Corel paintshop photo pro x3

February 9th, 2011
Anyone using Corel paintshop photo pro x3 is it worth it?????
February 9th, 2011
Just upgraded a couple of days ago. The RAW lab seems a lot better, and theres a couple of new features I have yet to try out.....I've used PSP for a few years now...and am hoping to learn more through 365 as my editing skills are limited currently!
February 9th, 2011
I have but find it fiddly. I'm used to photoshop and there are things on there I can't do on X3 plus for some weird reason my vibrancy settings wouldn't work. So went back to CS5. That's just me though, everyone has they're own preference and prefer PSP over photoshop.
February 9th, 2011
@looseimages @kirsty1975 thank you both for your help with this editing is realy holding me back! and the thing I like most about psp is batch processing. One question can you add a water mark during batch processing???


February 9th, 2011
@jackcaulfield my watermark is a brush, so I apply it that way. Not sure if you can do this using batch processing as I dont use that function TBH.
February 9th, 2011
I don't know if you can do batch processing on CS5 so can't tell you if you can on either that or X3 but I'm sure someone out there will know. I would imagine you could.
February 9th, 2011
@looseimages @kirsty1975 thank you for your cintinued support!

February 9th, 2011
I have used many versions of paint shop and am a big fan. I have X2 and X3. I run Vista on my computer and have had a lot of trouble with X3, so much so that I took it off. The main thing I liked about X3 was the organizer function, but when it crashed within minutes (regularly) and I tried everything to make it work I gave up and use Picasa 3 for organizing. I do use X2 and sometimes Jasc paintshop pro 9 when I want to do some extensive editing.

I don't do raw because I use a fairly basic p and s.

I got the X3 version through the reviewer program on Amazon and I received a letter from a marketing person asking to let them know if I had problems. I emailed him but never got an answer. I tried to deal with corel help a long time ago and ended up in a fight with a man from India. So while I love the older versions, I would caution against X3 unless you are savvy enough to know how to get the help you need through the help forums.

I have not ever used Photoshop, but I have a deep personal dislike for Adobe products so I won't ever go there.
February 9th, 2011
Oh and by the way, you can do batch processing on X2 and X3. And on the older versions of psp you can record scripts and do some fairly simple batch processing.
February 9th, 2011
@omabluebird thank you!!!
February 10th, 2011
i actually had a call this morning from my mum to say my bro has just posted my PSP X3 as a late birthday prezzie so will be with me any day now :)

im a PSP X 2 user at the mo so am reading this with interest :) my watermark (when i bother to use it) is also a brush :)
February 11th, 2011
@flamez cheers got i now anyway but thanks!
February 11th, 2011
I dont have any problems with PSPX3's organiser - but I am running windows 7 not Vista. (I did have Vista on another PC but it was awful and crashed all the time! Hence new PC and Win7) @omabluebird
February 11th, 2011
@looseimages thanks, this might sound like a stupid question but can you please explain how to add a water mark to a batch of my photos. i understand the batch processing feature but not how to add text as a leyer and most importantly how to change the colour!


February 11th, 2011
@jackcaulfield um...yeah...if I can remember lol! I created my watermark as a brush, so I just apply it. TBH I would have looked up in the 'help' section on psp. I just made a fairly simple brush, switch to the brush, and literally stamp it on my photo....

JUST found this on my bookmarks...

this is the method I used... Hope that helps.
February 11th, 2011
@looseimages Thanks it worked! amazing!
February 11th, 2011
@jackcaulfield yay! Glad I could be of help.
February 12th, 2011
@looseimages this is going to sound stupid again but how do you change the colour used in the fill tool i ony seem to have the option of filling things blue! HELP!!!!!!!!


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