Macro verses filters

March 30th, 2011
I have read as lot of threads regarding macro and filters as I am saving for a macro lense and I found this and it really put it into prespective for me. I am going to keep saving for the macro 100mm I think as I will spend money on a filter and will end up still wanting a macro!!!!! i know it will take ages, but I have great patience. LOL
March 30th, 2011
thank you for sharing! i've been debating between saving for a macro lens and trying filters and found this very helpful.
March 30th, 2011
I'm in the same boat !
March 30th, 2011
I was fortunate enough to be able to buy a new macro lens recently, and I can’t believe how close and clear my pictures are. I just love it!
March 30th, 2011
I just recently purchased a Raynox DCR 250 super macro closeup lens, and I love it!! You can Google "Raynox DCR 250" and read about it. It snaps on to the front of the lens. Fairly easy to use.. : )
March 30th, 2011
If you can's always better to get the lens because you will get less distortion. However I have seen some amazing pictures with filters. I was in the same boat and I saved up for the Nikon 105mm Macro. It just came today and I just got home from work so I haven't tried it yet, but I hear it is amazing. Moral of the story......get the macro lens if you can swing it. I have heard great things about the Tamron 90mm's a bit cheaper than some of the others and gets great reviews.
March 30th, 2011
I opted for the filters over immediately diving in for the lens. They're pretty cheap, too, so it's nice to play around and get a feel for it before investing the pennies on the real thing.

Results aren't terrible.

March 30th, 2011
I just bought a reverse lens mount and a set of macro filters really cheap from Amazon ($7 for the reverse lens mount, $13 for a set of 4 filters). I figured if they worked, GREAT! If not, i didn't spend much money on them so I wouldn't be out much. I'm still saving up for a macro lens, but am hoping these will do in the meantime. I haven't received them yet, but should within a day or two, so will let you know what I think once I've tried them both out.
March 30th, 2011
@dejongdd would love to hear how you get on with them. I heard so much about filters it got confusing thats why I will just save for the macro lense.
March 30th, 2011
@indiannie_jones they look great, waiting to hear more before i dive in.
March 31st, 2011
This was in the very first group of pictures I took when I got my macro lens:

I'm actually surprised to find that the lens is pretty versatile. Here's one I took with it that's not a close up.
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