Doesn't everybody have.....

April 12th, 2012
I was sitting here at my computer looking around my lounge room before going to bed and I noticed that I have a bit of camera equipment just in my lounge room which made me think...

Doesn't everybody have...... sitting in their lounge room three light stands, 2 speedlites, 3 camera bodies, a few lens of different shapes and sizes a couple of 60 inch shoot through/ reflector umbrellas and...... Oh I am sure you get the point...

For me photography is me, I am interested to see how you complete the line.

Doesn't everybody have......
April 12th, 2012
An iphone :-)
April 12th, 2012
Mine is surrounding my desk and spilling it my dining room. Well, some of it ;)
April 12th, 2012
@mastermek ha ha ha.... Interesting fact I saw today on smart phones. there are something like 300 million smart phones out there and there are 5.3 billion non-smart phones... I just want to know where all these non-smart phones are hiding..
April 12th, 2012
Not fare! There is also a Canon EOS lying about somewhere collection dust. Mmmm. A bit sad now I think of it...
April 12th, 2012
I wish!!! If I had the money I would lol
I do have my camera sitting beside me though and it does go everywhere with me no matter how bulky it is :)

My mum and dad still have non-smart phones ;)
April 12th, 2012
I have been very careful with my former phone. And satisfied too. It's waiting for my sons to be big enough to own their first phone. Older ones have been neatly recollected after breaking down.
April 12th, 2012
......a dog or two that have taken over your house?
April 12th, 2012
a pile of washing up and a load of laundry to fold but instead they are sitting on 365 :-P

My two camera bodies now have their own shelf. It seemed silly to keep packing them away each day but the lens - note only one that's not on the camera still live in the camera bag. I now have three pieces of material and two cushions which concludes the list of "photography equipment that I possess - and they live downstairs in the sewing room lol - so in answer to your question.... um no - but I wish I did :-)
April 12th, 2012
... a rotating disco duck.
April 12th, 2012
Vintage cameras decorating their bookshelves?

And I'm pretty sure my cell phone is a non-smart phone. It's old.
April 12th, 2012
a secret desire to make it onto the PP but hasn't yet?

@saranna so with you on the washing .. lol
April 12th, 2012
@calx to get on the pp page you have to have a lot of (faithful) followers that not only view, but fav. as well. I see many many photo's that are great, but they don't make it to the pp due to lack of views and or fav's.

Just keep on trying
April 12th, 2012
@calx so true!

a bird who loves his picture taken?

April 12th, 2012
@houdiniem I love the way your mind works......and I really want one of those.
April 12th, 2012
2 cats and 4 kittens, canon sx220 and sx30is laptop and mem stick
April 12th, 2012
@agima I have one! And so do my fiance, sister and two parents. So that's... almost 1 billionth of them located. :-D
April 12th, 2012
@shadesofgrey if you go to you may just see a video of one :)
April 12th, 2012
@agima I am an owner of a non smart phone and I stand proud :)
April 12th, 2012
... an adorable kitten!

... and one camera body, one tripod, three speelites, two stands, one shoot through umbrella, six lenses, two clamps, one super clamp...

... and another cat!
April 12th, 2012
Ridiculous amounts of batteries!!! lol
April 12th, 2012
@agima To the non-smart phone comment, I have two! :D One here with me that's a spare, and one back home that's a spare! I used to use both of them, but my parents spoil me, even when I'm moved out and gone. ._.
April 12th, 2012
@agima I have one of those non-smart phones hiding in my posession...! it's a cost $19.99 with a $20.00 rebate Samsung flip phone, which i prefer to describe as "vintage"! ;)
April 12th, 2012
My phone is dumb as dog shit.
April 12th, 2012
and doesn't everyone have several filled up 8 GB SD cards and flash drives with thousands of photos taken over the past 6 months which still need to be put onto CD's/DVD's, get print & enlargements made of, and upload images onto their websites from?! I MUST STOP TAKING SO MANY PHOTOS!! {{someday!}}
April 12th, 2012
Doesnt everybody have.........twinkies on underneath their pillow! lol!
April 12th, 2012
I still use my not so smart phone! haha
April 12th, 2012
.....a musical instrument hiding behind every piece of furniture?
as a guitarist, I have 3 stashed out of view in the living room. My other half has a keyboard, a flute and a clarinet, also stashed out of view.
My main camera and other photographic paraphernalia is also stashed behind a chair.
My other half likes to maintain a veneer of "normality"........:S
April 12th, 2012
an escape
April 12th, 2012
Doesn't everybody have a piano?!

It always takes me by surprise a bit, when I go to someone else's house, and they don't have a piano. Surely it's just such a feature of every home? (At least, it was of our home, when I was growing up - and the same was true everyone in our family, and everyone we knew back then. Or so it always seems, anyway...)
April 12th, 2012
...a million books on display?!

Similar to @manek43509's post, it really freaks me out when I go to someone's house and they have no books visible.

I have next to no camera equipment at home bar two point & shoots and a couple of smartphones, but I do have a growing desire to invest in some (but maybe I'd better start with some classes, ha!).
April 12th, 2012
@howiemarsh @manek43509 I know what you are saying about instruments and pianos. While I didn't suffer from it I knew a lot of friends did.... :)
April 12th, 2012
A drum kit in the middle of the room, a piano :) a few amps and guitars…
April 13th, 2012
...action figures and comic books and other things a 8 year old boy could only dream of...XD
April 13th, 2012
Doesn't everybody have a spuse complaining that your hobby is like a job, that you are spending too much time with it ....?
April 13th, 2012
3 floor looms, 4 spinning wheels, 5 belt looms, 7 drop spindles, a 100 year old sock knitting machine, and the mounds and pounds of yarn and fiber to keep them all nicely fed?

(Still working on gathering the camera equipment. Somehow, another loom took priority over another lens.)
April 13th, 2012
@saranna YES!! constantly! :)
@houdiniem LOL!!!
@lissamc COOL!!

Doesn't everybody have...... a 5mm thick covering of crumbs and a 70mm covering of kids toys and books across the living area floor?
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