April 3rd, 2011

Here's a shot from today, it was POURING outside.

I got back 2 weeks late to uni. and have got so much work to get to, at the same time exams are coming up.

I guess I'll miss u guys for sometime, I'll be sure to pop in every once in a while to catch up.

All the best.
April 3rd, 2011
This is brilliant! Good luck with your studies!!
April 3rd, 2011
Hope you catch up with the studies soon so you can be posting again...
April 4th, 2011
Hey, we understand. Best to you as you stay focused on your studies. Good to hear everything is still ok. See you when you can.
April 4th, 2011
You have a long, hard road in front of you. Be patient, and remember, it doesn't rain all the time - sooner or later the sun will break out of the clouds (i.e., sometime in the future, you will have a day or two where you actually don't have to be studying all the time :)
Best of luck to you!
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