free photo book with The Mail.

June 25th, 2010
For UK folk, not that I'd ever suggest buying the Mail normally, lol, but I just saw an advert about tomorrow (sat's) paper giving away an 80 page photo book to create from personal digital snaps.. dont know if its one of those token collection things, hope not!

Just thought I'd share.
June 25th, 2010
Thanks! The Daily Mail is shite but the offer might actually be worth buying the paper!
June 25th, 2010
I saw the ad on tv too....might have to remember to buy it!!!...wonder what the catch is?
June 25th, 2010
The catch is that you might accidentally read some of their content and become one of The Infected.
June 25th, 2010
I don't know if I could actually live with the shame of buying it ...
June 25th, 2010
June 25th, 2010
Hide it inside something from the top shelf?!
June 25th, 2010
Very funny Steve! Made me chuckle that did :-)
June 25th, 2010
By the way peeps it's 12 tokens that need to be collected...
June 26th, 2010
Don't do collecting tokens - esp if it means buying TWELVE copies of The Mail!
June 26th, 2010
@Frieda - ah yes but even if no one saw me, I would know I'd done it ...
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