How much do you care what comments say?

March 7th, 2012
While I was browsing photos from my favorite 365ers and from the latest page I wondered- do people care what the comments they get say? I mean, if you upload a photo, go to sleep, wake up in the morning and you have 100 comments that are nice do you care what they actually say? If they were all love letters it'd be a little tedious to work through all of them and give them the attention they deserve, so things like, 'Nice!' go a long way to me when I think of it like that. Not that I get 100 comments, but you know what I mean (I hope).

I've realized I don't so much care. As long as they're not like, 'This is garbage. You gonna throw it in the trash? Cus that's what you do with GARBAGE,' I'm cool.

This has led to me feeling more free to comment. Everything I write about the beautiful pictures doesn't have to itself be beautiful, you know? Lately I've been feeling kind of in-a-shell and bashful about commenting because I want my messages to make people happy.

So, is nice enough?
March 7th, 2012
hi Echoia... good question... on the one hand, I do like getting something more than just "nice"... mind you, i don't get huge swathes of comments and so I can manage to read thru them all properly... however, I know what it's like commenting on other people's pictures and it's hard sometimes to think of different things to say... however, I definitely prefer "nice" to no comment (or a negative and non-constructive comment), and I am quite happy with several "nice" comments :)

which brings up the "thank you" question again... sometimes the comments include questions or thoughts that i actually want to respond to... but never certain how to respond to the "nice" comments... some like the "group thanx" thing... others do not...

March 7th, 2012
Well...for me, I do tend to love comments. I appreciate them all. I know that as far as talent goes on here I'm at the bottom of the pool and am really trying to learn. I have about 3 or 4 people that are so good to me and they usually say something encouraging about my photos and that means a lot to me. Perhaps its because I dont get 100 comments or views or even 20 that it means so much...maybe its because I know those 3 or 4 take the time to see what I've done when I do post.
But hey...what do I know. LOL.
March 7th, 2012
It is for me, I don't have anything profound to say other than 'I like it!' usually anyway so I really can't expect more than I give lol...and I'm certainly no photo critic so all I can do is like what I like ;)
March 7th, 2012
@northy I too wonder what to say sometimes to those, but I've come up with a different solution- I just try to return the comment. If I get a 'Nice!' or "Good job!" then I try to make sure to give a short sweet comment back.

@gailwf I've been thinking that... sometimes it's easier to comment when people do have a lot of comments because yours gets lost in the crowd, and if people feel more free to just get lost when someone doesnt' have a ton of comments then maybe we'd all get more : P
March 7th, 2012
@tamsg4 That's a thing for me- sometimes I get critique comments and it's kind of... nice... but I joined 365 just to make me take a photo a day. Today's photo is probably going to stink considering I haven't taken any and it's 5:30 pm : P But at least I'll take one, and I'll upload it because it was the photo I did today!
March 7th, 2012
i like it when people get a little creative. or say something with a lot of curse words. or at least one. get creative. shit. or when someone sees something in the picture that others may not see and comment on it.

honestly, i'd LOVE for someone to flat out go to any one (or more) of my pics and call it out. that would be amazing. if someone would just say something like, "jesus, quin... did you take this picture with your eyes closed?" or, "wake me when you get a clue with your camera." something bad ass like that.

i'd have no choice but to start to follow them. unless, of course, their pics suck serious ass. in which case, could i do the same back to them? be so blunt. man... definitely on other sites i'm party to. unfortunately, don't think too many folks can handle the straight truth on this site.

am i wrong? anyone??

i'm drunk... gonna go take some shitty pictures. you better tell me they suck tomorrow!
March 7th, 2012
@grecican omg... I'm rolling... hahaha
March 7th, 2012
@echoia I'm glad I've never gotten a critique haha I'm not interested!! I could see if I asked for pointers but I am really just doing it for fun for now anyway. No one feels so inclined anyway so it's not an issue for me yet ;)
March 7th, 2012
I've found that the most meaningful comments to me are the constructive criticisms. Photography is subjective but even a comment that is subjective gives me something to think about. Maybe a suggestion on a different technique, composition or lighting angle allows me to contemplate something that I probably hadn't thought of when I shot the picture. If the comment is different than the way I intended the photo to look so be it. Don't get me wrong, I don't need everyone to find something to rip apart and I do like hearing from people that enjoy what I've done. I just don't want an obligatory Great!, just 'cause. I've got thick skin and I will learn more and grow if people tell me somethings not right.
March 7th, 2012
@grecican Don't forget to take your mud camera!
March 7th, 2012
@shadesofgrey my name is mud.
March 7th, 2012
@grecican AGAIN???
March 7th, 2012
I like the comments even if it is only to say "nice". I like it even more if someone says what they like about a photo. I wouldn't mind if my photo's were critiqued a little if done in a productive way, as in what the commentor thought would make it a better picture. I did a really bad attempt at a trick photo awhile back and referenced the guy that I was copying and I got alot of really helpful information from his critique. One day I will re-do that photo when I have the set up for it. For the most part though, I like the friendliness of this site and I try to return comments even if only to say thank you. You're one of the people that I always appreciate for taking a look see at my work and your kind words are appreciated! :-)
March 7th, 2012
@onie no?
March 7th, 2012
I like getting comments on my photos, it's nice to see that other people see what I see. I'm also greatful for constructive criticism, and have sometimes gone back and made changes that other 365ers have suggested. If I check in the mornings and have 10 notifications, I get quite excited, and if there is 1 notification I just assume my awesome photos have been lost in the thousands of uploads!!
March 7th, 2012
Someone temporarily changed there screen name to Mud a little while ago, I thought it was you....sorry
March 7th, 2012
@onie ahahhhahaha it was!
March 7th, 2012
@grecican Well you it fits!

As for comments on my photos ( I suppose I should contribute before I continue to hijack.....) I appreciate all of them, Quin's included ;) I have started to not respond if they are a simple Nice or Great xyz. There is one or two people who, that is all they ever say but I know it is because they are pressed for time so I acknowledge them once in while to let them know I am seeing their comments and they mean something to me. I usually say something if someone asks a question or makes a comment that is a conversation starter. I have been trying to make comments on others photos that may or may not have much to do with the photo but that will start a conversation or at least get a sentence or two in response...makes life more interesting that way.
March 7th, 2012
@shadesofgrey totally agree... besides me sucking, i'm with you on how to handle responding and commenting. it's tough keeping up, man!!
March 7th, 2012
I'm new to 365 and new to photography, so for me, I really do appreciate any feedback fellow 365'ers are willing to give. I hope to learn a great deal from this website, based on feedback of my pictures and by viewing the POVs from others.

March 7th, 2012
@grecican You know the way to not suck? Take more drunk photos....srsly. kthaxbai (to quote @beautifulthing )
March 7th, 2012
@shadesofgrey Ooh, that's a good idea. The drunk part. Let me get on that! :D
March 7th, 2012
@grecican do we have to wait until tomorrow? I can add a comment with shit it in right now? ;) Or tell you your picture looks like you took it with your eyes closed.
@echoia I do like the nice comments but in all seriousness I agree with @grecican in respect that I would love comments that tell me how to make the shot better or if it flat out sucks. I did this project to take better pictures and when it comes down to it, Ive found I really enjoy the art of photography. The 100 nice comments would be incredibly encouraging but I do like what the comments say as well.
March 7th, 2012
Oh and I will say, I would love for people to critique my photos but I am waaay to chicken to do it for anyone else. 1. I dont really feel like I know what Im talking about and 2. I dont want anybody to hate me. ;) Therefor, most all, with an exception of 1 or 2 where I feel comfortable enough with the other person, of my comments are the nice ones. LOL
March 7th, 2012
I love the comments, whether they're short or long! Doesn't matter! I enjoy the interaction with those who comment on my pics and I enjoy leaving comments on others' pics. Sometimes, I have a lot to say and sometimes, I am at a loss for words. I've noticed that some folks don't have the "gift of gab"... so what! Others, know how to describe my photos better than I do! Thing is, it's all good! Otherwise, I'd just create a photo album and on my computer and keep it there. Why bother to share, if you don't want comments or can't leave some kind of comment on others' pics. I thought that's what part of this whole 365 thing was for! Share and share alike.
March 7th, 2012
@echoia I kinda like the comments here. I also think that this site is different than other sites. (There is also a place for constructive criticism).

When @buttercup compliments me with something simple, I feel motivated to be part of this community, even though this is not the site where I share my best content or expect constructive criticism.

Still, I enjoy being part of an international group of photographers who make images. It is a cool place. A really cool place.
March 7th, 2012
@katiebrenkert I think, for the most part, that a lot of people feel the same way you do....I try to leave critique if I see something that could be different. I'm sure more people would critique yours if you leave some true critique on theirs....maybe the first time you leave a critique on a person's photo preface it with a "hey I'm trying to get more critique so I'm giving it....if you don't like it, let me could be done different"

As for knowing what you're talking about, I would think you know what you like, dislike, or would like to see in a particular photo. If you wouldn't have done anything different, say that...otherwise say what it is that is off. Art is subjective and everybody deep down somewhere wants to get better, if not be one of the best, so tell them what you see.
March 7th, 2012
I love the comments.. I feel an incredible amount of empowerment from my followers.. and I feel guilty if I don't comment on their photos... however.. I am trying to learn here, because I am very much a rookie with a point and shoot, so I'm asking more frequently how a shot was taken or what kind of background was used.... It's a wonderful community for kind words, but I would like a little more help w/ improving...
March 7th, 2012
@grecican You left a comment today on one of my pics that is my all time favorite comment. Something along the lines of GTFO. Haha. I'll take that over "stunning" or "wow" any day! Nice! (tongue in cheek with that last word)
March 7th, 2012
I read every comment and I love them. For whatever reason, even the most simple of comments makes me smile and feel a bit more confident.
March 7th, 2012
@grecican wish i had the guts for that ;p but since i am hopeless myself, i figure who am i to dis a photo, especially when everyone else is pouring on the praise... so i generally chicken out and say something like: "wow - that blue is really stunning!"... which might mean that i think it's an awesome picture and i really like the blue... or it might mean it looks like crap to me, but what do i know and in any event, i still think that blue is really stunning ;p

@shadesofgrey @tamsg4 maybe there should be a feature where we can click a button that says "critique me"... i know some put this in their profile, but it gets easily buried there... i for one, really appreciate the suggestions and constructive criticism... but i know it's not for everyone...
March 7th, 2012
@tamsg4 love your comments you leave me :P normally "HAHA Great!"
Cracks me up everytime.
As for comments if someone likes it and the say "Nice image" well that is great, I know how hard it is to comment on every single photo of all you are following and if you miss a day or two omg!
March 7th, 2012
@grecican I believe someone told you that you just completely sucked on each and every photo. Do we need to be more specific?
March 7th, 2012
I'm appreciative that people even take the time to comment, even if it's like "nice" xD It means the photo obviously made them stop and write something. :)

I love too when people give a little insight into their own lives/techniques when they comment... I love hearing about what other people do :)
March 7th, 2012
@flagged See I am constructive!! At least you know you made me laugh or sumtin ;-P

@northy You could also request critique in the description of the pic too maybe? Or there is always starting a thread in the critique section but you should maybe have a thick skin for that route ;)

Well good to know I can tell @grecican some picture SUCKS! (except none of them do) ;-P but I only comment on stuff I like I guess...and yeah if it's gorgeous I'll say 'GORGEOUS!!!' extra exclamation. (!!!) I'm really not that creative with words ;o)
March 7th, 2012
@tamsg4 i've done that and response has been really excellent... but i feel if i do that ALL the time i will come off seeming really needy and whiney ;p just want people to know that i am fine with constructive criticism and actively welcome it on an ongoing basis...
March 7th, 2012
@northy Yeah that's probo true haha...;-P
March 7th, 2012
I know so little about photography that sometimes I feel like I'm offering faint praise. Especially if the person is an ace. I will try to tell you why I like it, or what I notice about it, but I am a near-total rookie and sometimes I don't have much to say other than Wow!

I love to see other parts of the world. I love to see others' photos of Chicago. I love to see everyone's families and pets. I enjoy pictures of buildings and architecture because I have an architect in my family. Sometimes a photo makes me think and I choose not to write a comment, but that doesn't mean I don't like it.
March 7th, 2012
@kchuk uhm, just so you know, ACE means that we shelled out $20 so we could have 3 albums instead of just one... and while it is true that many of the ACE members are truly "ace" photographers, in my case, i can assure you, i am very much a mere novice who is trying very hard to get to the point where i don't suck!
March 7th, 2012
@katiebrenkert - just a couple of days ago you did make a suggestion - that you didn't like the texture and tht. photo would be better without it - i appreciated that and am thinking of restaging that still life to see if i'll come up with something better. I didn't like it much either LOL. So thanks for caring to say something that wasn't all positive.
March 7th, 2012
@kchuk That ACE tag doesn't mean anything past " I was willing to pay to support/use this great site." Don't let that intimidate you....I have seen plenty of AH-MAZING photos on here from people w/o that little tag by their name.....

@northy It's the first sentence in my bio and as an example my photo today hasn't garnered one comment, good or bad. Definitely not complaining.....but people (myself included) tend to look and not comment if they aren't somehow moved by the photo. Whatevs'. I know when it feels like I put up an airball and when I have a slam dunk....of course there is always that oddball that suprises me from time to time.
March 7th, 2012
I love nice comments on my photos, it makes me feel like someone at least thought they were good enough to appreciate them and it encourages me to take more. I don't mind constructive criticism either, it is how you get better. At this point I would not critique anyone's photos just because I am still learning. I do love that this site has an area just for cc.
March 7th, 2012
@pocketmouse well said!
@reba You're one of the few people I feel I can make those comments because you do it for me so I know you're ok with it. ;)
@shadesofgrey You're probably right, I just don't want to offend anyone. until a person is a pretty frequent commenter on my photos Im afraid to offer critique, which as I type, seems sort of silly. And you're right, I do know what I like/dislike, I just feel I am such a novice in this photography thing that I am intimidated to leave constructive comments on many photos. The photos Im looking at are usually taken by someone with a lot more technical knowledge and talent than I have.
@amyhughes @pocketmouse If I come across a photo that has a gazillion comments already, I usually gawk at the photo for a minute in my own house and then move on without leaving a comment. Now that I know you amazing people actually read the comments I'll start leaving more. LOL.
March 7th, 2012
@grecican Dude, so true.

Curses and honesty are pretty awesome, and unfortunately rare. I've been meaning to clean house on the list of people that I follow, because half of them I'd rather not see because I'm so tempted to write:


Or (mostly)...


...The latter I've actually done before, and I daresay it ended in tears on the other end of the internet.

Having people do the same to me would be great, but in the past, people have only told me me to stop taking pictures of my cat. But as you know that's basically the whole point of my album. Of course, they could say other things, like:




But again, all of these things aren't really critiques of my photos, but more critiques of my existence.

Can we start a "Brutally Honest Friday" where we devise a way to thrash other people's work, if it deserves it, of course?

Happy drinking.
March 7th, 2012
@gurry Dude, never stop taking pictures of your cat. (Unless you, like, want to. xD)

Also yes, there are some whose HDR is a bit too... eye-stabbing to behold.
March 7th, 2012
@gurry Fridays seem to be filling up with (no pun intended) filler friday and I fee,l an impending album cover friday....Why not pick monday....everyone is usually grumpy about the weekend being over and might be more likely to be honest, brutally honest, even.

Oh and I think you should trademark NEGA's just as good as Amazeballs
March 7th, 2012
i often ask things about the pic, the setting, the choices one made to do the photo. I have also left many "this is so beautiful. congrats." on several pics of you, but usually i critique.

I think that it's why we are here for. To ask in each photo: "ok, now how could i improve THIS?" And i ask. When i find things to improve, i comment. And i prefer critiques or different comments much much more than "oh, this is pretty". But i understand when i receive them and i really appreciate. I end up saying that myself several times.
March 7th, 2012
I like to be honest. I like to astound others by pulling a botanical or scientific name out of my arse when someone posts a bug or a flower that I know. I also call it as I see it. Was only saying to one chap today that his HDR may have been a touch rich in one of his shots and he turned around and followed me. That's coolio. I like the word coolio. I use it too much. Is it better then cool, I think so. I like to remember that we are talking about photography from time to time. Spades are spades and shovels are fucking shovels.

Oh and I do like to wake up to a gazillion comments, it makes my insomnia worthwhile, even if it is just "nice". Nice is good, it is also the name of a biscuit that I cannot eat anymore purely because of their association with Scotch Fingers.
March 7th, 2012
I always appreciate any of the comments that someone took the time to leave me and it makes me take the time to look at their shot for the day and to take the time to leave them a positive comment
March 7th, 2012
I for one,really appreciate each and every comment made about my pics, no mater how short and sweet. The longer ones are always entertaining. I have had a few critiques and do appreciate them too, as they do help to push me to try harder and how to fix something that I often know is not working but don't know why.
When I comment on others' pics I often feel that language is limited. I'm not good with being able to express the emotion that a picture often evokes. There are some amazing photographers on this site and I wish that I knew better words to be able to express to them how much they have touched me with their pictures and their comments. For now words like "wow" and "stunning" will have to do.
March 7th, 2012
Not sucking is worth the effort. Seek out great photography. Devour it, and be suspicious of any undue praise. ~ Kenneth Jarecke
March 7th, 2012
@shadesofgrey Quit trying to steal amazeballs or I'll kick your ass. I have a ™ on that word. Unfollowed.

@bobfoto I don't think you say coolio too much. Also, I was going to google Scotch Fingers, but I'm afraid I'll need another drink first.

@gurry In that case, it needed to be said. Also, I am down for Brutally Honest Friday, I should prolly refill my Xanax first though, because I've spent a shit-ton of money on this hobby just to find out I potentially suck. Also, don't get a haircut. I say you've got the beginnings of a great mullet. Try that.
March 7th, 2012
@beautifulthing All you guys talking about drinking... It's 11:15AM in India. I can't start for at least another 7 hours.

Also, I'm sporting a junior ponytail today, but I have enough decency to keep it hidden under a hat.
March 7th, 2012
@gurry Pish posh. That's what they make soda cans for. So you can drink at your desk while you work. Duh.
March 7th, 2012
@gabrielklee I respect that. For me personally, I'm not here to be a professional, you know? I'll be starting photography classes in a couple of weeks and know I'll get critique there. This is just for fun. There are so many many people here, people with 100 photos and 1 follower, people who use small P&S cameras in auto with big flash. I like to follow people who are amazing photographers, people who are fun crafters, people who have beautiful kids they fill their albums with- I just like pictures, I guess.

People like to say, 'if you didn't want feedback you should have done this in a folder on your desktop' - that's where my first 365 is ; ) This is more fun. I love seeing other peoples photos. I'm quite sure I give a lot more comments than I get, and that's ok with me!

I also view critique a little differently than some, I think. I think we adults can gather quite a bit from the positivie- if you get a lot of compliments on the focus in one picture, the color saturation in another etc- you start to get a feel for what pleases peoples eyes.
March 7th, 2012
@beautifulthing @gurry - 11:15am? That's a good as lunch time in New Zealand! Get a beer into you...
March 7th, 2012
@beautifulthing Wow , try to give a girl props and thats what I get....just cause I can't make the little tm thingy whasit.....Unfollowed right back.....twice. And a third time, just because.
March 7th, 2012
I love all the comments i get, its just nice to have feedback and im grateful that someone took the time to look, and if they like what they see thats even better! Critique is helpful because im more than happy to pick up any pointers or advice from others, as long as its done nicely i dont see the point of bringing someone down and making them feel crappy. Im in no way a pro and ive had no training so when im leaving comments for other people, i can only really say "that's great!" or point out what i actually like about it.... generally i think its nice to get something positive and encouraging :)
March 7th, 2012
so... are we all in agreement that we can all tell each other a pic sucks ass when it does, then?
March 7th, 2012
i'd rather (@grecican ) I wasn't told my shots suck arse, but helpful critiquing is always useful. i've had someone say rule of thirds, or other such stuff and I've learned something. Tell me my shot sucks arse will either make me angry or defensive and I learn nothing.

Then again, maybe if the best critique someone can give is that someone's shot sucks arse...then maybe they don't know as much as they think they do.

@bobfoto, I think of you as my pet encyclopedia. I like knowing you'll be able to tell me what something is called :)
March 7th, 2012
@grecican Bring it, but be constructive :)

Personally, I am tired of getting comments from people who feel like they HAVE to leave a comment. I love it that people take the time to view and comment, but I don't want them to feel like they HAVE to, not know what to say and leave a generic Nice shot, pretty, etc.... I grew more when people would say, hey, you need to straighten this out. You could have tried it from this angle.... etc.

I am struggling at the moment with the whole comments thing in general. Photography is my hobby, not 365....
March 7th, 2012
@shadesofgrey Unfollowed™! :D
March 7th, 2012
@cfitzgerald it's already been broughten.. hahaha... bring it back, too, please!! :)
March 7th, 2012
@grecican You know you can tell me that anytime.....and I will let you know when your's suck....I mean could use something "cleaning up" :D

As for anybody else......go for it! I'm open to learning/improving.
March 7th, 2012
@beautifulthing AH-mazeballs™
March 7th, 2012
@shadesofgrey It is SO on™®.
March 7th, 2012
Yes, I like comments. Even if they are critiquing my photo. I just don't like it when someone tells me that he can't even tell what my picture is of and that it's totally awful.I just delete those comments!! I don't think that is called critique I just think that's bad manners and no one in looking for that, are they? Keep the comments coming!
March 7th, 2012
@beautifulthing Would you like some apple π ?
March 7th, 2012
∴ I win
March 7th, 2012
@cfitzgerald second this
March 7th, 2012
@buttercup i can handle bad manners... bring it on, bitches!!
March 7th, 2012
@grecican It's on! ;)
March 7th, 2012
@echoia I always read and appreciate your comments:)
March 7th, 2012
I personally read every comment and enjoy getting them. I like the little tips people give me or when someone specifies something I did like nice pov. It encourages me to keep shooting and to be more creative than I was the day before.
March 7th, 2012
Feel I got in a bit late on this one, but my 2 cents anyway. I love it when anyone takes the time to comment even if it is just "nice". It lets me know who is taking the time to at least look at my photos even if they do suck (IMO). I do appreciate when I get a bit more about what was liked on a particular photo or any other fleeting thought that roamed through someone's mind while they were looking at my photo.

As far as sucky photos I have yet to receive critique. Not to say that my many of my photos don't deserve it, I just figure that people are too nice to say it. So if I don't get any comments I can guarantee that that one sucked in 365ers' opinions.

Reading a few threads like this I do wonder if anyone would honestly critique a photo of mine that really sucked, or one that I intentionally took that sucked. I agree with some here: @cfitzgerald @grecican @beautifulthing @shadesofgrey it might even be refreshing to hear that it sucked but like Courtney I'd like to know why? Not just cause you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, someone peed in your cornflakes, and you stepped in dog vomit all right before seeing my photos and took it out on me. :)
March 7th, 2012
@geocacheking somebody else had a morning like what are the odds?
March 7th, 2012
I'm another 'late one past the post', and personally, I appreciate all comments. 'Nice shot' or whatever, means someone was interested and caring enough to make contact and express a feeling - much preferred by me than those who look but don't stop to say hi. Yes, Its great if someone has the time to say more - I love a specific response, some constructive criticism or whatever, but we don't all have time, certainly not all the time, and sometimes there is nothing new to add, but still, I like that people say something! Otherwise we might just as well post on Flickr or whatever....
March 7th, 2012
@shadesofgrey Yeah and that was only before 5:30am.
March 7th, 2012
I guess it all depends on your motivation...I just like to post pics of whatever & this is another forum for me to do so (YAY!) that I found thru a friend who started on here first. I was already doing it on Facebook but it makes more sense to do it here. I also love looking at others work, despite it not being my intention when I started I think that has influenced any quality I might have in my own pictures. But I am still in a just posting whatever stage, I don't think I care if you don't like my cookie picture lol. Maybe I'll get there someday! I guess you can get a feel for who wants criticism and who doesn't want comments etc...I do try to pay attn to what kind of response other people might want or not care about from me.
March 7th, 2012
@grecican How about out and out mean people!!! lol
March 7th, 2012
March 7th, 2012
@buttercup yeah!
March 7th, 2012
I am new to 365 so to me everytime someone comments it thrills me! I have been lucky to only get people leaving nice comments so far.I would value consructive critique but if someone was just rude I think I would probably be upset! I joined 365 to learn as well as share my journey in photography,I try to leave positive comments myself I am not openly rude by nature if I dont like a picture I just dont comment!
March 7th, 2012
I love the irony of this:0)
March 7th, 2012
yes its always nice t receive comments no matter how detailed. i usually comment 'nice shot' or 'great capture', because of my ME i can't write reams of comments, but i only comment on photos that catch my eye, so those short words do mean something when i write them.
March 7th, 2012
well,I feel better when the comments aren't short and people also read what I say about the photo and they give me an advice or sth like this.I mean I like to see that they're also interested in the "man behind the photo" and his feelings.
I try to to do too but I don't always manage to.
March 7th, 2012
I am with Sueh.. I am new to 365 and I am thrilled when people comment. I am here to learn and grow, so any help with what I am doing or how I am doing it is as much appreciated as a nice.
March 7th, 2012
Yes, I read all of the comments and I am grateful for all of those who take the time to comment on my photos too. I don't however always like to comment on a photo with just "nice" "cool" or the generic "Great POV/DoF/Focus/Tones" ...although I do, I often feel like people may think I'm just commenting for the sake of it(?) OR that I don't actually mean what I say....

Are you reading all of the comments on this thread?
March 7th, 2012
As a newbie..........I am just pleased to recieve any comment!
March 7th, 2012
I'm with @sueh I appreciate every single comment I get wether it's 1 word or 100 words...I get very excited when I turn my computer/blackberry on a list a whole load of emails with comments. I am thrilled that people a) take the time to look at my photos and b) take the time to comment.

I'm 3 months into my first year on here and I am still excited as I was the first day
March 7th, 2012
I appreciate each comment I get, I know over the past month-6 weeks I've not been able to comment on as many photos as I'd like and whilst i will admit to leaving short complimentary comments I prefer if I have time to write something more, if the photo has reminded me of something, if it's given a particualr impression etc however I'm not sure if other people like my longer and rambling comments. (Kind of like this post)

I really like it if a comment causes a conversation, I enjoy learning more about people here, it makes it more personal and not just a semi-annoymous follower.

Comments I really appreciate are those that offer constrictive criticism on how to improve. I might not always be able to make the changes but the words stick in my mind.

Last year I spent much more time on this site, commentigng every ones photo who commented on mine and where possible each one in my news feed. Now I have more things demanding my time and whilst I will sit and look through photos and comment when I can the photos I comment on are the ones which jump out at me, interest me or draw me into their story. I don't feel obliged to comment and it's helped to prevent this project turning into a chore.
March 8th, 2012
Seriously I LOVE getting comments and i like that my work is in turn i try and make sure i comment on all of my followers and all I am following as ofton as possible!!...granted I DO have the time for my own personal reasons!! BUT!! sometimes i feel like this is too unreal..nobody can like everything can they??? I really would like someone to say this doesnt work for me, i would have rather seen you do this with the pic or Pov or prosessing,,, then i would learn something also.
.Just my two cents!! I do know that with my following growing ( and i hope that continues) and as i follow more that catch my eye ..I really do not believe there is enough hours in the day to keep this up!! Soo i understand that the people with 100,300,500 + follower's dont comment on mine....Thank would be very hard to do ...Even saying Thankyou sometimes become's redundant but that was engraved in me as a child...
I dont know... Im still going to comment and Thank everyone because i do appreciate you and i would never ever say anything mean...just skip that one or maybe encourage someone who has no comments at all ( Ive been there!)..I think this site is what you want it to be...More or Less...Thanks for letting me vent..I have been wanting to say this for a week now!! .
.People say If you want to know how i REALLY feel just ask me!!
March 8th, 2012
knowing someone took the time to view my photo and let me know they liked it is great. Unless a person is going to tell me specifically what they love about it and suggestions for how they think I could have made it even better, a simple "I like it!" or even a smiley face puts a smile on mine. I've noticed some people fav and don't leave a comment at all, and it doesn't bother me that they didn't leave a comment. I get ridiculously excited over each and every fav
March 8th, 2012
I'm flattered when someone takes the time to comment on my pictures. Even if it's a one word comment like...nice, great, cool, awesome, etc. I've never had a whole lot, but what I do get...I love!
March 8th, 2012
@grecican I don't hink you have it in ya to take a shitty pic...unless of course you took a pic of actual shit..please don't. You crack me up sometimes.

I like comments short and sweet or in great detail that I didn't think anyone else would see..I do wish for a little critique from time to time tho.
I'm flattered when someone just takes the time to look and say something.
March 8th, 2012
I'm with most people here too - I know how long it takes to go through and comment on 50-100 pics a day, so I appreciate any comments left on my pics :)
March 8th, 2012
Wish there was a 'like' button. I hate when I don't leave a comment on a picture I like just because I don't have the mental energy to compose a worthwhile comment. If your right brain says "mmmmm.... nice!" I don't see why you should always have to engage your left brain to figure out why and put it into words. Just "nice!" is fine by me :)

@grecican you crack me up. Commenting on your work is like, "hmmm.... insert expletive, I know she'll like that.... no, doesn't sound like me..... delete expletive..... damn, need to fit an expletive in here somewhere..... there we go... oh, for fuck's sake I can't go swearing all over the Internets..... delete expletive.... oh fuck it, she can shove her comment I'm moving on..."
March 8th, 2012
@dieter bahahahaahahahaaha i'd like anyone who actually visits my project and decides to leave a comment to feel comfortable writing WHATEVER they want. don't like folks to censor themselves or worry bout hurting my feelings. trust me, that's impossible.
March 8th, 2012
@nlaurie you're too kind... but the truth is... i get one decent pic every 100 or so... you're seeing that one good one out of the lot.
March 8th, 2012
After rereading my post, I do want to make it clear that I enjoy every single comment/fav I get. They make my day and make me smile. However, I don't want anyone to feel obligated to me to leave me a comment.
March 8th, 2012
I like receiving comments, and look forward to critique as well... and would prefer paraise, want honest critisism, how else will I learn and grow. But I do like all comments and try to let folks know I appreciate thier time to comment.
March 8th, 2012
any comment is good for me! easily pleased!
March 8th, 2012
I appreciate whatever people are willing to offer in the way of commenting; positive, negative, short, long, whatever. That they have taken the time is appreciated.
March 8th, 2012
I'm late to this party, but I'd like to chime in. I am beyond flattered when someone not only views any one of my photos, but actually takes the time to write a thought about it (long or short). I try (not always successfuly to return a thanks or follow-up comment), so if from time to time I miss someone, please don't feel snubbed. I know I'm not a great photographer (adequate at best), but I hope to be one when I grow up some day. Don't hold your breath, I'm 53 now and it hasn't happened yet!
March 8th, 2012
I always read all the comments on my photos. i anticipate the comments and appreciate all of them long or short. I try to comment on other's photos, especially the ones I follow daily. I also try to find new people to follow who's photos are similiar to my interests. i have enjoyed this site and glad that I am part of it.
March 8th, 2012
I really appreciate all the comments(short or long) I receive....I am not always a great commenter and so I think it makes me love them even more- that people take the time to say something about my photo. Sometimes, like yesterday, I get amazing feedback/comments and I feel obligated to reach out to each person and thank them...I do not usually do that, but everyone that contributed to my photo yesterday put a smile on my face...I think you just take each day as it is and comment if you are moved to:)
March 8th, 2012
I am thrilled to get comments, but it would be nice to have a like button sometimes you don't really have a comment but just really like a shot
March 9th, 2012
@akamarballa We have that. It's called a Fav button.
March 9th, 2012
I did this project and then left for a while and then just recently came back again. When I was here before I would take tie out everyday to read all my comments and go back and comment on everyone that commented on mine and some times more peoples if I had time. I really enjoy getting comments and I love to read them. I hope to get back to that point again soon. Since I left though and it took me so long to come back a lot of the people I followed or follwed me are gone so now I am just trying to find the time to go through and find more people to follow. But really it makes me feel a lot better about my phots when I get comments from people. It encourages me to keep doing what I love.
March 9th, 2012
I just started today, I have one picture. I have one comment.. That one comment made me smile, I appreciated it very much. Someone taking the time to look at my photo, how awesome is that!
March 9th, 2012
I love those comments that don't just say "good shot" (im not saying 'good shot' is bad, all comments are appreciated a lot), but the ones like @stacyval said; the ones that make u smile :))
March 9th, 2012
Love comments. Enjoy everyone on 365. But, in the end, I do this for me. It has made me a better photographer faster than I could have ever imagined.
March 9th, 2012
Love it when someone takes the time to comment. Makes me feel like I have a reason to keep going with the project. However, I am little disappointed that all the comments are so positive. Sometimes, I really would like some friendly constructive criticism. I have a lot to learn, and I would LOVE it if I could learn more from the amazing photographers in this community. Of course, you have to love the positive vibe of 365.
March 9th, 2012
@dieter Lol I was thinking the other day how awesome a "like" button would be! However, there's the fav button, so maybe it's meant to be the "like"? To me though, there's a difference....

@cromwell PMSL @ you grow up... yeah, keep dreaming!!

I do really appreciate the time taken to comment, even if it does say "nice"... cos it does take LONG time to go through shots and some you just sit and look at for ages.... so yeah... nice is good.
March 9th, 2012
I love having an audience - it makes me really think about my photos in a way I haven't done before.

So any comment is good - even critical ones help a lot :)
March 9th, 2012
@dieter a "like" button would be perfect! I don't always have the time or thoughts put together to explain why, but it would be a great way to tell the person I like their shot & leave their comment section for people with more articulated, specific feedback.
March 9th, 2012
@beautifulthing I like vanilla ice cream but it's not my fav ;)
March 9th, 2012
i reaaly appreciate every comment made, it makes me feel good, so thanks for comments to date
March 9th, 2012
@dieter Shut it, you. :D
March 9th, 2012
im still really new to this so I love every single comment I get, even someone who viewed my photos I like seeing the numbers go up.
March 9th, 2012
Knowing like minded people are seeing them is enough, a comment allows me to see this. I also like the connection and chit chat too
March 9th, 2012
Its great to get an opinion and to share comments and ideas. I like Laura's idea of a like button. Think that would be pretty cool.
March 10th, 2012
@beautifulthing thanks pretty new here, I found it now :)
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