Which one is better?

August 24th, 2013
They are both well done and interesting to look at. I like the second one for the "flying" effect you mention. It would be interesting if you caught it so that it appears he's standing on the horizon of the lake at the tree line - he'd appear a giant in the backdrop. Nice work!
August 24th, 2013
Oh good idea! Thanks for your opinion :)
August 24th, 2013
2nd one - they are both nice, but the second is more interesting - good comp, lovely light, more thought and less like a quick snap.
August 24th, 2013
The second one definately- cool effect :)
August 24th, 2013
@vankrey @aprilmilani @blightygal @aprilv Thanks for your comments! I thought so too but wanted to know more opinions about it :)
August 24th, 2013
Both are great, I really like the second one!
August 24th, 2013
The first one x
August 24th, 2013
They are both good but I think I like the second one better. In the first one, the boy seems to get lost in the stones and he stands out well in the second one. Also I love your angle on the second one. Just my opinion. I am strictly an amateur.
August 25th, 2013
2nd one, definitely. He looks like he's on a diving board or something, it makes me want to take a closer look.
August 25th, 2013
2nd one
August 25th, 2013
I like the second one better. The fact that you've composed it so that he's behind the sky makes him stand out more, and is stronger compositionally.
August 25th, 2013
second one - for the play with dimensions - there is a lot of interest also in first but as already mentioned he doesnt stand out as well - altho i love the detail of shorts and shirt in the first (cool patterns)
August 30th, 2013
@grizzlysghost @gijo1610 @mittens @4umfreak @abhijit @pocketmouse @gozoinklings Thank you guys! It´s great to see both pictures got voices, I agree, the second photo may be better, it is "stronger compositinally", like Teresa wrote. Thanks for your opinions, it is always good to have a bit of critique :)
September 1st, 2013
@mmikaella9 I prefer the second one, they are both pretty impressive though!!
September 1st, 2013
@alexpeters Okay, thanks for your opinion!!
September 1st, 2013
the second one, but you know why?..
because, in black & white photography, we need contrast, we need to simply distinguish the main subject in the frame - in this case - the boy. in the second picture, the boy is seen against a simple and clear background (the neat sky) - that gives a balanced composition.
if you really want some story "to tell" about the moment captured in the first picture, you need to choose a different position/angle or use depth of field to separate the subject from the background..
September 2nd, 2013
@manu4photo Hm, I need to think that. You`re probably right and I must remember that next time..Thanks!!
September 2nd, 2013
Definitely the second image

I agree with @manu4photo
In any image, you really want to ask yourself what story are you telling.. what is going on here?

In the first one, it looks like he's blowing bubbles, but because of the wide DoF you're using, the background is also in focus. Meaning that youre losing both his head, hand amongst the rocks. Its hard to see what he's doing without having to look closely and concentrate.

the second image your subject is isolated straight away and there's nothing interfering with the main focus of the image. Composition wise, i'm not such a big fan of where you've placed him in the second image or the relative size of him compared to the background but he stands out.

I cant help but wonder if you'd knelt down in the first image, it may have been the best of both worlds. :)
September 6th, 2013
@toast Yeah. Well during that moment when I was taking those photos, I didn´t worked like a photographer, I admit I just took photos and noticed immediately that wow, this lighting and b&w looks good, and I took more of pics. So I didn`t think that much of the background or composition..

I got your point, I´m grateful of your opinion and I promest next time when I´m photographying and I have time, I will think better to get better quality and a story for every photo :) Thanks!
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