Second years...

January 29th, 2012
Any second year 365'ers (or third, fourth, etc) find that your photos just don't have the creativity or "oomph" they did during your first year? I was perusing my first year and I like a lot of my photos. This, not so much. I'm just not finding the time it takes to go out and find interesting subjects or even edit something to make it interesting. A "done that, been there" kind of feeling. Anybody else feel that way?
January 29th, 2012
yup :0.
January 29th, 2012
@9gpie Sooo, are you just forging on or have you considered quitting, either for good or for awhile? It's so hard to pick up all your followers/comments once again.
January 29th, 2012
I don't edit my photos or try to hard to be creative, so I don't think I put in the time that you do. But I still like to be on the look ouit for something that catches my eye each day. I think to myself -- I wonder what my picture will be today.
January 29th, 2012
@julie I have to admit, with the soon-to-be demise of Picnik, I'm losing my drive. The other programs I've tried just aren't as fun/easy to use.
January 29th, 2012
I feel that the pressure of finishing the project has actually been lifted and my creativity has a bit more oomph because I find it is okay if I skip a day or I work on a series instead of just taking a photo
January 29th, 2012
@clarissajohal feelin' quite out of sorts really. marika's in london and we are trying to arrange our lifestyles to suit...hence the relocation, south....or at least exploring at the moment. 365 is being neglected unfortunately :0(
January 29th, 2012
@clarissajohal definitely will not quit 365....its great! :0)
January 29th, 2012
I think I'm struggling a bit this year, but I'm putting that down to the time of year, the days are short and it's too cold to wander too far.
This time last year the project was brand new and exciting and I didn't feel all those things were issues like they are this year.
January 29th, 2012
I am finding myself challenging myself more in my second year. Used the tripod for the first time today and have used the self timer!! Joining in themes and challenges a bit more and starting to get off automatic! Definitely feeling much more a part of
this community. My first year I think was my less creative year and more of a just take a photo a dya which was in itself a challenge :oD
January 29th, 2012
@9gpie Okay, I feel your pain there. My significant other has back-to-back trips to China and Denmark for the next couple of months and I'm feeling it. Sorry for you guys. Blah, I'm just going to take a picture of a very messy bed and cups and cups of coffee for the next couple of months, haha
January 29th, 2012
I did quit, but have come back as I did miss the 365, but I also realised it is a great source of creativity too, although I am not as active as the first year and I do take more time over all my photographs now rather than just getting one up. I for one would miss your undoubted talent if u left
January 29th, 2012
Yep!! I don't want to give up though. I'm hoping the time will come when I get my mojo back. The dreary weather doesn't help. Bad light is also really difficult for taking decent photos so once the weather perks up I'm sure things will improve. It's hard work when you get home in the dark and want to start shooting.
January 29th, 2012
@brumbe @moirab I agree with these wonderful photographers, I am finding that my sense of humor and playfulness is coming out and I am less worried what anyone else thinks...take the photos for you and your happiness, sadness and all that is in between.
January 29th, 2012
@griff Well, thank you, Darren. I'm feeling uninspired and looking at all the new talent, just feeling like I'm falling short lately. @moirab Good for you! I have a tripod and I rarely use it. @minxymissk I miss my bugs--too cold for bugs right now. They always made for interesting subjects.
January 29th, 2012
nearly a third through second year and I'm with @brumbe, feel somewhat more creative - if I don't feel like taking a shot I don't feel bad that I haven't and I'm finding the next day I'm feeling far more fired up. I still in comparison haven't loaded many fillers, maybe two or three but I'm enjoying browsing more too as I don't do it as religiously as last year. Ironically, I'm lugging my 60D nearly everywhere with me this year which I didn't last year...i wanted to be more involved in themes this year but haven't found the time...maybe that'll be a year 3 thing!!
January 29th, 2012
@brumbe @sparkle I'm just doing this backwards then, haha. I still have the ideas in my head, just no time to execute them. My first year, I made the time (if I had it or not). This year, I'm feeling quite lazy about it. I need to smite myself over the head or something.
January 29th, 2012
That's why I never fully committed to another project. Instead of taking a photo everyday, I just take one and post it when I feel like it. Thankfully, I still feel the urge to shoot 3-4 times a week, and more lately for whatever reason. By the end of my first year, I was starting to dread the project. It became a chore, so that's why I've stepped back a bit this time around.
January 29th, 2012
Yup, really stuggling at the moment, sort of a 'cba' feel. I think some of my photos are beginning to lose their quality a little and be more a random shot at school then something 'arty' but it's sort of an addiction now...
January 29th, 2012
@naomi I understand about the compulsion to take a photo, haha. Even if it's a bad one, like I've been doing lately darn it--it gets posted anyways. I can't imagine you doing a bad photo. I need to hop over to your Project and check your stuff out. I haven't been keeping up.
@kidatheart Krissy, do you find that your comments drop WAY off if you take a break for longer than a day? (Mine do and they're what keep me going sometimes!)
January 30th, 2012
@clarissajohal oh yeah, my comments/views have dropped a lot since I stopped posting everyday. Part of it is my fault, too, though, because some days I don't comment on anyone elses projects.
January 30th, 2012
Being well into my 3rd year, I'd say the pressures off & that if you have a day/few days or even a few weeks of mediocre pics, it doesn't faze me coz I know some decent shots that I'll be really pleased with will come along eventually..,
January 30th, 2012
Maybe you could use old photos you took (and they can be REALLY old if you want) and use special effects on them.
January 30th, 2012
@polkadotpoison Ha--I've actually considered that but felt like I would be cheating. @andycoleborn Okay, you are just too laid back, Andy. lol I need some of that.
January 30th, 2012
@clarissajohal More gerbil photos - definitely the way forward and you don't even have to leave the house :oD
January 30th, 2012
@griff I stopped after my first year finished but missed it too much and after another month got my first appearance on the PP which was a great buzz! Just so part of my life now I love it and it gets me out and about especially in the winter when it would be so easy to just lazy around at home! I see things in a different way and love browsing around the site seeing so many amzing photos and peoples lives all round the world :oD
January 30th, 2012
@moirab I'll tell them that and see if they'll cooperate.....
January 30th, 2012
haha yeah but I just keep taking the same shot anyway!
January 30th, 2012
looking back at my first year i dont really like many of them... i think now i have a better sense of what kind of style i want my photography to be ... so im taking photos every day, but only uploading if i really like them.
this time im trying for quality over quantity
also not being afraid to take film photos (because they arent instant), and being ok with having gaps in my project and filling them in later
January 30th, 2012
I think I have a better eye for what makes a good shot now, and I have more memorable shots in my first 100 days than I did my first 100 days of my 1st project. But, having said that, I don't really try as hard. I used to take self portraits (which is something I love) every week. I even did a full month of them last project. This time around, I'm lucky if I get a selfie in every month. I'm thinking of doing a selfie month to get back into it, but I don't know...

So anyway, the easy answer to your question is yes, I feel the same way! :)
January 30th, 2012
I am completely feeling that way...Thinking it's time to quit...
January 30th, 2012
I do feel the same and have thought about quitting. This year I have been horrible about posting photos, and I'm not as passionate about the project. On the other hand, part of me wouldn't know what to do if I went to bed and didn't have a picture for that day. One thing I have been considering for inspiration is to look back at the photo I took a year ago on the same day and try to complement it in some way. Don't really know what to do except keep trying new things and pushing myself more, even if I bored with it.
January 30th, 2012
I'm second year, and I don't try as hard on my photos. But I see this whole project as more of a journal/diary of my life, and not "omg, I have to make a masterpiece every day!" I've started to use my iPhone almost exclusively because of ease of uploading (no downloading memory cards, resizing/editing in photoshopping, uploading online). I'm in my final semester of nursing school, so frankly I don't have time to make this all about great photography. I'd rather document my day to day life anyway.
January 30th, 2012
I am struggling a bit this year, too. Definitely there's a been there/done that feeling. I have set some goals for myself this year, though, and that helps keep it interesting. There is still much I need to learn. I think once the weather gets better, I will feel less stifled because I can get out and about. Although I have spent the last two days wandering around in the freezing cold taking in all of the Super Bowl activiities in our city. Maybe I need to dress warmer and get of my house more often.
January 30th, 2012
I'm actually feeling less pressure about year two (so far). I took 10 months off in between and that may have helped. I'm still sticking to the picture a day (no fillers), but this time around I plan on being less consumed by the process... if that makes any sense. Snap what I like, post it, comment when I can and walk away. =) Ask me again in 6 months!
January 30th, 2012
Clarissa, it has been getting tougher and tougher to stay on top of things. It was a bit of a hard year for me, busy following my Dad's death, and extra hours at work. Life in general has been busy. I still spend way too much time on here, and I have considered quitting myself, though this has become such a big part of my life, and I enjoy it. I am so behind in things I want to do. I think this time of the year is tough as well due to the short days. I will forge on for awhile yet and see if I can manage, but don't know for sure how I will decide.
January 30th, 2012
Definitely feel your pain. After the 1st year ended I have taken many liberties and far fewer photos and the ones I take aren't necessarily terribly interesting, but I'm enjoying checking in and posting when I can and seeing what people are up to. I can't make the time commitment I did the first year, but I feel that I have a healthier balance in my life! This is an extremely difficult project if photography isn't your job every day!
January 30th, 2012
No, but my aim is different. I just want to go out and take pictures, but going on a walk, doing something with my day, is more important than taking the picture. And I haven't made any pictures other than for work and holiday for over a year after my first 365 attempt.
January 30th, 2012
i decided this year to do only iphone for new motivation - well iphone and or ipad, or combo with editing, but forcing myself to shoot with just iphone
January 30th, 2012
i'm on my 2nd year, and i'm finding this month has flown by.
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