Are you...

June 23rd, 2010
Are you picky about who you follow? I am really picky. I do not know why I am this way! I am not a professional photographer with a keen eye or anything. There are a lot of people on here that I like their photos...I just don't like them enough to follow them.
I was just wondering if there was anyone else who was as picky about following people as I am. And if I am being stupid for being choose-y.
June 23rd, 2010
I follow people if I see a good photo when I go to their page.
June 23rd, 2010
I used to be. But then I realized that there are lots of reasons to follow someone. For example, some of our fellow 365-ers are quite young. Are they taking photos as eye-popping as some of our resident superstars? Perhaps not. But they could use encouragement and support as much as, if not more than, any other member.

It always feels really good when someone whose photographs I admire starts following me, so I try to follow people who are supportive and interested in what I'm doing, in addition to the people who are posting mind-blowing photos every day.

I think this site is as much about sharing what little I know with people who can use it, as it is about learning from people who know more than I do.

ETA: On the other hand, the more people you follow, the harder it is to keep up! There's something to be said for keeping it simple, I suppose :)
June 23rd, 2010
Emily, I totally understand where you are coming from. I too, am picky and it's because it can be overwhelming following so many people and not having the time to actually view or comment on their photos. I feel an obligation once I begin following someone to show them the respect and courtesy of viewing and commenting, at least occassionally. I like to follow someone once they begin following me but I hate to take on more than I have time for and I feel I have already fallen short on leaving comments due to time constraints.
June 23rd, 2010
I just follow people who have interesting photo's to me, or if they're a close friend of mine. Which, I enjoy their photo's anyways because I care and what not. I also only follow people who attempt to keep up. (I understand some cases, as I also do not have access to a camera at the moment. DD:)
June 23rd, 2010
I am a little.. Im no professional either but I know what i like..and I especially like photos that have effort or thought put into them. Im not interested in backyard happy snaps of strangers kids (protrait shots are good tho).

Plus the more people I follow the harder it is for me to keep up with viewing everyones work.. And I try to leave comments as much as possible.. if you have an outragous amount you are follwoing it becomes a full time job lol

June 23rd, 2010
I usually follow the people who comment on my photos because I would also like to see their stuff and return the favor especially if I see something interesting or something I like.. I also regularly visit the popular page and see any photos that grab my eye.. then I follow those 365ers as well.
June 23rd, 2010
No I'm not picky, If I like someones pictures i will follow them..... I don't think your stupid for being picky.
June 23rd, 2010
i use to be in my facebook account, but not here, haha its ok to be picky... its your choice , will repsect that =) me, when someone added me, i make sure that i also follw them too, but its not an obligation to comment on thier page EVERYDAY.
June 23rd, 2010
I am not picky here. Every else on the web I am very very picky but I just feel safer here. Plus there are so many great photog's on here. Can't help myself. lol Plus if you follow me, I will follow you. It just seems nice and I have found a lot of great photogs that way.
June 23rd, 2010
I wasn't at first; I followed people that had pictures that interested me. Now I am a bit more picky just because I can't keep up with so many. I do browse the latest pics quite often just to see who is new. I used to browse each days pics, but I have run out of time and can just pop in for a few minutes at a time.
June 23rd, 2010
I'm quite picky just because, as a few others have said, I like to be able to comment regularly on new photos and it gets difficult when you have too many to follow!
June 23rd, 2010
I wasn't picky at all, but I am starting to be, because it's virtually impossible to follow everybody! I find myself spending hours in front of the PC screen, reciprocating at comments and looking at photos... However, I am still tempted to follow somebody when I see a couple of images that I like in their calendar... So, I guess I am moderately picky... or trying to be! ;-)
June 23rd, 2010
Yes, I am... I like to follow those who are creative and who inspire me!
June 23rd, 2010
Yes, I am quite picky, simply because I find that my home page gets overwhelmed if not, so I choose to follow people who's photographs I like, and if I realise in a few weeks that I don't like them then I unfollow them!
June 23rd, 2010
You like what you like, and thats it! There's no point in following someone who work that are not as fond of (and there's nothing wrong with that work, its just down to personal taste and interpretation).

I dont follow nearly enough people, and would like to at least follow the ones who are following me, but there is no way I could keep up on everyone's photographs - am already missing some gems on a regular basis because of time difference's, being at work etc and they've gone down to the bottom before I ever saw them.

I do really like the popular page and the recently uploaded pages, I look at those the most and will leave comments on the ones that I like. They're a great way to see whats people are up to and admire their work.
June 23rd, 2010
If I see a photo I like on the Popular page, and I like a few more of their photos, I'll follow them. :) I guess that makes me a little picky.
June 23rd, 2010
I started off following people whose photos I found really interesting compositionally, technically and subject-wise. I still do this but I've found that this isn't generally enough for me to follow them now (and in any case, the really top-notch photographers are likely to appear on the Popular page so I can 'follow' them that way!).

I'm more likely to follow and/or stay following someone who I feel some kind of affinity with in terms of approach and outlook (this knowledge gained by sharing of comments or reading their blurbs) which just emphasises for me the community value of this project.

I would also love to be able to follow more people (especially those following me) to support and encourage people but as has been mentioned there just isn't enough time to do justice to everyone's pics.
June 23rd, 2010
I follow when I see a connection, a relating to, and understanding of. When something "moves" me I like to see more of that. It is a kinship in a sense. For example, if you were photographing cars and cats mostly, I would likely not follow you (and that might be my loss, because in among the cars and cats could be a beautiful sunrise and I would miss it) but if you were photographing things of places or things I am distant from and don't have access to or would not see everyday, then I would likely follow you. But I am also following a few that dont just put up pictures, they put of lyrics or stories or fantastic writings or scripture and that grabs me too. It is always interesting for me to see the picture and how it has been captured, but it makes it more interesting if there is detail to go with it. I also like to follow those who follow me, to show support and encourage, but I cant look at everyones pic every day OH but I want to. There are so many talented people on here.
June 23rd, 2010
Following almost 200 people perhaps suggests you're not that picky!
June 23rd, 2010
I tend to follow people who do nature photos as opposed to people, and I like to see photos from folks who live in different places from me. And I look for people with not many followers, who aren't getting noticed.
June 23rd, 2010
Yea I am a little....I found it hard to get followers back in January, as my photos improved they came in. If people follow me now and they've only been doing this for a under a month, the chances are I won't follow them straight away, as the chances are they will drop out. But I do keep an eye on their work and then decide.

Likewise I go through my following list and if they haven’t been updated with in 6 weeks, I will remove them as I guess they have dropped out and I don’t see point in following them.

Also people who just upload pictures of family and kids most of the time, its doubtful I'll follow you, 1. I find it weird for me viewing random family/kids photos of people I don’t know and 2. If they are rather average I simply won’t find interesting (which is fair comment I think)

Not that I’m an expert of course and mine have gone down hill in past week or two but I appreciate all followers and all comments, but we all have various tastes in pictures.

Plus a small percentage of me likes having more followers then people I’m following ;-) and of course it makes it easier to track your current amount.
June 24th, 2010
This just made me realize that I wasn't following you...what the heck? I totally love all your photos...well I'm about to remedy that little problem...following you-check!! :)
June 24th, 2010
wow you made me feel special... thanks for following me!

I don't click follow on many people but there are many people I look at and comment on regularly. I see them when they comment on my photos or I find them one way or another. Not sure why I just don't click follow but I suppose its so my "home" page doesn't fill up too often. I still want to see my friends photos.
June 24th, 2010
Thanks everyone for responding! I am glad I am not the only one on here who is a little picky.
June 24th, 2010
I didnt read everybody's response, but I think Ashley J Wilson said it well.
I am not usually picky...I think the people who are just getting introduced to phtography need the support and they deserve it. I really appreciate the encouragement I am getting on here...not only is it making me better, but it is pushing me TO do better and I just love it.
June 24th, 2010
I'm not picky, but I feel the more I follow, the easier it'll be for photos to slip between the cracks, I guess. I like most of the stuff I see on here but if I were to follow everyone whose photos I like, my homepage would have too many and I wouldn't have the time to keep up.
June 25th, 2010
I'm not picky at all, but because of how hectic this past week has been for me I wish I was picky. I've had very little computer time since my cousins have been here so I feel bad that I can't get trough all the photos. And I just feel bad cause I love being able to see other peoples work.
I also feel like this weeks photos from me are pretty boring... but that would be for another topic! lol
June 25th, 2010
I agree with Lauren and Ashley :) i'm one of those young & new photographers and when i browse around and see someone's INCREDIBLE picture and somehtin' like 83 comments on it i get REALLY intimidated! sometimes it's hard for me to even get 3 comments ;) i understand though, that when people "log on" to 365 they've probably got like 50 bajilion picutres to look through none the less comment on and it can get overwhelming!!! i also see it as a challenge to up my photo's untill they ARE the best they can be. haha this doesn't really answer your question about being picky..i just wanted to throw that out there. and i AM picky ;) about the photo's and people. :) so i've been trying really hard to be someone i'd follow! a person with a personality, GREAT pictures that catch ur eye every time, and not a jerkk. lol.

:) so there's absolutly nothing wrong (the way i see it) with being picky. as long as ur not completely bratty about it ;) which i know you're not, so you don't have anything to worry about :D
June 25th, 2010
I think some people on 365 have a lot more time on their hands to follow people and be part of a community. Sometimes I feel sad that I don't have the time capabilities to follow all those that follow me and beyond but time restraints mean I follow those that inspire me to take better photos.

I sometimes feel like I'm a bit of an outsider on here because I don't have the time to commit, but hey ho!
June 25th, 2010
I'm pretty picky, I don't give "courtesy follows" for following me. But at the same time I'm not trying to limit the amount of people I follow. If I see that someone has a good eye for shots and has heaps of potential, I watch them.
June 25th, 2010
I will ditto what Gen Erispe said. I do feel like reciprocation is the point of this forum, and I'm not picky in that regard. I can always find a photo in somebody's photos that I like for different reasons. In some cases, if I find that I am continually commenting on photos and don't get any response or reciprocation, I will stop commenting simply because I don't have the time. I will still look at the photos, I just won't try and comment.
(On the flip side, I'm extremely picky on my personal FaceBook Page simply because it becomes a privacy issue and that's where my "personal" family photos are. I've received several "friend requests" from this forum and have directed them to my professional FB Page. I'm not trying to be unfriendly, I'm just a private person as far as my family goes!).
June 25th, 2010
Ironically today I went through my list and cut out about 50 people I was following basing it almost entirely on whether or not they are also following me. Main reason being I don't have the time to look through all the great photos and feel like I should be concentrating my comments to those that are also viewing my photos. I kept a handful in that really amaze me for my own selfish benefit. A cool feature here would be the ability to look at who's following you and see if you are in turn following them as well - like Twitter.
June 27th, 2010
I tend to want to Follow people who are on the low end of followers rather than 100+. I'd like to have people follow me back, and I don't want to get lost in the shuffle. I also tend to look for younger people, around my age. I'm hoping to make friends out of this, so I look for people whom I have things in common with, who do things I want to do, or who seem like people I'd enjoying hanging out with. If someone takes pictures that really catch my eye I will follow them, but if it's pretty stuff, but stuff that doesn't necessarily catch my interesting I'll probably unfollow them.

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