looking for some constructive criticism!

March 14th, 2013
please go look at my page and give me some feedback new to this and been doing photography for only a year now and would love to know you thoughts about my art.
March 14th, 2013
Let me quickly whip through your photos.
March 14th, 2013
@amberbaird06 I looked at all 6 of your images and agree with Brendan about them. I like the image of the shovel.
March 21st, 2013
Looked at your photos and the first thing that comes to mind is that you have a collection of a lot of dark subjects. By dark I don't mean as in not enough light. I mean the subject matter is dark. I found it interesting that you had a quote or a poem to go with each one of your images. That makes me wonder if you create the image first and find a quote to go with the image or do you take the image with a quote already in mind? Either way I think it shows that you are a deep thinker and that could go a long way to making you a great photographer. While it is nice to know what other people think of our images, in the end your image must please only one person and that is YOU! I will try and add some constructive criticism for some of your images individually but my overall suggestion to you is, if you really want to learn photography and are serious about becoming a better photographer, please check to see if you can join a local camera club. I have belonged to one for 13 years and the information I have learned through my camera club has been invaluable. If you don't already belong to a camera club, I highly recommend it.
March 21st, 2013
thank you very much @april it kind of goes both ways some mornings I wake up and I know exactly what i'm looking for in the picture of the day and other times the song I hear that day will trigger the photo I want to take .
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