Cape Town 365ers' get2gether?

March 15th, 2011
If anyone is interested in joining me face-to-face on Sunday 3rd April for a get2gether-breakfast-shooting-spree please let me know. This will obviously be weather permitting and I will keep the discussion/invite open and up to date. Venue to be decided closer to the time (I'm thinking of Rhodes Memorial) - please feel free to offer other suggestions.

It would be lovely to meet other 365ers and get to know the peeps behind the pics.

My email is available on my project info if you'd rather contact me directly.

Hope to see a bunch of you there.

Cheers for now and happy snapping - The Blue Gnu
March 15th, 2011
Sounds great. I'll email you. It's the school holidays so some of the folks won't be here, but we can start the ball rolling :)
@jaxx @betterflea @cath @wernecke @megabyte @pollyphotos @glyn @hinhoutbay

March 15th, 2011
@jaxx @betterflea @cath @wernecke @wernecke @megabyte @pollyphotos @glyn @hinhoutbayIf we should do it between or after school holidays - please shout. @eleanor

If we should do it after school holidays - please shout and maybe give a Sunday date option - majority will rule! :)
March 15th, 2011
I am Cape Town bound this autumn, so I will also go with the flow.
March 15th, 2011
Ah bleak , can't make the 3rd ( away on the farm ) but totally interested if you do it again
March 16th, 2011
Hay - lekka idea. 3 Apr prob won't work for me (away on our farm) - I will be more sure closer to the time.
March 16th, 2011
@jaxx @betterflea @cath @megabyte @pollyphotos @glyn @hinhoutbay

Sounds great! However, I will be in Amerika by then, is there any way we could do it sooner?
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