Children using 365 - My daughter has just joined

February 27th, 2012
Hi everyone

After helping me with my photography project my daughter has asked if she can please have her own 365 project. She is only 8 but has been borrowing my camera for years.
She suprised me today when she took some photos on my camera, loaded them to the laptop, edited them and then asked to upload one to my page. I said yes I'll help you soon and to my suprise she did not need help at all. After all she has been watching me for months.

Ella is interested in seeing some other children's work on here. Please feel free to add her or post some photos here so she can see ideas from other children.

February 27th, 2012
I've just had a look at Ella's page and this is a brilliant shot! My 7yr old seems to be showing a real interest in taking photos, hopefully he will get inspired to do this too when he is ready :)
February 27th, 2012
@aleksandra Thank you for your comment. Ella will be very excited to see your kind comment when she gets up in the morning. Ella loves taking photos on angles that I as an adult don't see and i really want to encourage her.
February 27th, 2012
Personally I don't think it is appropriate. I know this is a great community BUT it is the internet and anyone can go on this site. Facebook is supposed to be for over 13s and thousands of children have facebook accounts by putting in fake date of births I have worked as a school counsellor and believe children need to be children. Definitely encourage her photography but maybe do a private 365 project. You don't have to share it with the world. Plenty of time for that when she is older.....something for her to look forward to. And she can continue to help you with yours. Just my opinion.
February 27th, 2012
I think it can be a great way to be involved in something she enjoys. I would keep her follow list very small and hopefully with other kids. Some adults feel the need to post some unnecessary shots and commentary but I am sure she sees and hears worse in general life. I was really disappointed in the top 20 - 1st last week because there are so many young people here that really dont need to see that as great art on a site like this but that is what she may encounter. I wish her happy shooting!
February 27th, 2012
I think it's a great idea!
February 27th, 2012
My son who is also 8 is very interested in photography and takes fantastic images. I'd be all for him having his own project if he asked me but I'd probably steer him away from the discussion forums as they do sometimes contain adult humour/language. It might also be worth your daughter putting your name in her profile so that followers can go to you directly if they spot anything inappropriate on her comments. Other than that...go for it. I think children need this encouragement to do their own thing. And it should hopefully serve as a confidence booster.
February 27th, 2012
There have been a few children do a project on here in the past. One project was by @alexandtia, but it looks like their's has stoped, unfortunately.

Good luck to you daughter. I think it's great that you are encouragin her in this way. I shall follow her and comment from time to time as it's always nice to get praise for your work.
February 27th, 2012
My son, Rowan has been on 365 for a while. He is 12, but started when he was 10. Having his own "followers" really encouraged him to keep up with the project. I have found nothing but support and encouragement here, and although I'm sure that there is random unappropriateness, it is not the norm. Like any internet site, parental supervision is important. I would encourage you to discuss with your daughter what is okay to post and what is not. I look over my son's picture's before they go online. Here's the link to Rowan's project
February 27th, 2012
check out Paula @kittyree
February 27th, 2012
As @kittyree's mom (she is 7 but started the project when she was 6), I think this has been an overall good experience for my daughter. While she's struggled a bit more to take pictures this winter, she still enjoys it. She's found a very supportive community here, particularyly with the other Paula's, and I monitor her account. One of the nice things about 365 is that everything is public - no one can message her individually. If she sees anything that is "questionable" she brings it up with me and we discuss it. And it has been a wonderful bonding experience for the two of us - when she's had a rough day, it has been so wonderful to suggest going to take some photos and watch her forget all the bad stuff and get lost in working on composition, perspective, and all those other things :)
February 27th, 2012
WHY NOT??? My daughter has a youtube account and vlogs (she is 13 going on 26), and my youngest soooo wants to do 365. He is worried that he will lose interest and not finish it (I feel like that daily...)
February 28th, 2012
@jannkc @sunnygreenwood @kareen @wormentude @trsers @brumbe @dhostick @tyansia Thank you very much for your positive feedback. Yes I intend to steer her away from the discussions/forums etc and just concentrate on the photos from other children and a few adults that I follow (and take mainly photo of there kids). I will defiantly be keeping a close eye on her and have the agreement about what photos are appropriate to post. At school they are teaching the children to use the internet (supervised) and how to use technology so I want to encourage that.

Special thanks to those who shared your children's projects I will arrange for Ella to have a look and follow.
February 28th, 2012
@tyansia thanks Tina. I have talked to Ella about the fact it is Her project and if she doesn't want to post daily it is up to her. No pressure :-)
February 28th, 2012
@moirab Thanks for your opinion. I do think that Facebook is a completely different issue.
February 28th, 2012
I don't at the moment but my 7 year old has started taking pictures, I have mentioned somewhere else that I have him doing the alphabet challenge. I am going to let him have my compact I think and see if he wants to do this, I don't want to force the issue but he already has fun editing in picasa.
February 28th, 2012
Eeee, nearly forgot to add that my daughter is 2 in a little over a week and she has a 2.1mp hello kitty camera in her birthday box! I don't think she will be ready to sign up to 365 for a while yet though!
February 29th, 2012
@justeddie That is great that your 7 and 2 year old have the use of cameras. Isn't it great that you can get cameras for children now :-)
Alphabet challenge is a great idea. I will use that for winter when we are stuck inside.
April 13th, 2012
Back again! My boy is now on the project although a little behind, he has me managing it for him though. Here is his link :) @ellasmumma
April 16th, 2012
@justeddie Awesome. I have just had a look. He is very talented. I will follow him and get Ella to have a look also :)
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