does it let you know if you make the popular page?

March 18th, 2011
i have wonderd this for a while unfortiontaly i havent gotten on it and does any one know what the requirements for thePP is?
March 18th, 2011
No, it doesn't - and no, no one knows!

You just have to check it every hour, to see if you can spot yourself... ;)
March 18th, 2011
I am amazed you even managed to get this here without a message coming up about keeping the threads fresh and deleting your question!!

Ask Ross, he will tell you it is magic. Apparently PP is all done by computer based on popularity criteria that is applied proportionate to the number of followers you have. So imagine if you have ten followers and get one fav that is the equivalent of ten favs needed of someone with 100 followers. That is illustrative rather than an accurate reflection, the truth is it is way more complex than that in such a way as to ensure that someone who has just joined has as much chance of getting on there as someone who has started their 2nd year with 1000 followers. The formula has never been revealed, as it is thought that 365ers would start trying to conform to it to get on PP.

Hope this helps rather than confuses.
March 18th, 2011
yea it helps thanks @miranda @manek43509
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