Pictures here, Pictures there...

July 15th, 2010
Who knows if anyone will read this~ but im more just writing this to write something. I love photography. And i really owe this site to bringing it out in me. Ive found that everywhere i may wander off to, my trusty Canon is by my side. I also have gotten even more outgoing. I see someone doing something interesting and ill ask if i can take that shot. Photography helps bring the beauty of ittiest-bittiest things in the world out... but of course you all know that. And thats another thing~ being surrounded by such wonderful, wonderful photographers is beyond inspiring. And not only are you all magnificent in your own way, everyone is so kind. Nice little comments here and there just make my day. (To this day i still call my mom over everytime i get a photo comment! And she knows all the people i follow, and who follow me. i feel like i know you guys!) Im going to be a sophomore this school year, so ive started looking a colleges. I find myself making a beeline to the arts section to see if they have a good photography program. (And i know my photos are nothing remarkable yet..but i know they, like anything, can only improve over time) I want to be a photojournalist for National Geographic... so picture by picture, i feel like im getting closer!
So i just wanted to take a minute to let people get to know me a little better, and to thank you guys for being so supportive and inspiring to us newly-potted photographers.

And I'd like to add a little thank you to the beautiful Miss Sophia Indigo (let's have a cooler middle name, please!) for showing me this website. I love you always, and im wearing my chaco's :)
July 15th, 2010
Kellyn!! that is TOO awesome. I ALSO want to photograph for National Geographics!! I am a Senior this year though and I am REALLY feeling the stress on finding some colleges I might be interested in. I'm definitley heading in the art direction. I love it too much to ignore. and photogaphy will ALWAYS be a big part of my life. but I really need to go on some college visits soon. I didnt find my passion though (photography) until about 5 months ago so I am just now starting to piece things together. That is my lame but true excuse. ;) so I'm glad you are planning now. Smart idea.

I also feel the same way about this site as you do. If you go to my page and look back a photo I wrote a little "love note" to 365 lol not sure if you saw that or not...but I agree, there are some really grreat, kind, talented, and inspiring people on here. I'm so glad I found this site. and I'm glad you did too...because your confidence in your work will just keep growing and growing, just like mine is right now :)
July 15th, 2010
Kellyn, I think it is fabulous that at such a young age you have such a wonderful dream and direction for your future- your parents must be soooo proud of you. When I was your age my only concern was when cheerleading practice was, and where everyone was meeting after the big game. It wasn't until I was much older that I found a direction in my life- and very recently a love for photography. I have 3 children and I pray everyday that they find something in life that makes them strive for the stars. Remember that just as you are inspired and encouraged by people on this website, you are also an inspiration to others, at least you have inspired me. Your photographs are beautiful, thoughtful, and show a talent that I hope you continue to develop! :)
July 15th, 2010
Kellyn I've just had a quick peek at your last few photots, they are amazing!
You are very talented and I'm sure you have a great future in photography ahead of you :-) I look forward to seeing many more of your shots.
July 15th, 2010
kellyn, i also just looked at all your pictures, and they are fabulous!! truly talented. i'm now a follower!! (:
July 15th, 2010
Lauren~ maybe we'll work together!! haha how funny would that be?! I saw your "love note" , it was so sweet and exactly how i feel! And you pictures are so incredible, im sure getting into a good photography school will be easy. Im so excited we both found this cite, its so fun to explore what we all are capable of!! :)

Rebbecca~ I cant even begin to describe how much that meant to me! I really im thankful for everyone here...granted i dont actually know anyone here, but i really feal like i do. Thank you so much for your kind comment:) im sure with a mommy so encouraging, your kiddos will find something they love. I love seeing individuality in little kids, they will be briliant! thank you so much :)

Rebecca K~ Thank you so much! I, also, took a peek at yours! I cant even wait to see what else you put up! p.s. your little girl is adorable!! Thank you very very much :)

Brett~ oh thank you so much for looking at them. I appreciate your kind comments so much!! Cant wait to see what else you put up!!!
July 15th, 2010
Kel!!! I'm so glad you found so much joy and happiness in this site!!! It's such a weird thing to think that we've only been on for a few months and it's changed your life, as well as mine, already!! As for myself, it's definitely another door that's been opened, and I know I'll always be taking pictures as well, and following what you do always!!!! I love what you've done and I love how it makes you so happy and I love how it shows. :) You're such a beautiful person and your photos show it!!
Love love always,
Soph. :)
July 15th, 2010
It is really amazing how much the 365project, and this site can do for the photographer! I wish you the best of luck in your college search and in pursuit of your dream. I'm now following you and look forward to checking out your shots.
July 22nd, 2010
Hi Kellyn!
I love your photos! :)
Like you and Lauren, my dream job would be working with Discovery or National Geographic. :)
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