Sony alpha

April 13th, 2011
I was just wondering if anyone knew about different lenses for the Sony alpha. I've looked online and really the few I can find are way too expensive, yet I find loads of Cannon and Nikon varying in price range, I'm beginning to think that I got the wrong model camera. I have also read that Minolta fit the Sony alpha series? Is this true? I don't want to invest in in a new lens that doesn't fit. I am currently using a standard lens that it came with for all my photographs.
April 13th, 2011
Have a look at the 365 facebook project, we were discussing this the other day, there's an online compatibility checker tool on Sony's site too, was checking it out myself...
April 13th, 2011
Oh cool cheers

April 13th, 2011

theres a link to the compatibility checker
April 13th, 2011
I still don't know what I'm looking for ha ha.
April 13th, 2011
will keep an eye here and read this properly later as i too have a sony alpha :)
April 13th, 2011
i found my Sony 50mm f/1.8 lens on Amazon for a decent price. Yes it does seem that the price for the Sony lens is more expensive then the comparable Nikon and Canon lens, but Sigma, Minolta, and Tamron all make lenses that will fit the Sony Alpha mount. I have a Sigma 28-90mm telephoto/macro lens, not super fast, and I kinda wish I had waited to get a faster lens, but it is horrible for the price. If you can only get one lens, go for the 50mm- you won't regret it!
April 13th, 2011
Part of the reason that I decided on the Sony alpha is because it would use the lenses from my old Minolta 35mm. I hated to spend the money on new lenses when I had perfectly good ones sitting unused. I was unsure if it would really work, until I took my 35mm into my local camera shop, and they proved to me that my Minolta lenses would fit on a new Sonly alpha. :-)
April 13th, 2011
this may help somewhat;

I've got an A390, and have been reliable informed any A mount Konica/Minolta lens will fit as long as it's an A-mount
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