January 30th, 2011
I am always careful about photoshop when I use it because I am not that savvy - but it was refreshing to see that even the professionals get it wrong a fair few times :-)


January 30th, 2011
Thanks for making me actually laugh out lout a few time,I was feeling low before checking out those photos!

...and I dont understand why are sports and paparazzi photos photoshop so....extremely? Arent they meant to show real life?
January 30th, 2011
lol that was awesome! How could they have possibly missed some of those? xD
January 30th, 2011
Ha ha ha - very funny, thanks for the link.
January 30th, 2011
LOL thats just brilliant :)
January 30th, 2011
Some of those are just so painfully obvious! Thanks for the laugh!
January 30th, 2011
If they showed real life @spaceman everyone would be like "oh ok then" and just ignore them and they'd not sell anything! Rule #1 of Selling A Thing: lie through your teeth
January 30th, 2011
That was great! Just shows you that you can't trust anything you see. The ones where they left a "ghost" hand on a shoulder were kind of freaky....and funny!
January 30th, 2011
fun stuff.
January 30th, 2011
Lol this is funny. Thx for sharing.
January 30th, 2011
lol, way too obvious
January 30th, 2011
This was great!
January 30th, 2011
LOL Some of those are just creepy
January 30th, 2011
haha ! loved it ! makes me feel so much better !
February 1st, 2011
Thanks for sharing! lol
February 8th, 2011
OH MY!!!! i just had a good laugh!!! my sister thinks im crazy! hahah
February 8th, 2011

another site... hahahhaha
February 9th, 2011
lol definitely a good share.
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