Potential 365 burnout?....

December 5th, 2011
I'm posting this just to get an idea if anyone else has experienced potential burnout at some point during their 365 project.

I'm currently at about 170 odd days for my year and am really lacking ideas but also have very little inspiration to get out and shoot - and dont want to shoot just to post something which is basically nothing more than a filler.

I've started a second album which has a lot of shots that were taken before I started my 365 but that is just to continue posting so that I dont disappear off the radar completely.

Let me know if anyone else has experienced this.

I do really enjoy this project and the pleasure that I get from people's feedback on what I post but also looking at what other people post - there are some amazing pictures being posted all the time!

December 5th, 2011
I tend to get in ruts where I am just not inspired. Sometimes I look through the photos here, or even just photos online in general. Perhaps try a weekly or monthly challenge of sorts? I did an A-Z challenge once, and I just recently finished a "favorites" challenge, where I just posted something that was a favorite of mine each day, which helped me actually.

I've seen people do weekly challenges such as a week of macro, bokeh, selfies, pets/animals, b&w, etc.

Hope this helps!
December 5th, 2011
I got like that a few months back as I headed toward the end of my 365 year. We were travelling a lot and my family all got sick, including myself. I have a few blank spot in the 2-3 months that were difficult and used a few fillers also. The project I feel is something that you need to enjoy doing otherwise you will end up giving up. If it means not doing a shot everyday, that is better than not doing it at all. Why put pressure on yourself. I got through that and have continued past my 365 photos and no I don't post one everyday but I am reasonably regular with it. I don't ever make the Top 20 and have not made the popular page for many many months but I am doing this for me. I enjoy comments and I enjoy the people I have come to know. I enjoy being inspired by what I see. Enjoy your project and you will make it!!
December 5th, 2011
I am still fairly new to 365 project and I experienced this already. I did not want to take pictures just for the sake of putting something up, or sometimes I take too many pictures in a day and I felt that it would be cheating if I just get a picture from there instead of taking a daily picture. So what I did was to just take my time because this is suppose to be a photo journal of yourself and if there is not a good picture then there is still tomorrow. The main thing for me is that when I upload a picture it would be something worthwhile for everyone to see and for me to feel happy and satisfied with.
December 5th, 2011
Oh yeah got burn out so did weird pix in my own theme ... then got back on the groove and finished the year - now burnt out that I'm NOT following the 'rules' but doing or showcasing my pix when I want and of what I want.
December 5th, 2011
I am right in the thick of this feeling right now....and as a result have this huge gap in my project. I'm hoping for some Christmas related inspiration to kick start my creativity again!
December 5th, 2011
I agree with Jo. Don't put pressure on yourself with this. Every picture you post doen't need to be something stellar that belongs in a gallery. I use this site to experiment, post pics I like that maybe I've just taken for fun, etc. If I come up with something I think is stellar, then great! If not, there are no "365 police" out there waiting to bust you. Remember...photography is an art and art is very personal. You just shoot and post what you like and just the simple fact that you shoot something each day will help you learn and become more inspired.
December 5th, 2011
I have experienced this several times through my project. I sometimes do a theme shot when I hit a burnout point. The best thing I can do is to walk around my house or yard. I then look at things from different angles and perspectives. Some of my best shots have come from these "walk arounds".
December 5th, 2011
I think this will happen with anything you do every day for a year. I mean, there are days when you don't feel inspired to brush your teeth, right? I hope you do it anyway.

I agree with Debbie @debsphotos , the more I expect perfection from photos the more I get burnt out. I had to learn that my goal was to keeping learning and keep taking photos, rather than create a piece of art each day. I'm just not that good. I'm lucky to have one photo I like in a week. I'm learning to be less disappointed in that and keep learning from what I'm doing.

The challenges I've done have also helped when I've been in this place.
December 5th, 2011
My first bought of burnout occured around the 6 month point and then I have experienced it every month since. I less than 2 weeks from finishing, so I just kept shooting. Posted the good, bad and awesome. The more I shoot the more ideas I get. Some are good some are bad. I also try to fill my days with diary shots when I am burned out. I mean, that is what 365 was first designed to be. I also get burned out with commenting and then when that happens, I do my best, but let it go. That is how I have dealt with it. Good luck! You have come so far, you can finish
December 5th, 2011
Right, Hope! What I love about 365 most is how I've met so many great people all around the world, I've seen photos of things around the world that I wouldn't geta chance to see in person, I've learned things, been inspired, and simply been entertained by some of the photos and appreciate other people's perspectives. I also love that we are all at different skill levels, have different levels of equipment, see things differently...and all that is GREAT and just adds to why I like the project so much.
December 5th, 2011
well, something is not right with me also. I have a bad case of photo block and don't feel like taking any photos.

I'm post some nice photos but they ar a week or 2 old mostly.

It started by by views dropped to a bout 1/3 or less of what I was getting, comments dropped off and I started losing followers or stopped gaining any.

That led to me questioning what I was doing. I thought nothing changed on my part but the slide continues. I think that my photos are about the same but here and elsewhere I'm at a low point.

Something is just not right these days. I don't feel like picking up a camera. Gpood thing I have enough shots to last a few more days.

December 5th, 2011
Change direction! photography is a pretty big discipline, is there anything you've never done?
film photography, polaroid, lomography, homemade cameras, I phone apps
Saying that I've loved film photography as an outlet, and I've got a second wind whenever I discover a new bit of software, but there is so much to learn (for me) I just change tack and try something else. I'm surrently trying to take more portrait pics. Good luck guys your pictures are great.
December 5th, 2011
i think we all go through that...try to find new ways to spark your creative side....make up themes for yourself, challenge your eye in new ways, check out flikr and other 365ers for inspiration....most importantly, do not give up!!:)
December 5th, 2011
Im in my second year.. and now that its dark 5 minutes after the sun is supposed to rise , its hard to get outside and do shots.. so what I do at this time of year , is a lot of editing... tons of free sites out there that you can use without downloading to edit your photos.. and have lots of fun with them... re visit old photos that you are not happy with and edit the crap out of them.. and see where you end up...
December 5th, 2011
It happens, to most. If you need to take a break, then do so.....the fire will build up again and you'll grab that camera and pick up where you left off. It's your project, manage it as you see fit. Good luck to you.
December 5th, 2011
@cfitzgerald - i hope you continue now and again courtney:)
December 5th, 2011
I have had burn out before. I actually quit my first project. Of course I put the added challenge of shooting the same subject for my project. The first attempt was my cats. I made it to 47. Lack of ideas,time to set up,and non moving subjects contributed to it's demise.
I am back for round two and my subject this time is a small aqua colored bottle. Sounds boring, right? So far I have been able to keep it pretty interesting.
I have always been a creative artistic person. I never thought creativity was a problem til I got into photography more professionally. I would see these great concept photos or just one where someone thought outside the box. I would be like wow, how did they come up with that. It was then that I realized just how little creativity I had when it came to shooting. So my theory on my same subject project is that by have to shoot the same subject for 365 days will push me to think outside the box more and more often as I try to come up with something new (and hopefully exciting) everyday. So far it is working. I have already hit two major blocks though. I use some of the techniques mentioned above. Looking at other photos can be a big source of ideas and inspiration. I also look though quotes on line. That is a major help. Also lately I have been using the weekly theme and other themes and competitions found in the discussions to get ideas and inspiration. I will try my hardest not to quit this time. I want to be able to say I finally finished something. And to finish this would be a huge personal pay off. Not only the challenge of mine being same subject but just the fact that I was able to stick with it for a full year. I believe that ordinary or potentially boring shots are inevitable over the course of a whole year. They can't all be blue ribbon winners. So on bad days I post anyway even if I think it was stupid and resign to do better the next day. I hope you continue your project. I hope you can find the inspiration you need to feel good about your project as well, because in the end it really is just for you.
December 5th, 2011
I think we all do, but hitting day 365 is totally worth that final push.

December 5th, 2011
You are in a new city with lots of free time, follow some themes, swap to iPhone everyday shots with an app each week or something, just take everyday things there is no pressure for the photos to be amazingly thought out, the best ones usually are not.

We have come too far to give up now!
December 6th, 2011
Oh yes I have had burn out. It was really bad a couple of weeks ago, but I snapped out of it by participating in challenges and themes. That really seemed to help. The other thing that really helps is that I am doing the project with my sister. Whenever either of us has burn out or lacks inspiration, the other one gives a little pep talk and then we decide to go somewhere new or try something new. I would have quit 10x by now if it wasn't for her.

Just keep taking photos. Even if it is only a shot of something memorable in your day from your phone. I have learned that for me this project isn't just about photography. It really is about remembering the little moments in a year of my life.

Best of luck finding your inspiration! I hope all of our responses are helping you carry on. :)
December 7th, 2011
@bullion3 @jo365 @reaseludo @misschuff @cassabear @debsphotos @daisy @herussell @cfitzgerald @debsphotos @chewyteeth @4stories @nikkers @4stories @shuterfly @indiannie_jones @egad - thanks everyone for taking the time to comment on my discussion. Everyone has raised some really valid & constructive points and after a few days completely away from 365 - I am ready to go again. Thanks for all of the suggestions and ways to continue on - it's really appreciated!

@jml0306 - don't give it away Joseph. I've enjoyed following your work for months now - what you post is always quality. Those who choose to "un-follow" you are the ones who will miss out.

@katescarrott - we have come too far to give it up! Getting back into it tomorrow.
December 7th, 2011

If anyones up for a huge challenge, I was just talking to someone who had made a dark room out of her shed and made pin hole cameras out of a shoe box and a beans can and the subsequent photos were superb...time consuming but I've never seen anything like the results she got.
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