Critique First Week Please :)

January 14th, 2011
Any Suggestions would be nice :)
January 14th, 2011
January 14th, 2011
Just one week in and you have 8 followers and lots of comments, including one from me. You have some great shots there: girls in red, snow scenes are the best for me. Are you professional. Very high standard. I see you are following just two people. If you want more people to visit go check out other people's work and follow, comment on the threads, insert pics into the threads etc. Just be active, which is all part of learning from others and developing your own eye and getting inspirational ideas.
January 14th, 2011
I think you are off to a very good start! I am just a beginner myself so I can't offer much critique for you, just keep doing what you're doing :)
January 14th, 2011
Josh, you do fine work. Your first week shows that you have talent both in taking the picture and editing. Do not let yourself get caught up in trying to please anyone other than yourself with this project. This is your personal project and you will find that people will not leave any negative comments because it is personal to you and who are we to judge what your intention is. We cannot. If you truly want critiquing, make sure to note that on the picture itself.

You will have inspired days and uninspired days but most days will be just fine. Participate in the Browse and Pick threads. I think we are on #52. Participate in Pick Your Favorite Photo for the week of .... ( this is where you will pick one of your own). I think these will help you find what you like in other peoples pictures as well as what you like in your own. AND once people start to recognize your name, they will be more inclined to comment. You've only just begun this project. Give it time to develop and grow. :-)
January 14th, 2011
I am no pro but your work is on the right road. Just bring your camera with you where ever you go. Take pictures when you see something that strikes you and capture it. At the end of the day go through and look throught the pics and see what is a good photo for the day. also if working on theme competion I try to look around at what you have and see if you can mold it into the theme. Like with the movie them I took a picture of a tom collins drink and did a little bit bluring in th background the attract the attention to the drink and used it for a refference in meet the fockers.
January 14th, 2011
Thanks Guys :D
@miranda no haha im no pro its just a hobby of mine :D
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