Whats your formula?

February 23rd, 2012
How do you do it! How do you keep up with all of your comments? Is there a system I'm missing? I am recently new here and I love commenting and receiving comments! But lately I feel like I just can't keep up! I feel bad if I miss pics or If I don't reply...and I have under 100 followers! I see people here with 500...800...1000 and they seem to be on top of it all!!! Tell me your secrets...please! :P
February 23rd, 2012
Having a smart phone
February 23rd, 2012
My secret is...I don't get that many comments!! ;-P I think I'm really able to keep up cos I can get on here often, so I don't have a zillion things to go thru all at once. I can't imagine if you couldn't go thru all the time how you'd stay up to date!
February 23rd, 2012
i rarely reply to comments unless someone is asking a question or makes me laugh...instead i just get around and comment on other people's photographs :)
February 23rd, 2012
Quit work or retire (if they are not the same) and spend your days and nights in front of the tube. If you lead a normal life you will miss and be missed... but it probably all averages out. Just have fun and don't worry about it. Keep shooting!
February 23rd, 2012
I think everyone does it their own way. I prefer getting to know people so I don't do any of the short cuts or tricks to blast through the list. There are plenty of people who look at thumbnails on their home page or telephones and comment.

I can usually tell from the comments who does that, and it doesn't bother me, but it's just not my style. Aside from trying to learn about photography, one of the reasons I'm on 365 is to be inspired by beautiful photos every day. You can't really get the full effect from a thumbnail.

So I generally go to the photo I posted the day before and try to comment on the photos of all the people who left comments for me. Then if I have time, I explore further. That method has helped me create a really warm and close community here. I love seeing my friend's photos and sharing their lives and so many people here have become real life friends.

That's just my way...and most days I feel completely behind.
February 23rd, 2012
I get my knickers in a knot because I never keep up with commenting. All I know is that the interaction I have here with this incredible community is something special, and I just do the absolute best I can - in taking pictures and looking and commenting on others' work. But yes, it does get a little overwhelming at times.
February 23rd, 2012
Laurie's right, JP, I think every one does it their own way and I don't think you will be judged. I know if I leave a comment I don't expect a reply - I know that my view and comment will be appreciated. I try to reply to as many people who view my photos, as possible, but I don't always get around to it and I don't really think they notice. I think they would rather have me use the time to give them feedback on their own photos. I notice many of the people who have a lot of followers and comments often don't reply (and that is fine). I have had a number of people follow me who never, ever comment on my photos - I am guessing it was only to have their own photos viewed so I have deleted them which frees up the number of photos I have to scroll through to see the photos of those who I regularly interact with.
February 23rd, 2012
I reply to everyone who comments on my photos and if I have time I flick through looking at others. If I don't have time to do either then I do it 2/3 days later :] My commenters generally seem to be pretty regular so we sort of follow each others lives, which is nice :]
February 23rd, 2012
I don't comment on all of the photos from everyone I follow, but I do try to comment on the work of everyone who comments upon mine. I also don't say thank you to everyone who comments, but do reply to specific questions. I would love to have more time to comment, but I already spend more time than I should on here.
February 23rd, 2012
OK I've got a secret...It's a really basic one, but it helps. Only work of your home page. Right click each photo and select open in a new window...I always start with the oldest ones from the day before...select about ten shots. By the time you have selected 10 the first one should be fully loaded. Then I just go along the selections and open them at my leisure and comment...don't wait for the comment to be uploaded, just open the next shot. By the time you get through ten or so shots the first one is uploaded...Then I just run along and close them all...Back to the home page and go again...Since I've been doing it this way I'm almost sane.

I still get to open every shot and enjoy it...I've just killed the waiting time between shots.
February 23rd, 2012
@swilde I can speed you up even more. Middle click (as in, click with the mouse wheel) instead of right click->open in new window. Boom!
February 23rd, 2012
@eyebrows good to know :)
February 23rd, 2012
@eyebrows Fabulous tip...go to the top of the class
February 23rd, 2012
I and left click. On a Macbook.
February 23rd, 2012
Great topic, I have recently had loads of new faces commenting on mine due to one of my pictures appearing in the new faces stream, I was already finding it a chore just to keep up with the people who comment on my pictures.

I won't comment on others unless I really do like something about a picture. I also tend to leave it a few days so my regulars have a few pictures and then there is usually one at least that I like.
February 23rd, 2012
@nicedof I don't thank for the comments I recieve, just answering if someone is asking something. I rather spend my time to look at pictures. I'm one of the people who hate to be thank for the comments I leave, I think it's a waist of time for everybody.
February 23rd, 2012
@nicedof thanks for asking these questions. I've only been here this year but just starting to feel the same. @swilde and @eyebrows thanks so much for the tips. I've been wondering also how to manage the time it takes to open, scroll, etc.
February 23rd, 2012
Interesting topic!!

I like to comment on the photo for all the people that I'm following... although I don't think all the posts form everyone I follow appear in my feed, cos sometime I'll go to someone profile and find a photo from the day before which I haven't seen.

my Thankyou's for comments on my own photos are usually a bit delayed, because I usually go look at photos by people who've commented on mine first.

I just do what I can to keep up, but I get a bit frustrated that they don't all pop up in my feed, cos it's not so easy to remember to check out everyones profile pages.

I get so much joy out of people posting comments on my photos, that I do what I can to return the favour wherever possible - but we're all only human, and all have lives outside of 365... so I just do what I can :)
February 23rd, 2012
My first priority is to comment on the new pics of those who just commented on my most recent pics. When I have some extra time, I'll go through my followers or friends lists. When I'm really keen and time is available, I manage to keep up the the home feed for a day or so, which is cool because it allows me to easily see the pics that appear in all albums, not just the person's main album.

I don't individually thank people for commenting. My commenters know I appreciate their comments or they wouldn't have commented in the first place.

i don't look at the notifications except to watch for those who may have answered a question i asked. Much of my "community" here knows to leave me a note in my next pic if they want me to see their comment for sure.

Lastly, I don't use a mouse and therefore can't enjoy the middle click but I do hold the command key [cntrl key on non-mac] down when I click on a name or thumbnail and a new tab opens --- faster than right clicking and choosing ....
February 23rd, 2012
@sunnygreenwood Ah thanks - was wondering how to do this on a lap top.
February 23rd, 2012
@limpet365 - I'm glad you mention that you don't see all the photos of the people you follow, because that happens to me...often I will see a photo I like on the PP page, or New Faces page, and it turns out to be someone I am already following, very frustrating

Will check out the opening in a new window trick as I am getting so frustrated that when I click on a photo to look at it properly, when I go back I start at the beginning of the photo thread...so it takes me ages to scroll down to where I was....
February 23rd, 2012
Being a newbie, it can be overwhelming. I have piles of laundry around the house, dishes in the sink, husband complaining .....
This morning I needed to catch up on comments and I used the separate window idea that somebody posted in your discussion....it worked pretty good. I think it's important to take it easy, don't be too hard on yourself and allow yourself to slack of here and there.
February 23rd, 2012
I do my best on here, but I'm never up to date. When I've uploaded my pic for the day, I spend a while commenting/browsing but then, unfortunately, life takes over!! I do manage to get back on here in the evenings when the little guys are in bed, and I love "my 365 time" then! I used to feel very guilty about not being able to comment on everyone's pics, but I had to get past that as it was getting me down!
I think everyone can relate to your issue - we all have other stuff to do too! Don't sweat it.
February 23rd, 2012
OMG I am SO behind on commenting. Didn't help that my WiFi was being snakey yesterday either. So, no, I don't really have a formula. And am not on top of things. I am actually quite sucky at it!
February 23rd, 2012
it's next to impossible to keep up.. i try but there's a plethora of awesome pics that squeak by me everyday... peeps with ace memberships are the hardest to keep up with, i've found. so, i do my best to at least comment when the pic moves me enough to and if i don't have time to comment on an ace members pic but it's a fave for me, i just fave it without commenting since they can see who it comes from in the first place.

i hate not being able to comment on everyone's pics, though... sucks there's just not enough time in the day.
February 23rd, 2012
I try so hard to keep up with commenting on photos and thanking for all the comments on mine but feel like I am failing badly.
Raising seven kids on my own takes a little bit of my time ;)
I tend to read through my comments and then scroll down my home page, right clicking photos open (thanks @eyebrows for that awesome tip :) ) and commenting.
February 23rd, 2012
I'll comment on people's photos that take the time to comment on mine. There are a handful that I will pull up specifically and play catch up/comment tag on a week's worth of photos as well. I used to go through every single follower daily when I started my Project years ago, but seriously, once you have a lot of Followers, the time constraints make that impossible.
@lauriehiggins And ditto what Laurie said. I can usually tell the people that "cut and paste" a one-word comment and don't really look at the photo or read your post and that's fine. You would be able to "comment" on all your followers that way but fail to make any kind of connection. I'm less enthused about checking out their photos on a regular basis.
February 23rd, 2012
I cannot keep up after a year but here is my general plan

Step back the amount of people I follow to those that truly inspire me, comment on my photos, or give great feedback
Comment on the photos of those who comment on mine, they took time out of their lives to reward an element on my life.
Comment on the people I follow, why because I follow them for a reason
Comment on recent followers
Then if I could ever get to it comment on followers that do not comment on my photos.

So basically, I can do step one and almost step two easily, and hence why I made them the priorities.

@clarissajohal I hate the cut and paste, I feel like I make mundane comments, but at least they are more than lovely or fantastic.
February 23rd, 2012
@swilde so that is how you do it. I am always happy to get your positive feedback and comments.
February 23rd, 2012
I cry a lot. Just kidding.... I try to let it go.
February 23rd, 2012
I have permanent broadband connection jacked straight into my head.
No honestly I have a crap job that is so unimportant I can surf pretty much all day :D
February 23rd, 2012
@brumbe Me too. I hate seeing the comment "Beautiful!" or "Nice shot!" on a photo that somebody's dedicated to a family member that's died or something. Makes me want to reach out and shake that person, lol
February 23rd, 2012
@clarissajohal someone posted a photo setup for taking a photo and asking for suggestions and the comment was "lovely"
February 23rd, 2012
@brumbe !!! Whatever. I get people don't have time, but then...you don't have time, you know?
February 23rd, 2012
@eyebrows YOU ROCK! That is even faster than the hold the button and click! THANKS!!!

@brumbe You know, the more I think about it, I'd rather have few comments that were real than 30 comments left by people who don't know what to say and have a generic thing. I am trying to only comment if it's meaningful, but I do view lots of work. I am not one to be generic/phony/insincere in real life, so why do I let myself do that in the virtual world?
February 23rd, 2012
@eyebrows you're SO PC :)
February 23rd, 2012
February 23rd, 2012
@swilde @eyebrows
I do like wot Sue does, generally sticking to the posts on the home page. Means I can look at each photo in turn, giving a genuine considered comment if I like it, and not losing my place on the list! I'll try what Dr What suggests tomorrow...if that saves me more time my sanity may thank you sir!
Also I don't thank people individually... for which I feel bad sometimes... I would love to but just don't have time and prefer to spend more time commenting on other people's photos instead. I include a heartfelt thank you every day when I am posting the daily shot which I hope gets picked up. So far so good...sanity hanging on...!
February 23rd, 2012
I do same as @naomi
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