Cape Town (date change) Get2gether?

March 16th, 2011
@jaxx @betterflea @cath @wernecke @wernecke @megabyte @pollyphotos @glyn @hinhoutbay @eleanor

Date Changed to: SUNDAY 27th March 2011 @ 9am (or earlier)
for a face-to-face-breakfast-creative-shooting spree!

Due to school holidays I have brought this date forward - hope this fits into everyone's schedules better :)

This will obviously be weather permitting and I will keep the discussion/invite open and up to date. Venue to be decided closer to the time (I'm thinking of Rhodes Memorial) - please feel free to offer other suggestions.

It would be lovely to meet other 365ers and get to know the peeps behind the pics.

My email is available on my project info if you'd rather contact me directly.

Hope to see a bunch of you there.

Cheers for now and happy snapping - The Blue Gnu
March 16th, 2011
Have fun!
March 17th, 2011
It would be so nice to join you all but................Have fun!
March 17th, 2011
Great. See you then.
March 17th, 2011
@thebluegnu - I will try my best to be there.
March 21st, 2011
@thebluegnu Hi Kim - Í've recenetly joined 365 Project and QUIT my job - a time for BIG changes in my life! - looking for new beginnings and networks - think I'll catch up with our local 365ers at Rhodes on Sunday :-) Githa
March 22nd, 2011
Haven't been there for years so will make a big effort to be there :-D
March 22nd, 2011
@wernecke New date - check details below...hope to see you there!

@hinhoutbay @megabyte @jaxx @githa Hope to see you there!

Date: Sunday the 27 March
Time: 9am
Seat: Table 26
Venue: Rhodes permitting.
Dress: yes - with camera!

Check out my today's pic for a taste of things to come ..... ;)
March 22nd, 2011
@thebluegnu :-) Super - thanks Kim - see you there!
March 24th, 2011
@thebluegnu and other cape town 365ers - I was super excited to see there was a gathering being planned but am very disappointed as it on the morning of a close friends birthday. If another day is planned please forward details and I will definately be there. Enjoy everyone. Looking forward to the pics.
March 25th, 2011
I have't been there for yonks. I will be there if the weather is fine!
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