Where Is The Love?

January 19th, 2012
I stumbled upon the latest hate thread today (there was more than one?)....wow! That's a whole lot of hate. And I'm all for people having opinions but that thread was spewing hate for hates sake. Basically it was bullying....and we're adults? I felt like I slipped into a time warp and was transported back to high school. It was disappointing to see :(

What I want to know is what do you LOVE to see in peoples photographs?
I enjoy colorful landscapes- dripping with flowers, fresh babies in cute cuddly outfits (reminds me of my babies) & food shots...now that's just me and I know we don't all love these things so tell me what you love to see in your friends photography?
January 19th, 2012
Besides technically good shots (I'm in school and just in the mode to look for certain things), I really like humor - sometimes the little description can turn a cute photo into a FAV!. I also love single-subject shallow DOF photos, like a single leaf or flower with a lot of blurry background. Sunsets. I love sunsets...and dramatic skies. I love seeing how everyone all over the world sees the very same sky that I share. Lastly, I like candid shots of people - not necessarily street photography per se, but you never know how amazing someone's smile can be until you capture them mid-laughter. :)
January 19th, 2012
@sdpace Thanks for taking one for the "Love" team....lol. Now the things you mentioned will really help new photographers....excellent job!
January 19th, 2012
one thing I try to do when i follow someone new is go to their FAVs and see what they like in addition to looking through at least 3 months of album if they have it!
January 19th, 2012
Great thread Heidi!!! This place is meant to all be about the joy and beauty in each and every day for me....I don't think the 365 police should lock you up if that joy comes in the form of your baby, your kids, your pets, your food.....it is in fact YOUR project!!
I have written on another thread about the fact that some people are doing this 365 project as a desperate way of finding the joy in their daily life...a photographic journey of awakening. Do we need to hear the word hate on here? As far as my viewing is concerned, I treat it like like the tv show principal, if you don't like it, don't look at it and move on! Everyone has different preferences, which is a great part of the 365 fun.
January 19th, 2012
As an amateur photographer I have found that my favorite photos of people are the un-posed and unexpected shots. I think that the best way to capture a special moment is to just let it happen. The expressions on faces, body language, etc. are just so much better.

I also love to see nature photos (especially things that we may not see everyday - like a strange flower, an animal that is rarely seen, or beautiful skies). I also REALLY love abstract photos. I love to see how people view the world and try to force myself to think outside the box once in a while.
January 19th, 2012
@sdpace That sounds a little like a job....that may not be too enjoyable....lol. How bout you just share your opinion on photos you like- so they are encouraged and know they are heading in the right direction ;) It's been proven- we all like comments- but constructive ones, ones that make us better are awesome! I know we have to tread lightly but most say they are "trying to learn something" and the best way to learn is to get feedback!
January 19th, 2012
@traceysday Thanks Tracey.....what type of photography do you love....I suppose I could just flip through your favorites but that wouldn't be fun for all :)
January 19th, 2012
@heidievans73 this is why I keep my following list around 150 - it IS a lot of work. However, I think by seeing what people FAV, you can look through their shots and see what they may be aspiring toward, and give tips to help them get there! :)

January 19th, 2012
LOL! Are ya ready? I love great sunrises and sunsets! I love horses, dogs and anything that looks western, especially barbed wire! I love the old, used up, broken and forgotten things of this world. I love the captured sweet innocence or look of wonder on a young child's face. I love wildflowers and wild creatures and nature. I love faces with character in action. I love brilliant colors and crisp black and whites, and that's probably enough for now! But, I may add to this later! Ha ha!
January 19th, 2012
@floriandra Excellent points and ideas Sandra! I find that my children often run when I pull the camera out so I'm forced to snap when they are in their natural "playing" state. I also love looking at abstract pics...outside of the box is the place to be!
January 19th, 2012
Last I knew, this was a photo blog site, recording one's life in pictures, one day at a time. As we do this, we (meaning ME) hopefully become better photographers in the process, learning from others and developing our own style. It's not a popularity contest. It's my freakin' life and what I see and what I do. If people don't like it, don't look at it! If I wanna frame it and watermark it and HDR it and whatever-it, I'm going to do it for the experience of learning what works and what doesn't when editing (if I choose to edit). This is not about being perfect, or cranking out a professional grade photo every day, or a picture that is to everyone's taste. I'm not going to drive three hours to the perfect location under the perfect lighting and take 1000 pictures, and spend another 2 hours editing to get that perfect picture. If someone else wants to, then GREAT, go for it, and I will admire it and wish I had the time and the patience and the knowledge to do that. But MY life is working full time, commuting, rain, teenagers, a dog, a cat and some flowers.
January 19th, 2012
@heidievans73 I struggle a little with faves, because I don't like to play faves!!! I love most well taken photos, I admire them for what they are... I adore fabulous light, a story attached, beauty, sunsets with a focal point, animals...just joyful expressions of the wonderful life we have around us.
January 19th, 2012
I like all kinds of photos... even things I NEVER would have thought to take a picture of. That's part of my interest in 365. I love seeing nature, food, even spiders & webs now! and I like candid pics of people, and everyday life, if it's done tastefully (whatever that means! lol) I don't enjoy seeing pics of battered people, but I don't criticize, I just avoid it. So go ahead and capture your kids! I'll admire them!!!! :)
January 19th, 2012
@sdpace So what you're saying is you don't comment on my pics because I don't need any help? Awesome! :P I mean I am awesome!
January 19th, 2012
@heidievans73 Oh, forgot the most important thing...LOVE to see things I would never get a chance to see here.
January 19th, 2012
@2thgirl I'm with you...just let us do what we can do...as best we can!
January 19th, 2012
@heidievans73 whaaaat!? you're one of my most recent favs - AND i commented on it! (1/9). get outta town.
January 19th, 2012
@2thgirl looks like you live in a beautiful place - I would DEFINITELY have to travel a bit to find anything close to your shots.
January 19th, 2012
@heidievans73 I love YOU for starting this thread! :) Hmm, I probably love everything that is hated by the haters haha. I love natural, smily portraits (including babies) I love shallow DOF and dare i say bokeh. Sunsets and nature. I just love that there is so much to learn from this site, and what is beautiful to me may not be beautiful to the next person, and thats awesome! How boring if we were all the same right. I feel like my photos have come a long way in the 3 or so months since I started, and most of that is from what I've learned right here. Maybe my shots are still crappy to everyone else, and thats ok. What I don't understand is comments like "photos of such&such are just for facebook" Huh? Everyone is doing the project for their own reasons, its not only for those who follow the "rules" of photography.
Hmm, so maybe I'm a little off topic. Whatevs, spread the love! :)
January 19th, 2012
@2thgirl Well stated! I think most peoples goal is to better themselves in their photographic journey....everyone's journey is a bit different but most respect those differences. And it's not about where I think you're journey should end up- it's all about you and what you're able to put into it! What I can do is offer support along the way.
January 19th, 2012
@heidievans73 Thank you! I've just returned to 365 and, between the hate and creepy threads, I wondered what happened to the positive, supportive photography environment this used to be. I love to see the slices of life and various cityscapes and landscapes captured by people all over the world. There are so many creative people on here and I find that inspiring.
January 19th, 2012
Recognizing that members of this site range from beginners with cell phones to pros with Hasselblads, In general, I think I most love to see people enjoying their photography regardless of the level of skill or technical expertise.

To be specific, I love shots that make me stop and look closer and either marvel or wonder. This could be a shot of a child, a sunset, a barbwire fence, or an exploding Christmas ornament. Maybe most of all, I love expressive shots of people and animals.

Finally, I love Heidi for starting a Lovefest! :-)
January 19th, 2012
Everything, everyone said. No point in retyping it, I feel the same as most of you. I look at everyone and everything I can, so that I can learn as much as possible. I am a SPONGE, absorbing it all. Constructive criticism is good as long as its not mean :) If I dont like what I see, I go on to something else, I dont comment. I dont feel like I have enuff experience to criticize anyone, whether it be constructive or not.
January 19th, 2012
@munchkin84 Yes, I too was confused about where to post my pics...here or facebook....well I post them on BOTH so there! lol
January 19th, 2012
@hamptanner Thanks Hamp....lovin' ya back for responding.....what's a Hasselblads? I'm too lazy to look it up!
January 19th, 2012
I love textures. I totally overuse them, because I can't help it. Hi, I'm Jinx, and I'm an addict.
January 19th, 2012
@sdpace You FAV'ed one of my shots? I didn't catch it?!? Now if I would have caught it I would have been very flattered because I think you're a fantastic photog and I look up to your photographic ability!
January 19th, 2012
@jinximages Ooooo mee too. I've just started playing with textures and am trying to keep it under control. :)

@heidievans73 yes ma'am I did....and it was (gasp!) your kids! :)) i appreciate the compliment very much, but please know I am just a poor starving artist and student trying to make my way in the world and getting pretty much nowhere.
January 19th, 2012
@jinximages Acknowledging your addictions is the first step Jinx. Congratulations! I overuse pics of my daughter Lennon....she's with me all day long...what's a girl to do? Oh you won't know Jinx...you're not a girl...lol ;P
January 19th, 2012
@heidievans73 Here is one you can pick up for the cost of a Honda Accord, with leather seats and power steering... http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=&sku=671885&Q=&is=REG&A=details

But not the undercoating. That costs extra.
January 19th, 2012
@sdpace We're all coming from somewhere....everyone's perspective is different! That's what makes this site so friggin' cool!
January 19th, 2012
@hamptanner Oh that thing....I already have one but don't use it much cuz it's too heavy to lift...lol! OMG people on this site are using those....I call UNFAIR ADVANTAGE!!
January 19th, 2012
I love 365! I love the warmth and friendliness and encouragement... I love that I now have "friends" all over the world and am learning some things about the places they are from... I love what I am learning here – and not just the photography... I love to see the growth in peoples' skills (including my own)... I love seeing kids, pets, bugs (never thought I'd say that!), heavy edits, B&W, outrageously creative shots, daily routine shots... I have seen very few photos that didn't strike my fancy in some way. I have been called Pollyanna and "accused" of wearing rose-colored glasses, but I prefer to find the good in people and situations. And I love that you (one of my new friends) started this thread to remind us that a little love goes a long way. I know my day has ended more brightly because of it! :) Thanks...
January 19th, 2012
@marilyn Thank you so much Marilyn!! You know studies have been done along the lines of positive thinking, smiling & laughing....and the health benefits of these painful activities. I know it's hard for some to think positively- but there are proven benefits!
January 19th, 2012
I love that 9 out of 10 photographers here take better photos than I do, so everyday is a learning experience.

I love when I check the feed of photographers I'm following and see something new to me like water, ice, smoke, fire, interesting self portraits, editing techniques etc and think."I want to try that."

I love that I can try something new everyday and there is no one to "grade" it.

I love that the photographers are from such a variety of places and backgrounds.

I love that people are kind enough to be encouraging even when that day's shot is less than perfect.

I love that someone else read the "hate" discussion and was able to feel differently about all of it.

I love that there are no rules so I can try something new everyday. I love that some of the other photographers have such a unique style that I can tell who shot it without looking at the names, but for me this year is going to be best described by a phrase out of Monty Python...

..... And now for something completely different!

January 19th, 2012
@sdpace I noticed you talk about shallow DOF, are their different "depths" . This one I posted the other day had a couple of dof comments...I just thought it was a fuzzy back ground

I'm loving at looking at all the different kinds of photographs. I don't do much editing as its a whole new world for me. But am impressed by those that can completely change their photo into a peice of art.
January 19th, 2012
@heidievans73 I, ummm, no. I've got nothing. Haha!
January 19th, 2012
I love this website and I've really appreciated all of the positive feedback I've received! I also wouldn't mind some constructive criticism of my shots that might help me become a better photographer! Speak the truth in love though!
January 19th, 2012
@swguevin What's so cool about this site is that what's "completely different" for you is indeed different for YOU...you may have derived the idea from someone else but it's new to you! And that's OK! They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery....we can't all be original....and that's ok too!
January 19th, 2012
Oh~ I love sunsets, flowers, landscapes and water shots.~ I really love dreamy shots, the ones that makes you stop and just imagine stepping into them! I've yet to take a shot like that. I love seeing different parts of the world, that I likely will never see. Its really fun to see lovely warm shots while I'm in the middle of winter, and the cool shots when I'm in the middle of a heat wave. ~ I don't think I'll ever love the bug shots, but some are definitely interesting!

The "hate" thread, is funny and I don't think anyone (me included) that commented there is trying to bully anyone. As was said over and over, we've all taken and will continue to take pictures that someone won't like, but you take pictures and edit them the way you want to here, there is almost always someone that will like and comment on your shots.

365 is an amazing place with amazing photographers~ beginners and pros, thats what makes it great, being able to learn from people and help other learn what you've learned.
January 19th, 2012
I'm glad you started a love thread. I don't read the hate stuff, it depresses me. I love the people on here, the photos and the wonderful support we all give each other. Bring on the love!
January 19th, 2012
@sanera The thread certainly got softer as it went on but it started out like a slap in the face and was directed at "newcomers here" giving them a chance to speak up about what they hate...it was more like a heads up on what NOT to shoot. That was my first impression. Newcomers are new- they don't really have an opinion yet- unless they come to 365 with photography experience. Which many don't. Several new to the site have viewed the thread as intimidating and not a very nice "welcome"....that sound a little like bullying to me...I know it was all said "with the best intentions in mind", "all in good fun" and "no big deal" but that's not how all received it. Just speaking from the other perspective.
January 19th, 2012
I love photos with a story behind them, landscapes that make me feel I'm actually there, anything featuring horses, and captures of silly signs. :)
January 19th, 2012
What a wonderful discussion topic, thank you for starting it! I'm quite new to photography and am finding this an excellent place to learn and try some new things. In terms of what I love to see in photos, well, the list is growing daily as I see more and more wonderful photos of different things, places and people all around the world being shared on 365! I've only been here a couple of weeks and feel I have learnt so much already!
January 19th, 2012
On the "hate" discussion,l I joked that I hate everything. I honestly don't know what I like in term of photos anymore, I'm sort of in a funk. Perhaps @sdpace could go through my favs and 3 months of my work to figure it out. Kidding, sort of. I actually do think that you can tell a lot about a person by their work and what they "fav", but maybe I'm just too close to myself.
January 19th, 2012
What I love most about 365 is seeing the everyday sights and sites of fellow photographers from all over the world. I live vicariously through their incredible captures.

I love boats and water and canals and beaches and waves and bridges, basically anything to do with water. I love, love, love shots of long piers and evidence of tides and the wooden supports under them. Reflections, whether in a body of water or in a puddle, always amaze me.

I find street scenes showing unique and colorful storefronts that are ordinary to the photographer so intriguing. Photos depicting indigenous people tending to their everyday lives fascinate me.

I love photos of cloud formations that capture the many moods of Mother Nature. I'm attracted to shots of sunsets, sunrises, fog, rain, snow, wind.

I'm almost always impressed with macro shots of any subject but especially of flowers and plants. I love the bokeh, or, as explained in the other thread, shallow dof, in the background of these closeups.

I love unique perspectives. I'm a sucker for train track shots, and one goal before I finish this project is to get one of my own.

I love so much more, but I've gone on for too long now. I had thought about starting a thread in rebuttal to the other one, so thank you, @heidievans73 , for this. The other thread really bothered me, and I finally had to stop reading it.
January 19th, 2012
@hamptanner Holy Shit thats a lot of money, I like this part of the description ' A 4GB card will store about 60 images" they must be humoungous images:)
January 19th, 2012
@heidievans73 ~I see your point. I just wanted to state mine about the thread, from someone who said she didn't like spider pics! ~

Anyways~ This is a nice thread, very positive. I certainly didn't mean to offend
January 19th, 2012
@mej2011 Well I see that you've faved a few of my shots so you are totally headed in the right direction....lol- all kidding aside, we all get burnt out at times. Maybe you need to step away for a while find yourself through another activity? I don't think anyone can find you....because you're right here...with us. Figure out if that's truly where you want to be or could your time be better used somewhere else.....jeez now I feel like I'm talking to myself! Sorry- I'll stop ;) I hope you find your way out of your funk!
January 19th, 2012
@sanera It's all good Samantha :)
January 19th, 2012
Based on this discussion, and your bio, you have a new follower. Thanks!
January 19th, 2012
Thanks for the advice! Sorry, didn't mean to be a downer on your discussion.

I will say that I seem to be drawn to selective color a lot.
January 19th, 2012
I appreciate the positivity, and I love what you're doing. But calling it bullying is kind of harsh, no? Everyone has something they have about certain photographs. No point in expressing it in a thread rather than pretending to love everything all the time.

But I do love pictures of babies with bright blue eyes. :)
January 19th, 2012
Great topic. Things I love: technical excellence, images that make me think, unique perspectives on the everyday, great black-and-white photography, insightful street photography, backlighting, beautiful blur, colours that transport me into a scene, composition using nothing but colour and luminosity, compositions using nothing but lines, simplicity in general, monochrome-in-colour, anything I can meditate on for minutes on end, anything that stirs emotion, images of life...
January 19th, 2012
@veekay 50 megapixels. Damn.
January 19th, 2012
@lovebrittany Nope, I think bullying is a perfect word to describe it :)
I love bright blue baby eyes as well :D
January 19th, 2012
@dieter Ahhh technical excellence- well who doesn't love that :P Thanks for your comments :)
January 19th, 2012
@heidievans73 but also work that brings a unique perspective, whether technically accomplished or not. For instance I often love amateur snapshots by artists, graphic designers and architects (and children for that matter) :)
January 19th, 2012
@sdpace any critique is welcomed by me! I'm strongly leaning toward starting photography school in spring quarter and am inspired by "just a poor starving artist and student." :) And I'm sure I'll be at least double the age of most of the students.

I love the love, and I love the haters. I know in text things can sound harsh. I'm new...some of the comments sting a little. But I also know there are bits to be learned in there. I've been a well-respected member of a totally different artistic community and have vented and snarked. I totally get both sides, so nice to see both here.
January 19th, 2012
Never been called a bully for participating in a fun thread before, oh dear!
January 19th, 2012
@heidievans73 good on you for starting this thread. I was thinking similarly that it would be good to have a thread that emphasised the positive.
January 19th, 2012
@heidievans73 BTW many photos inspire me too structure mine more carefully. I look to see what is terrific and that I can adapt without copying. it is all very derivative in the end, but mostly i like to shoot what i want without being constrained. Really have appreciated all the wonderful comments and favs I have received which have encourgaed me to explore the shots I like. Like seeing some of the fabulous HDR and landscape shots. Like to be amused by laughter and joy in peoples ideas. In many ways I am more interested in philosophical content of photo rather than technique or technical ability. Techne comes with time, but art is philosophy, and vice versa.
January 19th, 2012
lol I don't think it was proper hate! BUT I just LOVE to see how people see things, it shows what a varied world there is.
January 19th, 2012
Firstly I love what @kjarn said, I also love street photography, urban decay, desolate landscapes, nudes, shooting on film, stuff that creeps me, stuff that shocks me, people who post photo's they like not what they think other people will like, people who speak there mind, people who take the tongue in cheek threads for what they are and generally people who don't take themselves to seriously or give a shit what other's think of them.

I also love the threads that @grecican starts, Tina don't ever leave this place.

I also love to hate on "bokeh", HDR and any kind of fluffy, cutesy shit.
January 19th, 2012
Oh do come along. Bullying indeed. Talking lightheartedly and being open about things you dislike is a world apart from bullying. Dressing everything up in sweetness and light =/= the real world.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)
January 19th, 2012
I love blue skies and I love sunrises/sunsets and I love night-times skies, I love that we all photograph the same sun and moon, I love colour, I also love softness and I love water...I love reflections on water especially reflections of the sky. I love it when people are creative or find an angle that makes the ordinary more interesting, like animal expressions and witty titles, I love that we all post things we love and I love the positive warmth that shines through 99% of this community.
Hell today I am just so full of lurhve. !! :) Thank you @heidievans73 x
January 19th, 2012
I love people with a sense of humour.
January 19th, 2012
I love women ;D
January 19th, 2012
@johnnyfrs Haha! Women are good. and boobies are good too! Photos of boobs are even better! Mostly, in photos I love technical proficiency. That's it. The subject can be anything if it is shot well. Except preggo bellies. They are just gross!! Oh, did I just go to the dark side again? ..but it is so much fun!! In 365ers, I love those who have a sense of humour mostly! :-)
January 19th, 2012
@johnnyfrs @payyourrates @eyebrows @tabbycat much lolz at all these comments...

but if i was to pick something...prob candid street stuff, but theres nothing with hate/dislike. It can't be that bad, Youtube even have a dislike feature, it's part of the t'interweb generation. At no point was it bullying. Just saying.
January 19th, 2012
Oh - I'm with you on this.
My project = MY PHOTOS = things important to ME ... .
I don't care if people don't like photos of kids and plants and beaches and bokeh or whatever .... I don't force people to look at my pictures and I can just as easily choose not to follow people who's pictures I find soul-less and boring.
I love photos of breastfeeding babies, pregnant bellies, small children and old people: I love portraits in general.
I love floral photos and I love SOOC and over-cooked processing.
I love photographers who graciously let me see into part of their lives through their 365 project lens.
I love it when a photo is accompanied by a story giving background to the picture.
I love photographers who take me on a world tour from my laptop.
I love the friendship and camaraderie I have found on 365 and I love discovering other people who value (and photograph) the same things I do.
...and for the pics I don't care for ... well ... I choose not to click on them.
Simple really.
January 19th, 2012
I love travelling the world and seeing it through others eyes :)
I love the fact every one has a different way of doing things :)
I love the experience of looking at things and finding something everyday to photograph that others haven't seen , Like this shot taken under a bridge I drive over every day :)
January 19th, 2012
I really love looking at everyopnes shots. Some people are pros and I learn from them...some are raw beginners and I can teach them. I just love the opportunities the site affords me.
January 19th, 2012
So here is the love (an incomplete list):
I love seeing many different kind of pictures and I follow many different people - I love the variety.
I love to see how people and projects change over time - to me more important than a single picture.
Although I follow many people who create wonderful and perfect images I like imperfection - if I can see what drew the person to the image I don't care about technical perfection. Blurry, strange composition, no light - so what?
I love how many new places I have discovered since this began.
I love how many interesting people I have met here.
I love the fun I had with this so far.
That list could be continued but for now I must go and discover some new pictures.
January 19th, 2012
@tabbycat aww, I'm a midwife...I love preggo bellies....I love it even better when the baby arrives. I could tag you when I get some good birthing room shots!!! He he
January 19th, 2012
i like peeling the dead skin off after my sunburn heals. Preferably in a quiet room so i can listen to the sound it makes.
January 19th, 2012
@heidievans73 I LOVE you for starting this thread, and I agree with most of the comments on here - I have just loved being part of this site, and getting the feedback and wanting to take a better photo everyday....I was so disappointed to read the "hate" thread it left me with a slightly nasty taste in my mouth..I know not everything is good in this world, but I came across a really friendly community here that I think is amazing and was disappointed to read some of the comments....

I'm going to continue to see all the positive things this site can offer - I have learnt so much in the 3 weeks I have been on here, and long may it continue.

Thank you for sharing the love !!!
January 19th, 2012
@corymbia Great sentiments. I love all sorts of photos, and follow people with all different styles. Everyone's project is there own, and knowing people's likes and dislikes will not change the way I do my project. I appreciate constructive advice, my comments to others are usually just what I like about their photo, as my tech knowledge is basic to non existent.
I just like to take pics
January 19th, 2012
I read the other thread as well, but I found it a bit tongue in cheek with banter back and forth. Reading what other people like or don't care for won't change the way I do my project. I hope people don't take it to heart and get discouraged from doing their project their way. I like my watermark......and it stays.
I love looking at the pics from all the people I follow
January 19th, 2012
I said it in the above mentioned thread and i will say it again, hate is a crucial ingredient for self destruction, some are just good at it and the dust settles generations down the road. ok enough about that.

What do I love about photography, to learn new "things", looking forward to tomorrow shoot, becoming involved with my subject, when other people like my photo, teaching others what I know about photography, the sound my shutter makes when it goes click. As far as what type of photography i like, I would say any type, it just has to do with what works best at the time.
January 19th, 2012
@sdpace 150?! I can't even cope with half that and regularly have to unfollow people whose photos I no longer look at to make it manageable. Nice job!
January 19th, 2012
@lovebrittany Babies with bright blue eyes are fine, but you have to admit that selectively coloured babies with only bright blue eyes can be slightly creepy. Not seen more than about 2 like that though lol.
January 19th, 2012
@scatochef I like that too...I've always been a picker of the sunburn- lol
January 19th, 2012
I love photos that give a glimpse into everyday life, color, moodiness, humor, and generally pretty things. I have a free spirit that is caged in right now, so I also love it when people share the culture and lifestyle from their part of the world.
Nice thread. I love positivity and hate negativity for negativity's sake.
January 19th, 2012
@onie I agree it did get tongue and cheek and banter is fun but it felt just a bit different than that. People can say and do what they want...and I will continue to say and do what I want- thanks so much for your comments.
January 19th, 2012
I love when people take an image and make it look surreal or magical.

And I agree, hating just for hating sake is disappointing, I'm glad you started this thread :)
January 19th, 2012
@heidievans73 In the Cyber world there is a saying " Message sent is not message received." I appreciate your comments about different and agree that being different for everyone is unique even if it is copied of inspired by someone else.

But what I was saying is that there are a lot of photographers here with consistent view points and solid experience, so their shots are very recognizable. It is like sorting a table of art supplies. You can easily seperate the crayons from the pastels from the marker pens. They have a "brand" and they are really good at what they do. This brand shows whether they are photographing a sunset or a portrait.

I don't work at that skill level and don't expect to any time soon. Instead, I've noticed that there is no thread yet running through my shots. Each one seems like some random find and could easily have been shot by a different photographer.

I look back at the past two weeks and think the "collection" would never be hung together. The only thing consistent is how different they are and so in my head I've become okay with not building upon the previous work and knowing that it is okay that they don't fit together.

"And now for something completely different" isn't a phrase about being unique to me, it is about non-sequitur sequences. And I love that this is a site where someone with this lack of experience can shoot so randomly and still be encouraged.
January 19th, 2012
I love the fact that a photo can chronicle a moment in time, a moment in one's life, a moment in history....and that there are people who are willing to share that moment with others...willing to share that moment with me through this project.

I'm new to this site so I don't have any favs but give me time..... :-)
January 19th, 2012
@swguevin I think you just made up your own brand or style- good for you.
Do you even want a "thread" running through your shots? Is that a good thing or have the artists placed themselves in their own creatively artistic box? Or a box of hate...what ever it may be :)
January 19th, 2012
I love seeing other people's characters and getting a glimpse into their lives through their photos...sometimes the pictures are technically excellent, sometimes they are not...but they all tell a story.
January 19th, 2012
I love.... that taking a photo every day, makes me the look at the world around me with a fresh set of eyes :)
January 19th, 2012
I love very colorful happy cheery photos! I am also a sucker for photos of babies and toddlers since I am a mommy of 2 little guys:) I also love seeing photos of old barns, antique stuff, moon shots & lots of other stuff! I didn't see any hate threads, which I'm sort of glad I didn't. It's a shame that people are complaining and hating.....this is such a great site! be happy people! :)
January 19th, 2012
I love photos that tell a story, show emotion, innocence or just daily life...(street photography).i also love beautiful scenery and still life as I do not shoot those things, but just appreciate those that can capture their beauty:)
January 19th, 2012
@heidievans73 I don't know if anyone is using that particular digital Hasselblad. But I have seen some discussion about old Hasselblad film cameras. But, I felt that linking to a $30,000 camera would have a bigger impact. You know, sensationalism at its finest. ;-)
January 19th, 2012
@kjarn @jasehoad I too love what Kathy A said. I love people with a sense of humour. I love macros of insects and flowers. I love shots of nature and shots that show me what other parts of the world are like. And I don't want to be bullied for loving the tongue-in-cheek hate thread - great entertainment. I think Ricky Gervais is very funny too, but that's a little off topic. ;-)
January 19th, 2012
@sunnygreenwood OMG I turned into a bully....shame on me..lol- like what you want Anne :D (I too like Ricky Gervais- I really enjoy snarky humor)
January 19th, 2012
January 19th, 2012
@onie i posted this on your photo, but thought I would share for others :)

This is an aperture priority assignment, it runs through 18 of the same scene with different apertures (and shutter speed adjusted accordingly). If you watch it as a slideshow you can see the differences easily. The set goes from deep to shallow.
January 19th, 2012
@traceysday i wish the "FAV" button just said "LOVE"...that way we wouldn't have to play favorites. I use the FAV button as a LOVE button. :)
January 19th, 2012
@hamptanner The Baby Jesus has come down from heaven, and verily, said unto me that he would like all of 365 to pitch in and get me that Hassy. Please make it so. It's not me asking. It's the BABY JESUS.
January 19th, 2012
@grecican Oh, yesh. A 1,000 times, yes.

@sdpace I am selfish in that I use my Fave button for my own selfish purposes. :) Everything I fave is something that catches my eye as a style that appeals to me, that I'd like to explore more on my own. You know, because I'm all about figuring out what the frack my photographic voice is. Although...any photos of dandelions, Doctor Who, and David Tennant almost always get autofaves. Just saying.
January 19th, 2012
@grecican I love mine ;)
January 19th, 2012
@jasehoad long time?
January 19th, 2012
@grecican Not as long as I would like
January 19th, 2012
@jasehoad ahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa touche!
January 19th, 2012
@jasehoad Yes, but do you photograph your penis and post it for all your friends to ogle at ? Like another creepy 365er that shall remain nameless :P

@grecican No need to hijack this thread with your penis talk girlie o.O
Or were you stating that you love looking at pictures of penises?
January 19th, 2012
@heidievans73 No just my ass http://365project.org/jasehoad/365/2012-01-15, and here is a disclaimer for anyone wish's to complain about that photo, DON'T CLICK THE LINK IN THE FIRST PLACE :)
January 19th, 2012
I love looking at everyones shots, even when they are bad :D, I also love diversity and seeing the skills of so many great photographers. :D
January 19th, 2012
@eyebrows love your take, as always.
January 19th, 2012
@stepheesue my take does a bow :)
January 19th, 2012
What i love... hmm... I love macro flowers and b&w architecture shots!! i like mostly all types of photos, but those in particular :) cool thread to start!
January 19th, 2012
i love cake!

and to see the # of views on my pictures go up
and getting comments

and pictures of pretty things
January 19th, 2012
@swguevin I also don't have a distinctive "style" that makes my photography obviously mine, but I've come to terms with the fact that I may never have that. I enjoy too many different things and exploring different options on how I take my photos. Having said that, I'm only 15 shots into this project and maybe I'll end up developing a style by the end of the year, but if that doesn't happen, I won't mind at all. :)

I also read the hate thread and it has to be said that I don't see that I would ever "hate" a piece of artwork. I may not love it, it may not be my thing, but "hate" is a very strong word to use. (I seriously dislike spiders, but if anybody is brave enough to take a macro shot of one, more power to them - I will avert my eyes!) To me, it also seemed that there was a certain amount of dislike for things that are tried frequently - like water drop shots etc. - but there's that old saying about imitation being the sincerest form of flattery. If somebody is inspired to try something new themselves as a result of having seen it here, then they shouldn't feel apprehensive just because it's been done before and "popular" is considered hated.
January 19th, 2012
@sdpace totally agree with that, that's what we need, a love button, bit like the like on facebook.
January 19th, 2012
@dkg I'm with you on cake!!
January 19th, 2012
@limpet365 Agree!
January 19th, 2012
I love street photography, landscapes and I especially love seeing a photo which makes me think, "wow, I would never have thought to take a photo of that." The angles and perspective some people get just blows my mind (sorry for the '60s allusion) and I would love to be as good as they are.
January 19th, 2012
I am with you @heidievans73 the hate thread is no fun, it depresses me too, sharing the love is much better.
I love lots of things- colour, playing with natural light, children/babies, flowers, the natural world, photos of tiny things, blossoms, birds, humour, vintage looking photos, portraits. In fact there is not too much I don't like.
January 19th, 2012
@heidievans73 Hear hear! BTW I've got a few pics of my niece on my project, wish I had ones of my own but that hasn't come up yet :(!

I don't like the idea of a like or love button (ok the last idea sounds a little, um, adult?) though because I notice my husband uses the like button on facebook instead of saying anything *rips hair out* I would much rather have someone write "I like this" then see a click go up. I would much rather tell someone "I like what you did with X" then click like.

I like photography that inspires me to try something new
January 20th, 2012
What a great thread @heidievans73 ! I love seeing arty shots, things I would never have thought of but I'm a sucker for animals and sunsets. Some of the work on here is incredible and I make a point of showing support wherever I can through Favs and comments. It's disheartening to have put lots of work in to get either no support or negative comments! I'm all for constructive feedback so I can learn, it's important... but encouragement goes a long way :0) x
January 20th, 2012
I didn't mind reading through the hate thread, it wasn't that offending even though I have done most of the things they hated. Now this is a nice contrast. I do much prefer thinking about what I love.
I'm in love with shallow DOF, when just one object sticks out. I find it beautiful and I love skies and macro - especially insects! :D and interesting abstracts, too.
January 20th, 2012
I love the 365 Project!

I'm a newbie here, but I've become a bit obsessed with this site and visit it more times a day than I care to admit. I also find myself thinking about what I'm going to shoot tomorrow sometimes before I even decide what I'm going to shoot today!

I also love viewing everyone's photos daily and I'm often stunned by the superb quality and diversity of most of the pictures posted here.
January 20th, 2012
Water drops, macro shots, action, ocean scenes, sunrises and sunsets, adorable little kiddos, and creative shots that may be set up but are just so creative!
January 20th, 2012
i like seeing little bits of lives of different people - and how they see the world... i may not be that interested in the things they are, but our differences is what makes the world go round! i also like to see the cool creative stuff people do - gives me something to aspire to :0 AND of course the trees and sky... love tree and sky shots!! and landscapes generally...
January 20th, 2012
great idea for a thread :P

i like food photos, macros of anything and colourful abstracts :D
January 20th, 2012
@heidievans73 Oh, I love food photos too, I have a whole shelf of cookbooks but almost never use the recipes. I just love the photos. When I cook, I mix things together and see what happens.

The fire departments only been called once, and that wasn't my fault *shifty eyes*
January 20th, 2012
@heidievans73 I agree, the reason I lost heart the first time was because I read through the hate thread and realised what I do is hated by many. I didn't want to post anything for ages....I don't care how many people say 365 is just for you, it doesn't matter what other people think. If that was true, we wouldn't have joined a community, uploaded pictures and put them out to be viewed. If they were just for ourselves, we would keep them on our own computers.

There are many things I don't 'get', but that's my issue.....I love that people share.
January 20th, 2012
@payyourrates - ditto; i love photographers who don't take themselves too seriously
January 20th, 2012
also photographers who don't take anyone else's opinion about their photos too seriously; "hating" a photo type or technique does not equate with hate crimes or bullying in my book, though I'm happier focusing on what is positive and what I love; i'm sure no one meant any harm by the earlier postings
January 20th, 2012
@beautifulthing I have several dandelion shots that have gone unfaved........just sayin.
January 20th, 2012
I just want to see people posting photos that they love and make them happy. It's their project to do however they want.
January 20th, 2012
@reba I don't think I ever said "hate crime"...but what ever. As for the bullying label...yup I said it and the idea of the thread was very immature...like a bunch of school kids in a clique picking on the "less talented" photographers here- but look at it this way...nobody's ever been harmed by teasing...well almost no one. And again it's MY opinion...you certainly don't have to agree with it- Thanks for posting :D
January 20th, 2012
@shadesofgrey I'm on it my brotha!
January 20th, 2012
@heidievans73 - why assume they think those photographers are less talented? I really didn't gather that's what most people were indicating - I think it more likely they were saying they tire of something, or it gives them the creeps, or it's overdone or some such. If the earlier thread constituted bullying, I think yours does too. Clearly I don't think either one does.
January 20th, 2012
@beautifulthing btw .....wanna go halfsies on the Hassie?
January 20th, 2012
@shadesofgrey Absolutely. You pay for it, and I'll keep it. Half and half!!
January 20th, 2012
@reba I'm not a bully I'm sensitive, ya dig? Oh and I think one of the poster on that thread expressed that she hated "hater threads that force me to sound like an elitist photo-snob". That's how it came across to many...
January 20th, 2012
@beautifulthing good luck on the relationship front if that is your idea of a give and take.....course PT Barnum said there's a sucker born every minute so maybe you'll find one!
January 20th, 2012

Heidi, Thank you for posting this discussion.

I've seen both "hate" threads and they both made me feel uneasy. I have not been personally offended by them, but I know that others were and that makes me incredibly uncomfortable. The newest one wasn't timed the best, as all the newbies on here are still in month one (which is a very hard month to get through).

I just started year two, and I've become friends with some new people, and things like that "hate" thread intimidate them. One sent me a private email about how cliquey this site seems to be. And she's right. Compared to when I started a year ago, the people on this site have become a lot more snarky in the discussion threads. And alot more insular with inside jokes, etc.

It reminds me of high school too, and it's not what this website is all about. It's not FB, it's not Flickr or Photobucket. It's a whole bunch of people who want to chronicle a year of their life and learn more about photography and the commitment it takes to do such a thing really does require support in the form of comments.

The types of photos I love to see are too big to list, but what I most love is seeing photos that show me a glimpse into a life. You can tell alot about a person from what they post every day, and that is the joy of this website to me - meeting other people from all around the world and getting a glimpse into what is important enough to them that they actually post it for others to see.

I don't often join in the discussions, because for me that's not what the site is about, but this is one I felt strongly enough about to say my piece. Now, I'm off to see all the lovely photos posted by my friends.
January 20th, 2012
I love my camera, i am doing this project for me, a personal journal of 1 year in my life...if people like my photos and comment and fav i really truelly appreciate it but if they don't it doesnt matter, i will never resist putting up a pic beacuse i think someone else might not like it. If i like my pic well thats all that matters, it's my project..
But in saying that, i adore some of the friends of have made here and their work is amazing !!! I am having a wonderful experience...
January 20th, 2012
I love great photos! Photo's with feeling or a story behind them.
I also love technically challenging photo's I admire the work that goes into them.
I love when I see photos that reflect the passion that the photography has for photography.

I read through the hate thread too, I realised that a lot of people must hate my photo's...which can be intimidated for a newbie but I love doing it and will keep doing the same regardless as I am doing this for me and to learn.
January 20th, 2012
I love that people who are uncomfortable with the hate thread have this thread to read, but for the life of me, I can't figure out why the hate thread would bother people so much.

The same as it's nice to know what other photographers like, it's nice to know what they don't like [or perhaps have just grown tired of or are afraid of]. Neither will affect my subject matter much but knowing both will open my eyes to other points of view.

For me at least, an analogy would be if you are a good cook and interested in new recipes, aren't you interested in what other cooks like and don't like? It doesn't mean you wont stop cooking your favourite dish, but it will give you something to consider when you take a step towards making a new dish. And it doesn't mean you are not a good cook if someone doesn't like your recipe!
January 20th, 2012

What I love about this site is the worldwide friendship sharing.I enjoy seeing Mrs x's grandchildren . Mr y's new car and Miz J's cute pet .. I enjoy seeing every ones back yard through your lenses... be they graffiti covered walls, beach scenes or snow covered drive ways,I enjoy the beautifully crafted landscapes,Artistically processed pics and the once off surprise captures ...You view and comment on my pic and i will enjoy doing the same on yours.I love reading all my comments,questions and witty remarks .I enjoy humour and and those humorous pics are a real bonus..Have a Laugh out Loud day everyone.H
January 20th, 2012
I love:

- people who love to take pictures and take the time to post them on 365
- that no matter how "talented" or "untalented" they are, they are will to share their images
- that I get to say "oh, wow" EVERY DAY I visit the site
- that people take the minute to say something about my photos, good OR bad
- that I've made some real friends on this site, who share my love of taking photos
- that some folks are very opinionated and it makes life on 365 interesting at times, even uncomfortable, and that is GOOD cause it makes you THINK and FEEL, very important to the creative side
- and thanks to @heidievans73 for bringing this thread up.

Pass the turkey, please. BTW, WELCOME new 365ers. Stick with it. I promise it'll take you to places you never thought existed inside you. It did for me.
January 20th, 2012
I love this thread. I love textures, colors and shapes...so really go for the abstracts. But I think I prefer abstracts that don't hide what the subject is completely. I love children, and beautiful scenery. I love comments on my pics!
January 20th, 2012
i ♥...
~ Concert photos (regardless of the music genre) - that's because I'm bit of a concert junkie myself
~ Travel photos - I like seeing a place I've never been to, but feel as though I'm actually there in the photo
~ Any type of animal photos
~ Rainbows, sunsets & sunrises ♥

I also love the fact that even if I'm struggling with my photo of the day & I end up uploading something really really bad, I still know I've done my deed for the day ~ taken a photo & shared it :)
January 20th, 2012
Bullying? I disagree...
I think it's cool that people can speak out what they don't like/hate. We shouldn't have to pretend to like everything that is on this page, it's only natural to have different tastes in photography.
On the other side we shouldn't care what people think about OUR style of photography. For example overdone HDR, it was one of the most mentioned things in the hate thread. Personally though, I love overdoing HDR a little now and then and I'm not gonna stop, only becuase some people on here hate it, just as I don't expect people to change, only because I don't like their photos. All the thread was is kind of an overview of what is popular and what is not. Nothing to be upset about. :)

A love thread is an equally good idea in my opinion, so why not:
I generally love HDRs as mentioned :), also landscapes and cloud pictures, another thing I find very interesing are photo montages with a lot of editing that makes a sort of new picture. :)
January 20th, 2012
@heidievans73 i agree with all you said about the sense of "bullying" that the "haters" thread gave off...like some people are better than others....but you get that in all walks of life and I can just ignore all the negativity

@lauriehiggins I agree with everything you said too - I think a lot of newbies (of which I am) would be a bit put off by some of the "in-jokes" (no matter how tongue in cheek they maybe). I'm not intimidated by it at all, but it made me have a good think of whether to continue on here but I love taking photos and want to learn more, and I have so loved the positive comments my photos have been given that I will stay.

I guess there will always be the "cool kids", and I was never one of those - my photos wouldn't appeal to the professional photographers, or the real arty ones. I take pictures for me, things that grab my attention or things I just love

Let's have more of the love on here.
January 20th, 2012
@sharonaddison I just had a look at your images - love them!
January 20th, 2012
@equinoxe thanks Chris - appreciate that !
January 20th, 2012
@steeler i totally agree! :) i love to discover the world trough all your lenses! i really love streetart, but live in a small town so i don´t find many subjets here, so i enjoy seeing all the fantastic streetart in the bigger cities some of you live in.
January 20th, 2012
This is a cool thread. I love all kinds of things in pictures, but creativity and thinking outside the box are my most favorite things. That's for pictures in general, but specifically in this community I love to see how people are pushing themselves to do new things and when they achieve that water crown or moon shot, it always makes me happy.
January 20th, 2012
Thanks for this thread. :) I think the hate thread would put off many newbies. I’m only 6 months in and still a beginner so to read the negativity is dismaying, even if it’s said humorously - though alot seemed snarky. It made me think there’s a faction around that looks down from on high and some of us are never going to measure up. What struck me most was that newbies haven’t had the chance yet to try all those shots they were dissing – and that’s not very encouraging imo. Not everyone has been there, done that.......
So, what do I love. Well..........everything. I like the window into others lives, no matter what it is. The nosiness in me I guess, but I’d prefer to say curiosity! Some are brilliant, some are learning, but they are all people who are trying their best like me. So, I’ll look at anything! Bokeh, b&w, pets, people, places whatever. It’s all good! I especially love nature though – my heart definitely lies there. :)
January 20th, 2012
- I like photo's where you can see a bond or closeness between people while they are just having fun.

- I love a good food shot... inspirational to cook something yum up!

- Any images from travel, seeing people destinations, the culture, new and interesting things.
January 20th, 2012
@heidievans73 Amen!!! Spread love not hate. I was thinking the exact same thing.
January 20th, 2012
I LOVE good portraits, old architecture shots and nudes ;-) but appriciate anything really especially if done well.
January 20th, 2012
@steeler and @janmaki have perfectly summarized what I love on here. I couldn't express it better :-)
January 20th, 2012
@steeler Ditto Howard if these people hate so much of what is on this site why are they here, like you I enjoy the 365ers for what it is .
January 20th, 2012
I love to see alot of colors! I love trick photography. I am also thrilled when people post things that I've never gotten to see or experience. I appreciate that so many people will share a piece of their lives on a daily basis. I love my whole experience here on 365!
January 20th, 2012
@juanita , well said!
January 20th, 2012
Thanks for starting this thread. In the hate thread from last year, I expressed how appalled I was at the degrading, insulting comments it generated and I felt personally attacked at the response to my comment. Afterward, I, too, started a thread similar to this one with the hopes of repairing any damage that was done in the negative one. And again I got verbally attacked by one or two individuals. It was a very negative experience for me, and I have to admit it affected me in a very negative way. There is no humor in hatred so why anyone would find it funny is totally beyond me. When I saw the hate thread had been resurrected, I refused to even open it (other than to find who started it and make sure this was not someone I followed. I seriously believe that a thread like that was intended for harm and not good, and I want no part of it or the individual who obviously has total disregard for people's feelings.)

Why anyone would even WANT to begin such a negative, hateful thread is beyond my comprehension. Like others have stated, this project was for improving personal photography skills and encouraging one another, not for tearing them down simply because one doesn't like a particular type or style of photo. If someone doesn't like it, then he/she should just move on.

Hugs to you for taking this step. I hope you were not personally assaulted because of it like I was. You have a new follower because of your courage and willingness to speak up.
January 20th, 2012
@dejongdd Thanks for sharing your feeling Deb. I suppose we're kindred spirits. And thanks for following me. Well it's terrible to admit- but I was and am affected by this whole thing. One of the hardest things to do it put yourself out there every day to be judged. I have struggled with stares and whispers for almost my entire life and I viewed this community as a friendly place. I do know that no one was personally attacking me- but it stirred feelings that I wish would have remained unstirred....the big horror against pregnant belly shots- well I have a few shots of my pregnant belly from last year that I cherish...they are not professionally done because we lost our little boy when I was 6 months pregnant- so all I have are a few silly snaps- wish I had more to hold onto but I don't.

I have a totally different view of this place right now. And I'm really considering calling it quits. I don't say this to have anyone beg me to stay- it's just how I feel at the moment. I'll still take photos every day- but maybe I'll just share them with my family and friends on FB- where I don't get any feedback (a million "likes" though so that's cool....um it's really not :( Sorry to be a Debbie Downer....
January 20th, 2012
thank you for this post. Yes I thought that was strange to say all that we hate.

Mostly I love cats, nature, kids, and anything that makes me "feel" something. I love to look at all my favorites. It makes me happy!
January 20th, 2012
Thank you for this thread! I am new to 365 and I have only had my camera for 1 week. I've already committed what everyone seems to hate and after reading through that thread, I almost felt discouraged a little. When I found your thread, I changed my mind. I think I am awesome and that is all that matters! I will continue to play with all the tricks, learn my camera, learn how to use Lightroom and take pictures of everything I find amazing in the world to my hearts content!!! I may vignette everything or overuse HDR or selectively color the numerous flower pictures I take (rather weeds...i don't have flowers in my yard) ...and I'm ok with that! Thank you!
January 20th, 2012
Puppies. Flowers. Interesting portraits.
January 20th, 2012
I read the "hate" thread and left feeling kind of down about it. But it's not something I'm going to take seriously or take to heart... honestly there are more important things I need to focus on in life right now.

Remember that this is the internet. There are thousands of members here and thousands of differing opinions. No one can please everyone... it's exhausting (and impossible) to even try. I know that whatever I post will be seen and judged by someone out there. If I don't want that, I won't post it.

I'm guilty of some "hated" shots and will most likely be guilty of many more. :D I don't care really... I'm going to keep at it because I'm having fun with it, and am learning new things along the way.

@heidievans73 - sorry you're feeling so discouraged. Keep your chin up!

As for what I love... color, the sea, landscapes, music, animals, the sky... shots that tell stories without words... hmm.
I like seeing the world through other people's eyes.
January 20th, 2012
@bluemustang89 Thanks for you comments Nichelle- I know it's the internet but most of us gather here for friendship and to better our craft....I suppose I've always lived by the rule "if you can't say something nice- don't say anything at all."
January 20th, 2012
Well, i'm still a kid, so maybe that's the reason I enjoyed much more the other thread. and as you are an adult, I think you should take the hate thread more as a general critique and a possibility to improve yourself. And the most of the time, everyone here gets only a postive feedback (personally i cant think of a single person critisiing my work, even if i know they aren't good), noone tells you about your mistake, so it's interesting to discover what do the others like-dislike. To be honest, it's much more interesting to read what do people dislike, personally i hate seeing the one same picture a tousand times, so it's good to let people know about it.

well, i dont have anything against spreading love, but why cant we for a little moment face the truth in the hate discussion?
January 20th, 2012
@lalola616 I guess just stay away from HDR and you'll be fine:...lol
Have fun!!
January 20th, 2012
Thank you for posting this. The hate threads make me very uncomfortable. There may be things I don't like in other people's photos, but I pretty much keep that to myself because photography is an art form, and the beauty of it is very subjective. The thing I LOVE LOVE LOVE to see in people's photographs is their personality, a part of them, no matter what it is. And the other thing I REALLY LOVE to see is mood/atmosphere. I know those are very ambiguous and abstract qualities, but those are what really gives a photo life and meaning. On a more concrete level I really like photos that "break the rules" so to speak, at least on some level. I find "rules" for art to be very confining and that stifles creativity.
January 20th, 2012
I love nature shots, trees, and far-away places. I really love seeing the beautiful spring and summer shots from the southern hemisphere when it's below freezing out here! But what I love most is being given a chance to get a glimpse of other people's lives and getting to know them thru their pictures. This is a wonderful site for being able to do that.

To those of you who are bothered by the hate thread, look at it this way... who's project is this anyway? My project is mine, if you don't like the kind of pictures I take, don't follow me! And I'll do the same thing. There are so many people here that it's very likely that I'll never actually see the pictures of those whose style is unpleasing to my tastes. Do what you like and enjoy what you do and don't let others bring you down.
January 20th, 2012
Thanks for this. That hate thread was bumming me out. If I don't like photos I just move on. I love to see peoples photos in general.
January 20th, 2012
I joined 365 as a way to connect with my friend, I've been looking at her photos for about a year without commenting. I really wasn't too worried about the quality of my shots since they were taken mainly for her. Surprise, surprise, other people have been looking too, now I want to step up my game & I'm picking up clues & tricks from all over the world. My skills in computer & camera equipment & terminology are very limited, so I'm very appreciative of all the support I've received in the short time I've been here. I didn't realize I would be expected to critique photos I view & I've been using the fav button as a way to save shots I want to see again. I hope I haven't been doing this wrong.

What I love to see are; dogs, sun sets& rises, trees, landscapes,dogs, wild animals, moon, lakes, flowers & dogs. Thanks.
January 20th, 2012
Good for you starting this thread!!!...I love looking at all images...hate is for losers and I put a comment on there saying the thread was a waste of time....purely childish and pathetic...most of us are here for a personal journey and not doing it to please anyone but ourselves!!! If people like your images then thats great and positive comments are lovely to have but who cares if some narrow minded people dislike your image!!!
January 20th, 2012
Thank God for this thread, I'm new to 365 and everything that the other thread was hating on was basically everything I do with my pics so felt really crappy even though I understand it was their opinion and everyone likes different things in pics, I just think that there was no need to be so strong about it and quite cruel, mocking certain techniques/topics that people choose. So I love this, what a much more positive thread :)
Well I love.......
babies/children cutesy pics - soo adorable!!
I love beautiful scenic shots, sunsets/sunrises.....
Great reflections....
Amazing Beaches - brings some sunshine to my day!
Creative shots - I really lack creativity....
Shots from around the world...
I love just in general looking at people pics and picking up new tips/tricks/techniques!!
:) x
January 20th, 2012
@dejongdd thanks for being honest and posted your feelings - i feel exactly the same as you....surely this should site should have know room for those kind of comments - I felt very disappointed to find some of the comments on there....but I only read the thread once, I won't read it again
January 20th, 2012
@heidievans73 Heidi, please do not leave here, please.....just ignore any negative comments. And some people disagreed with you when you mentioned the "bullying" comment.....

I am really saddened by your comments....please stay here, and enoy all the good. I am following you now, I don't want you to go. I can promise you, and so can everyone who has commented positively on this thread that there are MORE lovers than haters on this site.....let's make sure they don't win, or destroy this fantstic site with negativity

I would really like to know what Ross thinks about the hate thread, and how you may leave all because you started a really special thread @Scrivna
January 21st, 2012
I also thankyou for starting the thread. I agree with all of the above comments (and particularly @marilyn and @2thgirl ). I understand @heidievans73 your stress at posting a photo every day that is likely to be 'judged', and overcoming that uncomfortable feeling has been part of my 365 journey. Everyone here is different - on a different journey, camera, family & work stress, experiences, available time, and most importantly different 365 goals. Hopefully you will find overall the number of positive interactions make it worthwhile staying. :)
January 21st, 2012
@heidievans73 I am sorry you felt bullied, but is this conversation you started basically doing the same thing as the haters thread did. I feel that one thing was started in sarcasm and yours was started to make me feel bad about having photo styles I tend not to care for.
Having never looked at your photos and probably having you not look at my photos, I am a bit hurt that you judged my comment that I hate MY food photos as insulting and bullying. I did not say that I hate all food photos but you made that connection. Now I will admit here that I do not care for long song quotes in the description, but that is personal preference and not saying that I will insult you and your pictures if you do that.
If I recall photo styles were picked on and not individuals and no one told you that they were going to harm you or mock you personally if you continued to post. The term bullying should not be used so lightly.
So if you feel that you need to quit because a conversation was started with no ill intent to any individuals than I am sorry it is not the best format for you and I wish you all the best.
January 21st, 2012
@reba I heart you so much
January 21st, 2012
@artstartraveler I'm the same way... if I don't like something I just leave it alone.
January 21st, 2012
@brumbe It was certainly not my intention to make you feel bad for your participation in the hate debate. I think you are missing the point. It seems the thread was started and directed at the freshman of the group. It came across intimidating and alienating to those who produce listed images...and actually when Quin started the thread she immediately listed "baby/kid pics" saying they don't belong on this site. Yes, it was her opinion but with that broad stroke she singled out a huge portion of the population on this site. Now I understand she didn't say "Karen's children" or "Marla's baby" but the readers of the thread inferred that immediately- it's not really a huge stretch. That feels a little alienating to me don't you think?

I know people shouldn't take any of the things listed personally but I believe it's apparent that people did- not just me but many.....so please don't point your finger in my face and patronize me. To be honest the only thing that bothered me was the "prego belly shots" rip...and I somewhat understand it. I don't care if you hate things, I just think the way it was gone about was immature, unnecessary and discouraging in nature. That is why I started this thread.
January 21st, 2012
@lalola616 because once you read through the entire hate thread, there is nothing left. Everyone dislikes something but when you write it down as a hate...it becomes more.
If you were to make up a list of things you can photograph and go through the hate list, by the time you come to the end of it, there will be nothing on your list.

This site is manned by , in the main, amateurs learning their skill. Amateurs vary in degree of talent so some of us will be posting breath taking shots every day, others won't. Those that aren't are probably aware of that and don't need a thread telling them that every single shot they take is hated. It's hard to remember it's individual hatreds and not all by all.

Critique is one thing, hatred is another.
January 21st, 2012
I like that you did this LOVE discussion, I have looked at the hate discussion and this is what I posted my opinion there,Here is what I wrote::
I am very ashamed at the Lack of sense I thought this was a family forum and the language is ridiculous. My 2 under 18 children are doing this project as well as several friends' children and its so sad to see adults acting this way . Its bad enough we have to see on the news and all of the tv programming dissing and cussing each other but to have to see it hear makes me very ashamed. Myself and my children are no saints and I do my fair share of cussing but I dont do it in a public forum. I Firmly believe how you speak and act says alot about your character.It sounds to me like the person who started this discussion is instigating this behavior especially knowing this happened in the last discussion about hate! ENOUGH SAID.
The whole reason I joined this was to share and see photos with people of the same interest and I thought this was a photo diary of each day of ones life for a whole year, Not everyone is going to have the same interest if you dont like there pictures then dont follow them Its that simple. I am an amateur and love photographing animals and nature and so most of my pictures will be about that but thats ok because thats who I am a "country girl" and proud of it. Everyday I strive to take that ONE AHHH moment picture and my kids are loving doing this as well now they are begging me for a new camera when before this project they had no interest in it. It has given them something to do besides siting on the couch watching tv and they try real hard to better themselves by doing this.
January 21st, 2012
@heidievans73 I'm one of your followers, as you know...and I love your work.
Stupid thing about the hate thread is that by the time you've gone through it and mentally ticked off the things that each individual has said- there is nothing left. Ok, I don't think I saw belly button fluff as a topic but...... yeah.

We all are individuals. We all have individual likes and dislikes. The problem with a hate thread is that you stop seeing it as an individual preference and it all gets moshed into one big hate.

January 21st, 2012
@eyebrows That's just awesome! @brumbe Patronizing Paula - it has a certain ring to it.

I love it when discussions don't get taken so seriously.
January 21st, 2012
I have been so enriched by 365 and am surprised by what my eye is drawn to. When bi-lateral knee replacement surgery last March caused a reduction in my physical activity, photography became an unexpected passion that fed MY soul and gave me something positive to focus on every day. Now, in my second year, I can't imagine my day without it. This summer I'll be out there doing the physical activity I love but my camera will be going along too. I LOVE that!
January 21st, 2012
I posted the above, but wanted you to know that this has been a great thread. One of the things I've done that REALLY gets me some constructive feedback is join my local photography club. I would encourage others to do the same - it's really fun. Keep shooting those precious photos!
January 21st, 2012
@voodoochild It still is only a way to expres yourself. You just dont have to take it so seriously and personally the treath. If you dont like it, just dont read it. I dont thing the point of the discussion was to hurt anyone or want anybody to leave, it was just a way to expres your opinion. Dont take it so hard :]
everytime you get so much of positive feedback, so why would't you read for a while anything else?
January 21st, 2012
@lalola616 I'm not taking it hard this time. I did the last time it was up. I was at a low point and it was the last straw. I stopped posting for ages, stopped taking photos...then I came back and didn't participate in the discussion area very much. I still don't.

I don't mind critiques. I don't mind being told- if you'd used f8, everything would be in focus or this crop is better- rule of thirds. Both are comments I have had, those teach me how to improve. Someone saying they HATE children/ babies/ bokeh/ food / nudes / selfies etc etc etc etc does not teach anyone how to improve the shots they take.

Saying I hate such and such is incredibly immature. Most of the people in that thread are of an age where they should be able to express themselves better.
January 21st, 2012
@voodoochild Amen to that!
January 21st, 2012
@voodoochild I agree and you know what... I wasn't here when the last "hate thread" was done but all day this has been bugging me... and yep, it's made me feel low, it's made me feel like I don't want to be here because... I left a forum that I was part of for years because it got like that... I was very disheartened to "feel" that vibe in that thread. So "clicky" is how it felt. Like, we're the cool kids and yes... exactly like @heidievans73 said, high school and I would have to agree with the bullying also. It's like anything isn't it, if you don't like it, don't look at it. I don't like the thread, not about to go back and read any more of it and sure as hell, I'm not commenting on it!!

@heidievans73 THANK YOU... thank you for starting this thread :) You made me smile to see that it's not going to all be like that. I still have an apprehension at the moment, but thank you for speaking up :)
January 21st, 2012
@ozziehoffy I won't let you leave! You and @voodoochild are two of my fav 365ers.
January 21st, 2012
@corymbia awww you seriously just made me feel very spesh :) Thank you xoxo
January 21st, 2012
@corymbia and ps... the feeling is mutual.. you're one of my fave's also :)
January 21st, 2012
@ozziehoffy @voodoochild @horselover @heidievans73 thank you for saying all you have said...I agree with everything
January 21st, 2012
I love to look at people's photos, flat out. If I didn't enjoy sharing what people find interesting (professional or non-professional, good or "bad") I would pick another site and be a photo snob there.
January 21st, 2012
I am really really happy to see this thread!

I am a newbie (and by that I mean to photography AND to 365). I'm still in my first month and I did come across the 'hate' threads...
Although I didn't feel too bullied, I did feel a teeny bit awkward about photos I had already put up... (ie: highly Photoshop-enhanced - which actually I love! pics of my toddler, plants, flowers, my dog etc etc.) I did feel a lot of pressure (and inadequacy) to try to impress others by putting more unique, artsy-type pics up. But to be honest, I am too busy trying to learn how to do simple things (ie: navigating my camera on manual setting and taking pics without a flash) to try and come up with completely unique artsy ideas... Once I'm down with the technicalities, then I think I will be more free to be a creative genius... LOL. :) Until then, I'm taking photos of things I love (and have access to): my cats, my dog, my baby (heck, she's a free model who's with me 24/7), nature, the sky (and also the moon, when I can figure out how to do it, fingers crossed!) and hopefully learn cool stuff in the process. :)

In terms of things I love to see in photos: Animals, sunsets, nature and pretty much any photos that make me think: "How did they capture that?!?!"

Thanks for this thread, it's taken a little load off my newbie shoulders :)
January 21st, 2012
I love to look at a beautiful image. I am always looking for beauty:) And I love to be able to share images of the every day life with people all over the world. There's beauty in every image, just look for it:)
January 21st, 2012
@heidievans73 Beautiful! I did not read all of the other posts here but I saw I wasn't the only one who appreciates you starting it - thank you. :)

I love happy shots, colorful and beautiful shots... My latest 'fav' was from amazing nature lover Maggie ( http://365project.org/maggie2/365/2012-01-18) and it so funny and happy! I just looked at all my 'faves' again (I have 43 accumulated over almost a year) and most are amazing animal shots ( http://365project.org/russianblue/365/2011-04-27 are you kidding me?) and most are really happy and fun ( http://365project.org/mimma_blue/365/2011-03-24)...

One love, people.
January 21st, 2012
@aj1268 but I so enjoy Pretty Paula or Playful Paula or Precocious Paula. Patronizing Paula really is a bit of another insult for someone who has really not met me. Not sure why she is name calling a stranger and not getting to know me first. Ah the joys of not being a Perfect Paula
January 21st, 2012
@ozziehoffy you leave and I'll hunt you down and .....and........hmmm, leave odd photos on your door?

I did let it get to me last time. This time...not so much. In fact this time I'm standing up to it. I'm planning on going through the list and doing a shot for each of the hates. I may struggle when it comes to hairy nudes.....husband's not hairy , someone else said, no penis in view in shot (well, no they didn't, used some stupid, insipid word),may have trouble convincing husband on that one......but I'm planning on giving it a good go. (note- planning.)
January 21st, 2012
@corymbia oh.....my. Thank you ,you do know it's reciprocal don't you?
January 21st, 2012
@bekahmarie if you were a professional.......and were commissioned by a parenting magazine, would you say- oh no, not children> Of course not so ignore the one/few people who think every shot should be airy fairy or hard grit or whatever they think. It's your camera, your learning curve, your 365.If they don't want to see shots of kids, you aren't standing there forcing hem to look.
Seriously, don't let hate part 2 do what hate part 1 did to me.
If you look at my project you will see a big gap. That was after hate part 1. Don't let the buggers win!
January 21st, 2012
@voodoochild ROFL @ odd photos... and the thing is... I don't live all that far from you, so *gulp*, between you and @corymbia I'm kinda in the middle... I'M THE PIGGY *oink*. Lol love your idea!! Hairy nude - could be a cat? lol
January 21st, 2012
@bekahmarie That is exactly how I feel right now! I am now 1 week into my new camera and photography and 365!!!
January 21st, 2012
@ozziehoffy ooooooooooooo def a thought.
January 21st, 2012
Here is the LOVE!!!!

I knew I posted this for a reason. @brumbe
January 21st, 2012
@voodoochild Thanks for the encouragement! Yeah, lets not let them win! :)

@motography - just checked out your project, you have awesome pics!! You definitely don't need to feel inadequate!! :) You have a new follower.
January 21st, 2012
@heidievans73 I found the link to this in the hate thread. I was very shocked at how much people dislike....... Guess you can't please everyone. Good on you for staring this :) I love almost all photography, nothing beats sunny skies, moody clouds, beautiful landscapes, laughing children, creative photoshopping. Photography is a world in itself, I look at my life in a whole new way.
January 21st, 2012
I've heard about the Haters and then heard about this thread. So simple..haven't even looked for the hate discussions, why even put energy into that. If we all just ignore them, they have no power.

I like the fact that people put all kinds of images on here, whether technically fantastic or not. Everyone who takes a picture has seen something which captured them, and a lot of them become treasured memories. I like people, babies, pensioners, cats, dogs, donkeys, water droplets, moving lights, buildings... anything people have the courage to share. I 'listen' and learn and I smile...a lot..browsing through

January 21st, 2012
I'm so grateful for this discussion. I joined the project to document my life. I quickly felt inadequate, and am now attempting "artistic" shots, but I'm definitely a slow learner. ;)

I appreciate the kind words found in this thread.
January 21st, 2012
@heidievans73 Thank you so much for starting this discussion. I appreciate your positive energy.
January 21st, 2012
I happen to LOVE photos of children, they make me smile. I love creative self portraits, I love artistic photos....especially those like Jaydee and Ariel's...I love photos that people had to challenge themselves to take.
I also love seeing someone's first photos and then seeing how much they've grown throughout their 365 project. That's really cool :D
January 21st, 2012
I love all kinds of photos and am still trying to find my niche but definitely have a bigger connection with wildlife shots. That's why I love to follow @pankaj , @bill_d , and @coastandcactus

I used to get upset at things like the hate thread but not anymore. I just acknowledge that there are all kinds of emotions and we like/dislike different things. So to the newbies and others, don't let it discourage you!! Post all kinds of pictures and have FUN!! :)
January 21st, 2012
@brumbe Pretty Paula- I like it! First in my comment to you I asked you please not to patronize me with your comments i.e. "So if you feel that you need to quit because a conversation was started with no ill intent to any individuals than I am sorry it is not the best format for you and I wish you all the best." This comment came across patronizing.
Now for name calling it was Eyebrows that specifically called you Patronizing Paula...and I think he was joking- so I hope you don't feel bad about that.
I do not know you and would NEVER call you names. I'm sure you are a fantastic person.
Most of the people on this site are kind, friendly and at their best will try and pick you up when you are feeling down. It's a phenomenon here. If someone is having a hard time, bad day, felling sick- followers spring to their aid with caring comment and well wishes! This is what I love about this site. It brings so many together for the grater good- including making us better photographers with helpful critiques :D
And I'm not really such a bad person if you take the time to get to know me...I'm not a bully- I believe in standing up for people. That is all I was trying to do here.

January 21st, 2012
@aj1268 That's a whole-lot-o-love! Very cute pic :)
January 21st, 2012
@kerosene Thanks so much for you comments and your links- very nice shots...love the kitty pic....I have one from my project that is similar- thought you might enjoy :) http://365project.org/heidievans73/365/2011-10-21
January 21st, 2012
@bekahmarie Thank you! I'm learning more every day!!! I've been trying to venture out of auto mode...that's my goal!
January 21st, 2012
@kynosmom Thanks...
January 21st, 2012
love all scenery shots, its great to see the where others are in the world,
buildings, churches, anything unusual
January 21st, 2012
I like pictures of trees, and close-ups of insects and birds.
January 21st, 2012
i LOVE pictures of flowers and I don't care who knows it!

I also love scenery like landscapes
January 21st, 2012
@heidievans73 LOL! Love you, gal! Have you noticed the list? Something seems to have gone "POOF!"
January 21st, 2012
@voodoochild you and @ozziehoffy both!
January 22nd, 2012
@marlboromaam @heidievans73 - I noticed something was missing too - love will find a way....
January 22nd, 2012
@sharonaddison @marlboromaam @heidievans73 - I noticed something was missing too - love will find a way....

January 22nd, 2012
Indeed- now let's lay this thread to rest so I can stop getting emails about it! Thanks everyone for your comments- it was a fine thread :)

January 22nd, 2012
@marlboromaam You're also a talented poet!
January 22nd, 2012
@kynosmom Thank you for the compliment - I am honored!
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