Any advice?

March 28th, 2013
I am new and I would like to know what you all think of my pictures.
March 28th, 2013
I would say you have a good eye for photography. Remember to always have fun with it. You're off to a great start. Welcome to 365!
March 28th, 2013
I noticed your tree picture and provides some feed back. My best advice is always take lots of photos! :) It's simple but true.
March 28th, 2013
I think you're off to a great start! If your entry for the mundane hex key challenge is any indication, you will do great things here!
March 28th, 2013
Good start to your 365Project, Megan.

I wouldn't get too hung up on your camera - it is the photographer who makes the final image.
March 28th, 2013
you got a great eye for photo, my advice to you! as i just learn take your time first stop.think.look. take the photo. my problem have been taking photos not thinking just wanted to get the photo, which is a shame because if i did what i told u to do, they would be better photos.
March 28th, 2013
@buttercup @elgjay @grizzlysghost @iii @justjim thank you all so much for the feedback and advice.
March 28th, 2013
I like the way you look at things! The close ups work best if you ask me. Try to play with composition by placing your subject out of center. Welcome to 365 :-)
March 28th, 2013
@mastermek Thanks I will try that
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