April 3rd, 2011
I hope I loaded this right!! I found these photographs on stumpleupon and I thought you all might like to see them. There are some really awesome shots here.I love wild animal photography.
April 4th, 2011
@cookie123 I dont know why, but I don't find it sooo great. They look inatural for me. But it's just my opinion
April 4th, 2011
@cookie123 I think there are some phenomenal shots in here! Thanks for posting :)
April 4th, 2011
good shots actually i liked most of them but they did seem too edited
April 4th, 2011
oh brutal the one of the lions eating the chunk of clearly zebra is blerghhh
but those golden monkeys are just stunning!!

Nice mixed bunch!
April 4th, 2011
How come I can't see any shots or a link to anything?
April 4th, 2011
@sam_cr I agree Samantha, i always look away when I watch the nature programmes. @gingerstorm2501 When i see shots like these, I am always amazed, so when you say they are a bit too edited, what do you see or look for, am I missing somthing? Just want to learn @kjarn Kathy the link in at the top ofd the page, I think I should have put the title there!!! I hope you can get it.
April 5th, 2011
well i have got some really great wild life shot but they have never had that kind of color definition with out being doctored lol i dont know to each his own but im a fan of raw unedited shots.
April 5th, 2011
How on earth did I miss seeing that link - woops! Great shots, thanks for posting.
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