Have I lost it?

March 15th, 2012
...motivation, that is.

First off - I'm in my third year of this project now. I still enjoy photography. I don't want to quit my project. I want to keep going - I really, really do.

But in the past couple of months, I've been exceptionally busy. I haven't prioritised photography at all, in any free time I have had. I've relied on my iPhone, to snap quick but presentable photos, rather than go through the hassle of wrestling with my pigheaded dSLR, all for a shot which doesn't actually look very good, even though taking it undoubtedly taught me some minor lesson in digital photography.

As a result of this, the quality of my pictures has slipped, rather. And as a result of that, my uploads have got later and later (I'm over a week behind, on some pictures, now). And as a result of that, I've lost followers, and those who've remained are commenting less on my late, sub-standard photography. It's understandable, really, isn't it?

So... If anyone has any tips on how I can get myself out of this spiral of depression, I'd love to see 'em!

Anyone? Anyone at all...?
March 15th, 2012
Nah not lost it. Ive just started following so you'd better keep going!
March 15th, 2012
@manek43509 I think things in life come in phases or cycles. It'll come back around.
March 15th, 2012
Get down to Brick lane mate and get a good strret-fix :-)...

But seriously, know what you mean... and somedays I really can't be arsed but also being in my 3rd year I feel I just can't stop now fter doing this for so long..

@Rich57 said the other day the iphone's the way to go with this project, just to get a snap-a-day and ring out th eig oy for special occasions...
March 15th, 2012
@andycoleborn I think Andy means Bring out thE Big Boy! But yeah I'm starting year 3 soon and will be relying on iphone/phonecam more
March 15th, 2012
@rich57 lol... serious mis-type there ;-)
March 15th, 2012
@andycoleborn haha yeah well you are getting on a bit now!
March 15th, 2012
I think @jtrudell hit the nail on the head, these things are cyclic. It'll come back around again.

And as @rich57 and @andycoleborn have said, the iPhone is the way to go in a pinch; you can do incredible things with it now-a-days.

And I'm not following you "yet" because your recent pics are shit, so pick up your socks and get to snapping! LOL
March 15th, 2012
@rich57 a sticky B mate.. :-)
March 15th, 2012
@andycoleborn ooh sounds painful, etter get down the Doctors...
March 15th, 2012
Yep, iPhone photography is growing fast. There are tons of editing apps and people are doing fantastic photography. Use your phone. Carrying a fully loaded dslr is not easy and using the phone or a point-and-shoot camera makes taking pictures much too easy to justify carrying so much equipment every day. Yea, use your phone.
March 15th, 2012
@rich57, @andycoleborn, @jtrudell
Thanks for the words of encouragement, everyone. :)

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with iPhone photography, at all! Quite the opposite - I have always taken issue with those who decry iPhone pictures (and associated apps, such as Instagram, Hipstamatic, Snapseed, etc) as "not real photography". Some of my favourite shots from my project were taken on my phone. But they're not recent ones - because I've been so lazy recently!

I suppose I shouldn't complain about being busy. It's a bit rich in the current climate for a freelancer to moan about the work they are getting, isn't it?! (Not that I actually am complaining, at all - I love my job, and I'm very happy to be working so much, just now.) But I know there must be a way to fit my hobbies in as well, around my work committments, if I want to.

I suppose one's "appetite" will always come and go, as you say - and this will come full circle. I just need to find the energy to keep going until the cycle has gone around fully!

haha, that's fair enough. Check back again in a couple of weeks, and see if you think I'm worth it then. ;)
March 15th, 2012
don't worry about trying to do it every day. Maybe schedule some time once a week to go out and do a lot of photography, then you can pick your 7 best and upload them one a day or a whole week's worth in one day.....and try to step OUT of your comfort zone.
March 15th, 2012
If photography is your true dream, you'll eventually find back your passion for it. It's your dream. There's no need to worry about finishing your album slowly! (: It's the feeling of satisfaction from having captured something you want to that's important, not the speed of taking pictures, or trying to catch up with the uploading.

Enjoy photography in its truest sense! All the best! (:
March 15th, 2012
Change your project to an iphone project..download some of the great apps..give yourself a break.
March 15th, 2012
@manek43509 I looked through your photos and think they're great! IMO, the overall quality seemed to go downhill last October. As a whole, that month is not as good as Septemeber. November on has a few good ones here and there, but I would agree that it is not as consistent.

I certainly can relate both to being busy and having a lack of motivation some days or even some weeks....and I've only been doing this for 2.5 months! I have found these motivational tips to be somewhat helpful (in no particular order):

1. Look at other people's photos.
2. Look at the theme of the week.
3. Look at other themes and competitions.
4. Google you city + photo contest
5. Ask a friend if you can take a professional headshot for practice.
6. Don't stress if you don't have time to take a photo - you can make it up when you take a few good ones on the weekend! This gives you flexibility to avoid getting stressed about 365, which should be a stress reliever!

Maybe we should start a thread on tips for motivation....

March 15th, 2012
Aww, I still like your stuff... Even mine have been slacking.

I'm not going to repeat too much of what has already been said. Just... Do what you have to do. This is for fun. And I'll still be here, smiling when you do post them up. I enjoy your photography, even the ones you might not like (but you KNOW I love the instrument stuff ;) ).
March 15th, 2012
If it becomes too much of a job, you may need time away to recover, remember why you started in the first place. If you're missing being active on here then you need to find time in your day to focus on what you enjoy. Having empty dates doesn't mean you have failed.
March 15th, 2012
I was doing the same thing as you back in October. I really wanted to keep up my project, deep down, but I just couldn't get it high enough on the priority list. I started feeling like I would never catch up... One week turned into two weeks, then next time I was 3 weeks behind.. By October I basically dropped out of sight. Recently I decided to give it another try, but this time around I finally realized that this is MY project, and I can make it work however I want to, and I don't need to feel guilty if I dont get a photo up every day. And I don't need to feel like I need to go back and fill in all the holes. Now that it doesn't feel so much like a "chore" to check off my to do list, I'm actually excited about the process again, and keeping my eyes out for an interesting photo. Don't know if this all makes sense to you - hope it helps!
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