Scouting Locations

February 1st, 2011
I know that there are 365'ers from all over the world, but this question is directed mainly towards those in the U.S., more specifically, Texas. Finding and using locations to shoot portrait photography can always be a bit challenging where I live. West Texas isn't known for it's stunning landscapes, so I often find myself looking for old buildings, cars, and structures to use as my backdrop. I've passed up many cool locations out of fear that I might get in trouble for being there, even though there is no posting of it being private property.

Is there information available to photographers about their rights, from state to state? Thanks :)
February 1st, 2011
Well if you are on private property... ie not a public street... you likely shouldn't be there without permission. Permission is often easy to get... if it is a larger private building (mall, university, ect) they will have a policy and small fee. If it is a private private building you need to find the owner. I almost never have anyone say NO when I ask. I bribe with Tim Hortons Coffee (which is like crack to Canucks) and often it means I involve the owner in the shoot (holding a reflector and such) or taking an extra few frames of them...
February 1st, 2011
Jordan is right about needing permission. Here is how photography law works in the United States. You are allowed to shoot any photos you want as long as you and your subjects are standing on public property. This includes sidewalks, parks, beaches, anything that is owned and operated by the government.

However, you can still shoot on private property. As Jordan said, just get permission. And whatever you do, get them to sign a Property Release. You can find Property Release forms online easily enough. Get the owner of the property to sign a release and then you will be free to shoot, use, and sell any photos you shoot there.

As for locations to find information...all I can say is good luck. Any site I've ever found have disclaimers every hundred words stating how they are not legal entities and their advice may not be accurate. The best you can do is find a local business lawyer. Sometimes they are willing to answer a few questions for free, but other times they'll want to charge for an office visit. I paid $85 for my first visit with a lawyer, and he provided me with tons of information.
February 1st, 2011
I feel you! I am in West Texas also, and have such a hard time finding any locations that are worth photographing. I complain to my other photographer friends about it all the the time. I spend the majority of my time taking photos downtown or at one of our few decent looking parks. Thanks for asking this question, definately one I would like the know the answer to. Good luck finding some locations!
February 2nd, 2011
All you need is one good corner... these are from a bar... the place was 'barish' but there are interesting corner... not my fav photos, they are more about the 'locations' vs the model

or take girls into any old boys bathroom:

Or my wedding photog used a wide format lens with warm feelings to really give us some great photos in a university class room...

remember location is secondary... your lighting, your subject, your lighting, their accouterments, your lighting and then you location is the order of importance... unless the location is your subject...?!?

@all4my3boys Candy I take it you want to shoot interesting places... goto your location 'vistor's center' or Tourist Information and read their lit... they will have a whole list of interesting places...
February 2nd, 2011
@jasonbarnette the gold mine is a lawyer who is a hobbyist photog... they will take for hours... just make sure you are not on the clock...
February 2nd, 2011
@icywarm Thanks so much for all your imput & images!
February 2nd, 2011
@all4my3boys It looks like we may be in the same city! Have you noticed that the "hot spots" in town always have photographer's and their clients waiting for you to leave, so they can have their turn? Downside of living in a small city I guess. It definitely does have us using our imagination as far as working with what we have!
February 2nd, 2011
@icywarm Man...agreed. Unfortunately, all the lawyers I know have hobbies like yachting, private golfing, and collecting useless trinkets that cost more than I make in a month.
February 2nd, 2011
Yeah, looks like we are from the same area. I have noticed that downtown. That shows you the lack of locations we have.:) By looking at your photos it seems you are having better luck than me finding some cool spots.
@icywarm, thanks so much for the tip!
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