What do you get out of doing 365?

March 14th, 2012
I've only been doing 365 for a few days but I love it already. I'm seeing everything in a different light. When I woke up this morning, I looked at my messy pile of clothes and thought 'That'd make a good photo - nice colours'. What a positive thought!

How about you - has 365 changed you?

March 14th, 2012
Yep, i never get to bed before 11pm, dinner is often a last minute chuck together cause ive sat on the computer for too long, I am constantly looking at things for a potential photo, um, i spend less time on facebook? its a crazy fun place to be this thing :) now i really must go to bed! :)
March 14th, 2012
I agree. You will find beauty on the crappiest of days, you'll find abstract in the randomness, you'll find pattern where you least expect it, you'll see detail you've never seen before, you'll look at the mundane and see a masterpiece, you'll meet people you'd never normally meet, you'll make friends with the animate, your camera - the list continues etc. My life is richer because of this and that is why I'm on year 3!
March 14th, 2012
The side effect is that you really start noticing the world around you: it becomes a rich field of material and interest. I’ve found it a very positive thing to go out at lunchtime or after work and look for something that’s beautiful, unusual or interesting. I don’t always succeed but just looking for it is rewarding. You find yourself noticing shades, contrasts, lights, textures – and you will find as time progresses that familiar sights you’d taken for granted for years may well suddenly stop you in your tracks as you notice something about them you hadn’t before. It has really helped me through a period of stress and depression - it’s a wonderful way to spend a year.
March 14th, 2012
While I would normally take a lot of photos anyway, it has allowed me to show others how I do my thing and share my skills while learning all the time.

Welcome to the community.
March 14th, 2012
Mostly, I've learned what a crappy photographer I am by seeing how good so many others actually are. But it also gives me hope that my skills will eventually improve in time.
March 14th, 2012
@agima thank you - and yes, it makes a big difference having an audience!
March 14th, 2012
@cromwell yes, a mixture of consternation and inspiration!
March 14th, 2012
I'm loving it. I'm into my third month now, and rarely leave the house without my camera. After the first few weeks, I did wonder if the "novelty" would wear off, and I would become less enthusiastic. That hasn't happened at all. I still take way too many photos each day, then have to decide what to post.
The 365 community is quite unique. Although I don't do much post processing (yet) I'm learning so much from the likes of Brendan M, and many others who share thieir expertise , and often explain how they created the photo that is posted.
There are so many who will give good constructive feedback on a photo you just can't get right...all you have to do is ask
March 14th, 2012
365 has given me an excuse to drive around the area, looking for things to photograph. I feel like a kid, ignoring "No trespassing" signs and sneaking into interesting places to take pictures. Like many other 365ers, I don't leave home without my camera and take way too many photos to post -- I worry about iPhoto crashing! I also spend less time on Facebook. In short, I love 365 and like to think I'm learning from doing.
March 14th, 2012
I'm also in my 3rd year and have over 1510 pictures by now. 365 is certainly a wonderful place that came along when my husband told me he enrolled me in this program. (I do wonder if he regrets it at times..too much time spent on the computer) anyway I was posting cloud pictures on 365cloud and was getting frustrated when they started to get overloaded with pictures and you couldn't get through to them. I never regretted the switch. I have so much fun, met so many wonderful people over the years, lost some because they stopped posting and often wonder what happened to them. I can't see me leaving in the nearfuture.
Thanks to all my followers and friends who faithfully stuck with me all this time.
March 14th, 2012
@carmel this is so spot on Carmel and exactly sums up my feelings.
March 14th, 2012
It has given me a passion for life that I didn't have before. That might sound extreme, but I find myself hungering for more after viewing the fabulous photos on here. I am noticing more details in my surroundings, but I also have a strong desire to explore more. I am also constantly learning new things - about my camera, about photography, about people, about the world - which I love. And the people here are the best. I've met two people from here in person, and we're planning a big meet up in May with a dozen more people. And I still feel a friendship with those that I interact with all over the world that I will never meet in person.
March 14th, 2012
It's given me the real hobby I've been looking for, I've been taking photo's for a good few years now, but since starting 365 it's given me a purpose. I find myselfe Googling the places I have to visit through work to find out whether there's anything interesting to photograph.. Loving it.. :-) .. Time I went Ace I think..
March 14th, 2012
I've only been here for a couple of days, so it remains to be seen whether I'll keep it up or not yet. Recently it's become too easy to leave the camera at home, not bother looking around me for interesting subjects, and putting off trying any new photo technique because it's too much of a bother right now. It's actually working well right now - I'm starting to re-discover the fun I used to have when taking pictures and editing them, I've already tried something that was new to me, and I'm spending more time trying to look for different angles on something. And yesterday it would have been so easy to stay in at lunch, but the thought of the commitment here meant that I headed out and took pictures instead.
March 14th, 2012
Well, nearly finished Year 2 and am really grateful for this sites existence. Yeah, got me looking at stuff for the first time since I was a kid, and even better I've actually made new friends (real and virtual) from "doing" 365. Also, it has dramatically reduced the amount of sleep I get...
March 14th, 2012
I get to see many examples of fun digital techniques and then take a go at doing them myself. There is a great sharing to this community and lots of encouragment.

In between trying new things, I shoot inside my comfort zone, but now I find I'm working to get a better photo.

I've been here since the 3rd of Jan and am really happy with all the new things I've learned to do and with the large list of things I've yet to try!

Mostly, it is just fun!
March 14th, 2012
Agreed...with all of you! ;)
March 14th, 2012
its helped me get over panic attacks when leaving the house and gives me something to look forward to each day - having M.E. / CFS can disable you both mentally and physically at times
March 14th, 2012
@kmrtn6 I have the same condition and 365 is the one thing I seem able to manage consistently, and even make progress with. I have developed new skills, I concentrate better on this than anything else, and it gets me out of the house and moving and seeing beauty in the world
March 14th, 2012
@jenirainbow -nice to meet you, i will have a look at ur pics x
March 14th, 2012
@kmrtn6 You too, and likewise! :-)
March 14th, 2012
love your recent images - am now following hun
March 14th, 2012
@emjay8 - ditto! Late nights becoming the norm as I scour through everyone's photos, experiment with PS and Photomatix and any other application I have been introduced to. I love seeing all the different work people put up and get inspired to try new things. It gives me a reason to go out in bad weather, go for a walk in the cold or rain, because you never know what opportunity will hit you in the eye. I love this community and have met some amazing people all over the world.
March 14th, 2012
It's meant I've got out of the flat and gone out to look at things when I could have just worked and gone home while holding down two jobs. It has given me a reason to take a break from work, every day. When my daughter was sitting her finals it got her out and her a break every day too - we were using it to check on each other while she was working.

it's a time sink and it's procrastination, it's a learning curve and a chance to be creative.
March 14th, 2012
I get a sense of accomplishment out of putting a photo up at the end of every day, and I get to reflect on the day and everything that it was. This project forces me to see how every day is different, and to keep discovering the new perspectives on what I see all the time.

It also forces me to develop a habit, as I am very bad about being consistent with anything. This is a way for me to challenge myself, in that respect.
March 14th, 2012
I like to give myself challenges (marathons, college etc) and this was one, I'm now in my second year and have seen such a difference in my knowledge/skill/ideas. The site has kept my creativity up which had been sidelined due to work commitments.
March 14th, 2012
365 has made me look around and really see the world and all the lovely things in it. I must admit it has become an obsession and I hardly look at facebook anymore. This is so much more interesting and the community of 365ers are so supportive and helpful. Thanks everyone for improving my life
March 14th, 2012
I love being amongst like minded people, seeing the beauty everyone shares. It's inspired me to get out and about with my camera more often. Sharing the joys and imagery helps make what we do more valid. So glad I joined this wonderfully creative harbor, it's become my anchor.
March 14th, 2012
Part of joining the site/project for me has been trying to make sure my son doesn't suffer from "unphotographed second child syndrome". Well now I have dozens more photos of him than his sister at this age. Although that is partly due to The fact that I now have an iPhone. Some days it is hard to take a decent photo, and other days the perfect shot just falls in my lap. I enjoy the discipline of sitting down each night and choosing a photo, and it makes me mindful to take photos as I go through my day. I don't get much time so I rarely comment on others photos but I enjoy seeing all the great stuff people post, and love it when people comment on mine.
March 14th, 2012
Since starting the 365 I have found that i enjoy taking pictures and have looked at things a round me in a different and thought that might work . It is a great place to share photos and comment on other peoples work and to recive them . I almost quit a few weeks back due to finding that i thought I was taking pictures for the shake of it, boy am I glad I listerned to all those that told me not to , on days like those I just have to work a bit harder to come up with a shot.
March 15th, 2012
I have only been doing the 365 project for a couple of months, it have made realise how much I really do enjoy photography and it has give me the disciple and make the time to actual take photos and put them up online for the world to see and comments on. When I don't get comments it make me work harder to get that special shot so that I can get even one comment. I have always seeing the world around me and capturing on photo, this project has helped me look even closer that both the small and large picture of the world.
March 15th, 2012
I started December 13th and I feel like my photography has improved so much already (long way to go yet). People are very encouraging and some people will actually tell you what you can do to improve the shot which I LOVE!
March 15th, 2012
I've only been doing this project for a few days too, and I'm using it as an incentive to take my camera everywhere with me. I'm also using it to push myself out of my comfort zone, I tried street photography for the first time today! :)
March 15th, 2012
I started my 366 on Jan 1st, and my mind doesn't stop now, as a result! I see potential in everything around me, I'm constantly diagnosing everything I see, for possible compositions, I'm barely on FB any more because I've given that time to this site, my skill with my camera has been slowly improving, I've met some really great people here, and my hobby has now become my passion... Hey, if you're going to give it your all, it might as well be here! :-)
March 15th, 2012
I've been on here for about 8 months and I must admit I've run out of steam. I used to post every day and never go anywhere without my camera. I still do take my camera every where as I'm a photography student but there are only so many times you can get up the enthusiasm to try to make a pile of something everyday look interesting. Now I'm only posting if I have something I like and I feel like it. I expect I will carry on but not in the same way as I used to. I do love looking at other peoples photos and log in most days but have very little time to do much else.
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