must your photo of the day be from that day...

February 16th, 2012
This is my 2nd 365, i did one 2 years back with my first purchase of a DSLR and figured it was the best way to familiarise myself with the camera. It worked and by the end of the year i could see progress. In the first year i was quite a stickler with the rule that the photo had to be a photo taken from the day itself - inevitably you have your bad days and then there are also the good days where you wished you could post more than one photo - sadly because of this rule those photos never see the light of day and get shelved away...

now in my 2nd 365, i'm starting to give this rule a rethink and wondering if maybe this rule shouldn't matter as much as posting what you feel is a good picture for that day... and so if at the end of the day i feel nothing made the cut and i pick a photo from another day - it's ok too.

ultimately, i know we all make our own rules; it's a personal project afterall but i guess i wanted to hear your view...
February 16th, 2012
i'm quite like you, trying to take a picture a day but sometimes i don't or hate the pics I took so I use a filler. No pressure at all, this project has to stay fun but taking daily pictures make me look at the place I live with a new eye and improve.
February 16th, 2012
This is my first attempt at a 365, so my intention is to try actually take & post a picture a day. I imagine if it continues to a 2nd year, I might be tempted to post a picture I have taken *or edited* on a given day, so I can spend more time learning & practicing with Photoshop, rather than roaming around the house looking for an unsuspecting victim for the day. ;)
February 16th, 2012
It's not meant to be a chore, just something to encourage you to keep at it. That's my view. I don't post pure "fillers", random images from 6 months ago, but I post things a day or two later all the time. Everything posted has been taken within a few days, usually taken on the day, or processed on the day, or both.
February 16th, 2012
@parisouailleurs @mikew @humphreyhippo Thanks guys, my thoughts exactly but just wanted to know if others felt the same. I agree it should be first and foremost about having fun and learning and growing. once it starts becoming a chore then you've lost the plot.

@humphreyhippo all the best with your first 365!!
February 16th, 2012
i try to do a photo a day, but I will put in fillers usually from within the week. Somedays it is just too hard to choose one, so I will post another the next day.
After my first year I said that I was not going to worry if I did not take a photo for each day, but then I found that I did not have the commitment and my project slowly stopped, So now I am back for a 3rd year but my attitude is that I will make sure my calenday does not have gaps, but I am not to fussed if a photo was not taken on that day, as long as it was close to that day
February 16th, 2012
@beadedgalaxy Hi! As I understand it, it's your project to do as you want with it. Most days I post pictures taken within around 24 hours simply to keep up and to make it an online 'journal' of sorts, but some folk use photos from days/weeks/years ago and they are great. It's up to you - the most important thing, I think, is to do it and enjoy doing it! :)
February 16th, 2012
@lynne3804 @filsie65 thanks, this discussion has given my project wings, i've struggled with my conscience and it's been silly. oh well, the guilt has been lifted and today i posted a pic by choice and not limited by today's selection (work days are tough)

thanks again.
February 16th, 2012
@beadedgalaxy Great! I know what you mean - I have so many constraints and pressures on me from elsewhere in life I try really hard not to let this huge pleasure become another one of them! IMHO if anyone takes more than one great shot in a day it makes no sense to post something rubbishy the next simply because it's a different date.... :)
February 16th, 2012
This is my first year too and I am mostly posting images I took or manipulated on that day although when I am doing film I have posted ones I could have taken another day as it's hard to know what day they were taken as I use the one film for 2 - 3 days as it is too expensive to use a film a day.
February 16th, 2012
Oh gosh! I do try to post daily. But, like you I've done the project before. So, I'm giving myself a little slack. I just enjoy the site and the education of it. I say, do what you can, what you need, what makes you happy!
February 16th, 2012
Done with your first year? You've earned the right to do what you want in all the subsequent years. It's up to you and you alone. It's your journey and let your project reflect it. :-)
February 16th, 2012
@beadedgalaxy -- I say it's your project! Sure, the intent was to take and post daily but that just isn't reality sometimes.
February 16th, 2012
For me, I try and take at least one photo every day (it can be hundreds, some days!) but I don't worry about posting on the day. I post pictures that reflect my 'journey', learning about photography. Mostly I post pics within a week or so, but it could be up to about a month!
February 16th, 2012
Everyone has their own rules. I've found a few people who I'm not sure "get" it and are clearly using photos years old- they are just going through their albums each day to find any old snapshot and post. I wonder how they are sure they won't accidentally repost something!

For me I am taking them each day, even if I don't take one I love I post from that day. I've 365ed before, but privately. Didn't require I post photos anywhere each day, just that I shoot. Sharing publicly I feel like I want to male sure the photo selected that day is from that day, because when I look at tue calendar view I want to see a millisecond from my month. I'm also a lot more focused on improving my processing this year. Seeing what I can get from those crummy photos is an exciting challenge.

And others who commit to it being from today will also have crummy days like I do, and I'm all about solidarity!
February 16th, 2012
I'm coming up to the end of my second year. I used a few fillers in year 1 so I'm trying to make year 2 a completely filler-free year just so I can say (to myself, and any random passers-by) that I did it. Up to day 333 so far, so it's looking good. Actually I can't wait to finish, and then relax and post or not post or use a filler!
February 16th, 2012
On my second year and not feeling any pressure to post a shot of the day taken on the day. In my first year I tried to do that as much as possible, just so I could say I did it. But it can get pretty hard when you're sick or busy with the daily grind. But I do think on the first year, it's challenging and fun to do your best to post a shot a day from that day.
February 16th, 2012
February 16th, 2012
This is my first year of 365 so I'm trying to take a photo every single day - and I've managed it so far!

If I go into a second year, I'll probably just want to do something photo related every day, so either take a shot, or edit it - but do something photography related every day :)
February 16th, 2012
I'm making no effort to actually take the pic on the day I post...I spend most days going back & forth from home to work there isn't much happening pic wise there lol! If I go somewhere & take a bunch of pics at once I'll post them all week or whenever, it's not my priority to take it on the actual post day at all! :)
February 16th, 2012
My first year, I took at least one photo each day, I posted the ugly, bad, and eventually some good ones. I personally think my skills improved immensely since I did do the photo EVERYDAY. But, it was the most boring year of my life and I had the time to do it each day. What I struggled with was reshooting things that I didn't post the day or week before. That was a big waste of time. Year 2, I still try to shoot everyday, but I don't care if throw up a representative photo. Make it yours, which you already know.
February 16th, 2012
I'm on my second year, and I don't post everyday, let alone a photo from that specific day. I posted a photo from that day during my 1st project, but by the end, I was burnt out, so I chose this method this time around. It works for me. You just have to find what works for you, and what you're happy with :).
February 16th, 2012
I have a gap in my project due to a detached retina, and I left it blank. I figure I'll count my 365th day on my 365th upload, even though it isn't a calendar year. It is partly learning, partly a journey through my year. Part of this year's journey is indeed that gap.
February 16th, 2012
My opinion is that you should take your pictures two days into the future. If you learn to do that, then you are one talented photographer :-)
February 17th, 2012
Oh god yeah...!!!!!!!!!!! anything else just isn't right :-)....

seriously... I'd say try your best as it is fun and does get you to learn about your camera, find new things you like to photograph etc etc but don't worry if you can't do so.... after all, this is only a hobby and not life or death...
February 17th, 2012
I find that I enjoy it more if I am more disciplined about taking a picture a day and post a day. When I get behind (or more likely, ahead of myself) I don't feel like I am going to be able to look back over the year as accurately.
February 17th, 2012
@beadedgalaxy I take a photo a day but I ended up 3 months behind in uploading so I don't always manage to upload a photo a day. I had caught up but then fell behind again. Still taking photos but sometimes need a filler.
February 17th, 2012
For me 365 is a great way to take a photo everyday, whether it's a bad picture or a good one, to look back on and see what you did that day, or see a photo and say "I remember that!" I've just started out, so I prefer to take one each day, on that day. And if I absolutely can't, I usually have backups from the day prior that I'll upload on & explain that in the description so I remember.
At the same time, my photography skills improve all the time, so it's awesome. win win.
February 17th, 2012
Thanks to all, the responses were overwhelming. And very helpful.

I guess we all have our reasons for undertaking the 365 journey, some want to keep a photojournal of the year they've had and I guess for these it's imperative that the shot posted be true to the day it represents. And for others it's more a photojournal of their craft and how they've grown and for these people it's more about creating a body of work to look back on at the end of the journey and so it matters less when and what day the photo is taken. For others this is simply a platform for them to share their photos and to learn and teach.

Regardless of the reason and rules we create for our project, it's clear that we are all on this journey to improve. And I think that's all that really matters in the end.

Thank you all for your views, it's been helpful in reminding me what my own objectives are for my own 365 and now I can continue on my journey with greater clarity.
February 17th, 2012
I try to adhear to shooting something everyday, but sometimes I only get to shoot two days a week (do to work), so I'll dip into that weekly pile of shots to post. I figure that's not really cheating too much. At least I'll post a pic before it's experation date. :-)
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