I think I'll give up soon...

March 25th, 2012
I finished my first year here on 365 on Dec. 31, 2011, and I thought I had the energy for a second year, but for a while, I'm really disgusted with my pictures. It's always the same, it seems I cannot come with anything new, and I see no more progress. I thought it would be better with the new camera, but instead, I'm getting even more frustrated with my work. I know it's not the camera's fault, it's mine.

Dealing with various health problems, it's hard for me to try anything new. I cannot travel, I cannot meet with others to try different things, it's always the same, and I'm getting so bored with it. I just think I've reached my limits in photography. :-(

Also, I'm feeling bad because I feel I should post more comments, and follow more people. It's getting harder for me to do that 'cause I'm always in pain lately, and I'm tired. It would make me sad to leave, but I think the quality of my pictures is constantly going downhill, and that's frustrating.

My apologies to everyone for my lack of comments, and my unspired pictures. :-O
March 25th, 2012
Hey, Hey, HEY! Wait just a minute here. Do you ENJOY taking photos? If so, then why apologize? Do what is right for you, but no need to be so down on yourself!!!!
March 25th, 2012
“Frustration is the first step towards improvement. I have no incentive to improve if I’m content with what I can do and if I’m completely satisfied with my pace, distance and form as a runner. It’s only when I face frustration and use it to fuel my dedication that I feel myself moving forwards.” John Bingham
March 25th, 2012
I haven't been following you very long, but I really like your shots. I know what you mean though... the second year is tougher somehow. I go through phases of thinking my photos are total crap and/or not improving, and then somehow the fire re-ignites and I'm enjoying it again.And the commenting seems more challenging this year too. I am wanting to visit the ones that were there throughout my first year, but also wanting to encourage new people, as I'd like to see some newer talent. I am so sorry about your physical issues...that certainly doesn't help.

Maybe a break would help with the photography...maybe you are just a bit burned out and need a break.

As for commenting, I have allowed myself to really only do it a few days per week. I try to see the last lot of shots from whomever I'm commenting on at the moment. So I don't feel like I have to see everyone each time/every day. I still feel funny not doing it everyday to every one that I like to visit, but there is just no other way to keep up. People seem to understand this though, as many of them are going through the same thing.

Do what's best for you. I've just thrown out some ideas, and I hope that you don't feel pressured by my words. Sometimes we are our own hardest critics though... :-)

March 25th, 2012
@dolittlemd : Well, some days I enjoy taking photos, some days I don't. Actually, it's the only thing that distacts me from some worrisome things that lie ahead of me; surgeries and things... But I would like to see some progress with my work, and try new things, but that is hard if you cannot leave town... :-(
March 25th, 2012
@shadowdancer Don't be so hard on yourself, 365 is here for enjoyment and the beauty of photography. Use others photos for inspiration, I've been more or less stuck at home for the last 6 months and I've always found something to photograph. Editing is a great way to make things different too. I had a quick flick through your photos and they are lovely, maybe you're just having a bad day, we all get them!!
March 25th, 2012
@lesphoto : That is true! It's just that I feel I don't have the options to move forward. Feeling kinda trapped here with these health problems and everything...
@5unflow3r : Thank you for your encouraging words. I hope it's just temporarily, and the fun returns as the springtime continues. Wish I had some new ideas, though... :-O
March 25th, 2012
@lorraineb : Thanks a lot. Well, don't know if it's just a bad day, more a bad year. lol I used to do a lot of editing in the past, but these days it's hard for me to sit at my desk due to back problems, so I haven't done much editing lately.
March 25th, 2012
@shadowdancer I think you have a lovely portfolio - everyone runs up against a wall every once and a while no matter what they're doing. Re: the traveling - seeing as I've only been involved in this community for about 2 months, I don't feel I can respond to those issues. The only location I've traveled to is the zoo, the rest are all local and within walking distance. I did go through a period where I was sick and tired of photographing things around or in my home, but really tried to find a new perspective on an old subject and I think it stretched my abilities. I wish you well and better health whatever you decide.
March 25th, 2012
Maybe you might think about doing things differently since you made it to year two - I think if I make it that far I might not try to take pictures every day which can be frustrating some days - maybe try posting when you're enjoying it and take a day off when you're not. You post some really great pictures so it would be a shame to give up altogether.
March 25th, 2012
I beg to differ. 90% of my photos are taken within a 10 mile radius with most of these even closer to my home. It sounds like you need to push yourself to try new approaches to your photographs. Personally I prefer editiing over taking the pictures. I suggest you look at http://www.meetup.com to find a photography meetup group in your area. Doing photowalks are a fantastic way of seeing the same things we all take for granted in new ways.
March 25th, 2012
@shadowdancer You're so right about editing, it can take hours at times so not the best thing with back problems. I've seen members adding a thank you to the following days photo, much less time consuming. I hope you find a happy solution, and wish you well : )
March 25th, 2012
Please go easy on yourself.
March 25th, 2012
I'm with you there - a second year is really tough - I feel that I've taken every inch of Cambridge and I find it depressing walking around somedays!! BUT it's Spring and that means warmer days and some colour around. Also you've got new followers like me who haven't seen your older shots so you can take some again!! I've taken to planning something specific - like today I went out aiming to take a shot of some details somewhere - in the end a completely different shot presented itself but at least it got me motivated to get out. And on the subject of health - I really hope it picks up soon - pain is no fun at all.
March 25th, 2012
if for absolutely no other reason, try to continue and challenge yourself just for distraction's sake...and maybe some entertainment. i know it is really near impossible to enjoy ANYTHING when you are in pain....and i hope that gets better for you.
March 25th, 2012
This is a constant struggle for me as well. I get frustrated with my photography often. I look to books, blogs, Google, and here for inspiration. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.
I would encourage you to not give up, but perhaps change your pace.
For me, the act of shooting is meditation. Even when I do not like the results. This alone keeps me moving at times.
The project is yours, do what works for you.
I do hope your health improves.
March 25th, 2012
I'm sorry you are so discouraged, and that your health is limiting your enjoyment of photography. I think your work is wonderful, and I am inspired by it... please know some of us aspire to become as good as you are! I've only been doing this about 3 months, already struggle with subjects, and 75% of my posts are taken within walking distance of my house. As much as I enjoy commenting, it can be burdensome. So I have decided not to stress about it... comment when I can or want to. I hope you will do what is best for you.
March 25th, 2012
I have not always been able to comment on your shots but I've always liked the way you were able to catch 'your' mood in your pictures.
Don't be harsh on yourself. Stop posting if you think the pressure is to high or if you think your shots are not worth posting.
Don't stop taking photo's though!! You've sure got 'the eye'. Use it and regain the fun of taking photo's. Come back some day to show you kept up the good work.
Or just keep on posting and bother us with your so called faillures :-) I would like that!
Don't bother about comments and commenting either. It's your project and yours only.
Good luck, no matter what!
March 25th, 2012
i have had a look through your photos and there is nothing to be disgusted about, they are lovely. The question is do you enjoy doing the photography, if you dont then maybe it is time to quit but if you do then it would be a shame.
You say you are ill and can't get out all the time, i am in the same position and on my second year. I think its just one of those things that you are going to have good days of shots and bad, but trust us we like you work and would be sad to see you leave
March 25th, 2012

Well , I almost thought of quitting once coz i couldn't catch up with everyday posting because of my tight schedules of my job , commenting and following as well and worried i might lose followers too coz i dont comment anymore much. but after after 3 months of absence, i missed this community so much. and i tried posting again and again and again though i couldn't comment much more ( my apologies as well to all my friends ) but im browsing from time to time. i started coming back last March 1 and so far I'm still here. I don't care anymore if somebody comment on my photos though i know they look at it somehow when they scrolling the home page ,
just the feeling of happiness, fulfillment, challenge and learning is reasonable enough to stay. i have bad photos as well , but i don't care and who cares he he he he.
So my advice have a break and you'll see you will be back. because there's is no community like this i can compare with. This place is great for us.
I hope it inspired you.

March 25th, 2012
I encourage you to keep taking pictures and enjoy the distraction from tough issues you're dealing with. One thing I can suggest is to try the weekly themes as a way of seeing things differently. For example, when the theme was wheels, all of a sudden, I was focusing on aspects of ordinary things that I would have walked right by. Don't worry about the commenting- I appreciate the people who comment on my shots very much but can't manage to always do comments for others. I think it's whatever is helpful to us.
March 25th, 2012
Your photos are beautiful. Give yourself a little brake. Get a distance, clear your head. You can always catch up later.
March 25th, 2012
I totally get where you are coming from. Pain and illness rob the joy out of life and make things very difficult. Pain can also take away our perspective.

I enjoy seeing your photos and hope you will find the strength to continue, but in your own way at your own pace.

I like to look at other photos and comment on them, but only when there is time. No one expects that everyone has that time to commit.

Know that if you leave, you will be missed.
March 26th, 2012
Got to say, I found the second year easy and so far, the third year a piece of cake too... but then again, I long stop worrying about taking a decent shot and just took a snap to mark the day...

All of it I took/take as a learning curve so when a good photo opp comes along, I feel that much more confident about how to use my camera..

To me, this is a fun and irrelivant thing to do which shouldn't and isn't a burdan... One it becomes one, I might think different..
March 26th, 2012
When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow,
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit!
Sending Peace and Prayers!
March 26th, 2012
I'm sorry to hear that you are in a lot of pain. It makes it harder to come up with new inspiration. And it also adds one more thing to your burden that might begin to feel like a chore. But taking photos can also be therapeutic during your tough time. I suggest doing what feels right on any given day. If you fall behind? So what???? Its your project, your rules. If you are out one day and see something beautiful? Shoot it and post it. We'll all be happy to see what you've shot. Don't do it for us. Do it for you when you can. We'll all understand.
March 26th, 2012
@chauncygirl @httpgeffed @andycoleborn @swguevin @bardejov @pamelaf @blueburn11 @kmrtn6 @mastermek @calm @lilbudhha @sticksandstones @judithg @dolittlemd :
First of all, my apologies for the mass reply, but earlier today, I dislocated some facet joints in my back really badly, and now I cannot spent so much time at the computer. :-/
Thank you everyone so very much for your advice and support, I'll try to keep in mind what you said... And yes, I don't think I will give up on photography for good, because most of the time, I'm enjoying it, and like I said, I need the distraction from all the other things I'm dealing with. But I may post more fillers here... :-O
Another thing that upsets me: It happens a lot that I like my pictures when I look at them at the camera display, but later on the pc, I'm disappointed. I know my computer monitor is old and too dark, with too much contrast, but I have to live with it for the time being. But often enough, I'm not in the mood to do anything with my pictures, once I saw them on that monitor... :-(
March 26th, 2012
Hang in there. :-)
March 27th, 2012
I am a bit puzzled. I started out just over a year ago and according to my page I am 97%. I did miss afew days with illness and other distractions, but my last two postings although commented on do not show up in my project. Anybody know why.
And having completed a year do I just carry on or is there a procedure to follow???
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