IPhone lenses!!

February 15th, 2011
Have any of you seen this?


Not sure if they are available in the UK, but they look very funky, inexpensive, and, and, and I want them!!!!

I think they work on any camera phone. If anyone has them already I'd love to know (& see some pics)!

February 15th, 2011
There's also this one

no idea how good either of them are, but they look fun.
February 15th, 2011
I've never heard of that before! they are so tiny lol. But I don't frankly see the point of a fish eye lens on a 3Gs iPhone since the quality isn't that great.
Nevertheless I'd really want to see a picture taken with one of them! :D
February 15th, 2011
they look really fun! might have to check those out when i'm feeling like i need a fun new toy...
February 15th, 2011
i just ordered a set of uber cheap-o ones from hong kong, spent about $10us for a dozen different types - figure i might as well play with them. if they have potential, i might get one of those lenses for my droid. i am sure the quality of the ones above will be much better, but i like shiny trinkets, and thought i would give them a shot. interested to see how they work.
February 15th, 2011
@looseimages I just bought one, I want for a long time, when I get mine on Thursday I let you know if it is any good, and if it is not good I;ll return
February 15th, 2011
@cchambers oo where did you buy from? can you post a link? thanks :)

I've had a good look around the Photojojo site and there are LOTS of funky things on there...not least the mug that looks like a lens!
February 15th, 2011
@looseimages it was on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/12-LOMO-Effects-Jelly-Lens-WHOLE-SET-Digital-Camera-/220717013314?pt=Camera_Filters&hash=item3363c25942#ht_1277wt_1111
12 LOMO Effects Jelly Lens WHOLE SET for Digital Camera - i figure if they even remotely work i will prob go with the better ones, but a few of these might fun when bored.
February 16th, 2011
February 16th, 2011
@andrewdearling lol!!! Ridiculous lens!
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